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Chapter 7. IMS Connect programming
IMS Connect receives data from a TCP/IP client, performs basic editing and translation,
invokes security, and prepares the message in the OTMA format. Response messages from
IMS are also prepared into a format that the TCP/IP client understands. Before you start
coding the your own TCP/IP client programs, you must know the following information:
The message structures that are allowed by IMS Connect and user exits
The relationship between the client application and IMS application, OTMA commit mode,
and IMS transaction mode
The socket types supported by IMS Connect
The asynchronous output function supported by IMS Connect
This chapter describes how a TCP/IP to IMS connection is established and how the client and
server exchange application data. The descriptions in this chapter are generic. If you are
interested about how to program an IMS Connect client, refer to Chapter 12, “IMS Connector
for Java” on page 221 if you are using IMS Connector for Java, or to Chapter 14, “Building roll
your own clients” on page 265 if you are writing your own client.