© Copyright IBM Corp. 2006. All rights reserved. 339
Absolute and Relative Positioning 79
Access a Form through Workplace Forms API 118
Access Control Server (ACS) 23–24
Action name 217
action value 134–135, 191, 195, 225, 227
action.equa lsIgnoreCase 123–124, 185–186, 230
actionPerformed method 217
Adaptive handling of absolute and relative paths to the
stored XFDL forms 139
Add a Submit button 95
Add Layout items 78
Add Signature buttons 97
Add the CM Integration in the Form 260
Adding Input items 83
Adding input items to the Traditional Form 84
Adding input items to the Wizard Pages 86
Adding the Data Model 102
Adding the Portlet to a page 236
Adding the xmlmodelValidate Function 107
Adjustments to JSPs for Stage 2 190
Advantages of using FormBridge 69
applet 26
Application Programmer Interface (API) 21–22, 118, 145,
164, 247, 274, 277
Apply Formatting and Logic 87
Approaches to Integrating Workplace Forms 29
Approval workflow 205
approval workflow 53, 168, 180, 190, 196, 287
Approved Form Listing 143
Aspects of Integrating Workplace Forms 33
back-end system 1, 3, 107
Banking and Regulated Industries 14
base scenario 1, 53–54, 145–146, 168, 241
Building Stage 2 146, 168
complete description 241
Footprint functionality 241
Basic Architecture 23, 26
Basic Design of Content Manager Integration 253
Basic servlet methods 108
Build a toggle compute 91
Building the base scenario - Stage 1 53
Building the base scenario - Stage 2 145
Building the layout 80
Building the Servlet 108
Building the Traditional Form Page 70
business logic 1, 8, 48–49, 54–55, 127, 158, 205, 217
main part 127
business process 3, 103, 274
critical part 3
starting point 3
Calculation by decision 88
Call doc.Save 289
Calling the Web Services 199
Calls to Process Server for Real-Time Process Interaction
CGI variable 295, 313
charset 132, 137, 193, 225–226
Click-to-Action Sender
portlet 211–212
Clickwrap signature 14, 25, 99, 247
Client-Side Device / Hardware Integration 49
CM Integration 253, 334–335
J2EE stage 2 335
CM Submission servlet
sample implementation 252
codebase 2, 53, 145, 249, 273
COM interface 21, 118, 292
Common Gateway Interfaces (CGI) 22
Common scenario for Web services in Forms 170
Common XML Data Model 12
Compatible Technologies 22
config.getI nitParameter 315–316
Considerations in advance - Best Practices for
implementing the Traditional Forms and Wizard Pages
Content Manager 42, 49, 59, 105, 249–250, 334
critical requirement 249
Demo Platform 250, 252
form items 253
instance 267
Integration 251, 253
Item Type 255
servlet 266–267
submission servlet 255
test environment 267
Update existing form items 253
Workflow 51
Create a Custom Option 90
Create a scanned template 71
Create a template document 304
Create Attributes and Item Type 255
Create Multiple Signatures 98
Create Tables 148
Create template repository and form storage structure
Create used parameter documents 308
Create XML Bindings 105
Create XML Data Model 104
Created Links 139, 195
Creating a Field Calculation 87
Creating a JSP to view DB2 data 192
Creating Clickwrap Signatures 99
Creating JSPs 130
Creating new form from template embedding template in

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