Book description
For decades researchers and programmers have used SAS to analyze, summarize, and report clinical trial data. Now Chris Holland and Jack Shostak have updated their popular Implementing CDISC Using SAS, the first comprehensive book on applying clinical research data and metadata to the Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC) standards.
Implementing CDISC Using SAS: An End-to-End Guide, Second Edition, is an all-inclusive guide on how to implement and analyze the Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM) and the Analysis Data Model (ADaM) data and prepare clinical trial data for regulatory submission. Updated to reflect the 2017 FDA mandate for adherence to CDISC standards, this new edition covers creating and using metadata, developing conversion specifications, implementing and validating SDTM and ADaM data, determining solutions for legacy data conversions, and preparing data for regulatory submission. The book covers products such as Base SAS, SAS Clinical Data Integration, and the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit, as well as JMP Clinical. Topics included in this new edition include an implementation of the Define-XML 2.0 standard, new SDTM domains, validation with Pinnacle 21 software, event narratives in JMP Clinical, and of course new versions of SAS and JMP software.
Any manager or user of clinical trial data in this day and age is likely to benefit from knowing how to either put data into a CDISC standard or analyzing and finding data once it is in a CDISC format. If you are one such person--a data manager, clinical and/or statistical programmer, biostatistician, or even a clinician--then this book is for you.
Table of contents
- About the Book
- About the Authors
- Chapter 1: Implementation Strategies
- The Case for Standards
- Which Models to Use and Where
- Starting with the Clinical Data Acquisition Standards Harmonization (CDASH) Standard
- Implementation Plans and the Need for Governance
- SDTM Considerations
- ADaM Considerations
- Chapter Summary
- Chapter 2: SDTM Metadata and Define.xml for Base SAS Implementation
- SDTM Metadata
- Building Define.xml
- Chapter 3: Implementing the CDISC SDTM with Base SAS
- Base SAS Macros and Tools for SDTM Conversions
- Building SDTM Datasets
- Chapter Summary
- Chapter 4: Implementing CDISC SDTM with the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit and Base SAS
- SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit Background
- Clinical Standards Setup for Study XYZ123
- Building SDTM Datasets
- Building Define.xml
- Chapter Summary
- Chapter 5: Implementing the CDISC SDTM with SAS Clinical Data Integration
- SAS Clinical Data Integration Introduction
- SAS Clinical Data Integration Metadata
- SAS Clinical Data Integration Study Setup
Creating SDTM Domains
- Creating the Special-Purpose DM and SUPPDM Domain
- Creating the AE (Adverse Events) Events Domain
- Creating the XP Pain Scale Customized Findings Domain
- Creating the EX Exposure Interventions Domain
- Creating the LB Laboratory Findings Domain
- Creating the Trial Design Model Domains
- Using Customized Code in SDTM Production
- Templating Your SDTM Conversion Jobs for Reuse
- Using SAS Clinical Data Integration to Create Define.xml
- Chapter Summary
- Chapter 6: ADaM Metadata and ADaM Define.xml
- Metadata Spreadsheets
- Define.xml Navigation and Rendering
- Chapter Summary
- Chapter 7: Implementing ADaM with Base SAS
- ADaM Tools
- ADSL – The Subject-Level Dataset
- The ADaM Basic Data Structure (BDS)
- ADAE – Adverse Event Analysis Datasets
- ADTTE – The Time-to-Event Analysis Dataset
- Chapter Summary
- Chapter 8: CDISC Validation Using SAS
- SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit SDTM Validation
- SAS Clinical Data Integration SDTM Validation
- Chapter Summary
- Chapter 9: CDISC Validation Using Pinnacle 21 Community
- Getting Started with Pinnacle 21 Community
- ADaM Validation with Pinnacle 21 Community
- ADaM Traceability Checks with SAS
- Define.xml Validation with Pinnacle 21 Community
- Chapter Summary
- Chapter 10: CDISC Data Review and Analysis
- Safety Evaluations with JMP Clinical
- One PROC Away with ADaM Data Sets
- Transposing the Basic Data Structure for Data Review
- Chapter Summary
- Chapter 11: Integrated Data and Regulatory Submissions
- Regulatory Guidance
- Data Integration Challenges
- Data Integration Strategies
- Data Integration and Submission Tools
- Getting Submission Ready
- Chapter Summary
- Chapter 12: Other Topics
- Standard for Exchange of Non-Clinical Data
- Dataset-XML
- BRIDG Model
- Protocol Representation Model
- FDA Janus Clinical Trials Repository
- CDISC Model Versioning
- Future CDISC Directions
- Chapter Summary
- Appendix A: Source Data Programs
- adverse Dataset
- demographics Dataset
- dosing Dataset
- laboratory Dataset
- pain scores Dataset
- Appendix B: SDTM Metadata
- Appendix B.1 - Table of Contents Metadata
- Appendix B.2 - Variable-Level Metadata
- Appendix B.3 - Codelist Metadata
- Appendix B.4 - Value-Level Metadata
- Appendix B.5 - Computational Method Metadata
- Appendix B.6 - Define Header Metadata
- Appendix C: ADaM Metadata
- Appendix C.1 - Define Header Metadata
- Appendix C.2 - Table of Contents Metadata
- Appendix C.3 - Variable-Level Metadata
- Appendix C.4 - Parameter-Level Metadata
- Appendix C.5 - Computational Method Metadata
- Appendix C.6 - Codelist Metadata
- Appendix C.7 - Analysis Results Metadata
- Appendix C.8 - External Links Metadata
- Appendix D: %run_p21v.SAS macro
- %run_p21v.SAS Macro
- Index
Product information
- Title: Implementing CDISC Using SAS
- Author(s):
- Release date: November 2016
- Publisher(s): SAS Institute
- ISBN: 9781629605364
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