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Appendix B. IMS RDS application example
The following samples illustrate simple IMS database access (query only) through the IMS
Remote Database Services (RDS). We use a Web application that consists of HTML,
servlets, and JSP for this purpose. The servlets have the JDBC access code for the IMS
database access. We developed these materials in the Rational Application Developer for
Windows product. You can download the materials in the Rational Application Developer
project interchange format from the following IBM Redbook Web site:
Table B-1 lists the sample source components.
Table B-1 IMS RDS sample source
Resource Description
ImsRdsSampleGlobal.java Servlet for IMS JDBC access with global transaction semantics
ImsRdsSample.java Servlet for IMS JDBC access with local transaction semantics
GlobalInput.html HTML document that invokes the servlet for global transaction
LocalInput.html HTML document that invokes the servlet for local transaction
Output.jsp JSP file for display the results