Chapter 2. Open Transaction Manager Access 9
Path transactions, Multiple Systems Coupling (MSC) processing, and IMS commands, can be
implemented with OTMA. OTMA does not support Message Format Service (MFS), although
MODname can be provided within the messages. This MODNAME will be placed in the
IOPCB MODNAME field so that it can be used by the IMS application.
2.2 OTMA message structure
The OTMA client communicates with IMS by sending and receiving messages. It adds the
OTMA message prefix to the input messages and it uses the message prefix to route the
output data to the originating device or program. The OTMA message prefix consists of the
following sections, shown in Figure 2-2:
Message Control Information (MCI), such as the transaction-pipe name, message type,
sequence numbers (if any), processing flag, response indicator, and chaining indicator
State data, such as map name, synchronization level and commit mode for the
transaction, various tokens, and server state
Security data, such as the type of the user information, user ID or user token, and various
security flags
User data, which is any special information needed by the client, or IMS commands to be
Figure 2-2 OTMA message structure
The message prefix is followed by the application data section of the message, which can be
the data sent to the IMS application, or the response sent to the client.
OTMA headers are written into the IMS log record type X'01' for OTMA input messages and
into the IMS log record X'03' for responses to the OTMA destination. OTMA messages can be
mapped by the DFSYMSG DSECT in IMS.SDFSMAC. For a detailed description of the
message structure, see Chapter 5 IMS Version 9: Open Transaction Manager Access Guide
and Reference, SC18-7829.
The key parameters that affect the nature of the transaction processing and the message flow
are the commit mode, synchronization level, and processing flag. Not all of the combinations
of these parameter values are valid. For example, the synchronization level is ignored for the
commit-then-send commit mode (sync level
confirm is always used), and synchronized
Tpipes can only be used with commit-then-send mode. The send-then-commit mode must be
used for IMS conversational and Fast Path expedited message handling (EMH) transactions.
Here is a brief explanation of these key parameter values:
Commit mode (synchronization flag in state data portion of the OTMA headers), as shown
in Table 2-1 on page 10
< ------------------------------------ OTMA PREFIX -------------------------->
Message Control
State Prefix Security Data User Data Application