502 IMS Connectivity in an On Demand Environment: A Practical Guide to IMS Connectivity
System.out.println("IMS RDS Servlet : Caught exception in final section is: " + t);
RequestDispatcher disp = arg0.getRequestDispatcher("Output.jsp");
System.out.println("IMS RDS Servlet : Success Dispatch Result");
System.out.println("IMS RDS Servlet : End" );
ImsJavaRdsSample.java is the servlet for the IMS JDBC access with the local transaction
semantics, as shown in Example B-2.
Example: B-2 ImsJavaRdsSample.java
package imsRds;
import java.io.IOException;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher;
import javax.servlet.Servlet;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.sql.*;
import javax.sql.*;
public class ImsRdsSample extends HttpServlet implements Servlet {
DataSource dataSource;
public void init() throws ServletException {
try {
//Obtain the initial JNDI Naming context for JDBC Connection
System.out.println("IMS RDS Servlet : Start ");
Context initialContext = new InitialContext();
dataSource = (DataSource)initialContext.lookup("java:comp/env/imsjavaRDSRedBook");
System.out.println("IMS RDS Servlet : Success Create DataSource");
}catch (Exception e){
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest arg0, HttpServletResponse arg1)
throws ServletException, IOException {
Connection connection = null;
Statement statement = null;
ResultSet results = null;
String LastName = null;
Appendix B. IMS RDS application example 503
String FirstName = null;
String Extension = null;
String ZipCode = null;
//Get JDBC Conneciton
connection = dataSource.getConnection();
System.out.println("IMS RDS Servlet : Success Get Connection");
//Get Key Value from Input Page
String keyValue = arg0.getParameter("keyValue").trim();
//Issue SQL
String queryString = "SELECT * FROM PhoneBook.Person "
+ "WHERE Person.LastName = '" + keyValue + "'";
statement = connection.createStatement();
results = statement.executeQuery(queryString);
//Get Output
while(results.next()) {
LastName = results.getString("Person.LastName");
FirstName = results.getString("Person.FirstName");
Extension = results.getString("Person.Extension");
ZipCode = results.getString("Person.ZipCode");
System.out.println("IMS RDS Servlet : Success Get Result");
//Commit LocalTransaction
System.out.println("IMS RDS Servlet : Success Commit LocalTransaction");
//Set the result to the JSP
arg0.setAttribute("OUT__LastName", LastName);
arg0.setAttribute("OUT__FirstName", FirstName);
arg0.setAttribute("OUT__Extension", Extension);
arg0.setAttribute("OUT__ZipCode", ZipCode);
} catch (Exception e) {
//RollBack LocalTransaciton
System.out.println("IMS RDS Servlet : Success Rollback LocalTransaction");
//Close JDBC Resources
if (statement != null) {statement.close();}
if (connection != null) {connection.close();}
System.out.println("IMS RDS Servlet : Caught exception in main section is: " + e);
} catch (Exception s){
System.out.println("IMS RDS Servlet : Caught exception in rollback section is: " + s);
} finally {
//Close JDBC Resources
if (statement != null) {statement.close();}
if (connection != null) {connection.close();}
RequestDispatcher disp = arg0.getRequestDispatcher("Output.jsp");
System.out.println("IMS RDS Servlet : Success Dispatch Result");

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