Chapter 4Inbound Assessment and the MSPOT

Many organizational leaders and business owners buy into the inbound philosophy. To become an inbound organization, leaders must first commit to being an inbound organization, live the values, set the direction, and translate these ideas into an actual plan that is implemented, managed, and supported by everyone.

A cohesive leadership team that intends to become an inbound organization should follow the steps outlined in the next six chapters.

  1. Assess your current capabilities and build your MSPOT (Chapter 4)
  2. Start with your mission (Chapter 5)
  3. Build a culture that reflects inbound values (Chapter 6)
  4. Adopt inbound decision making (Chapter 7)
  5. Create an inbound operating system (Chapter 8)
  6. Find inbound people (Chapter 9)

Inbound Organization Assessment

Step one is to make a comprehensive assessment of your entire organization. Using the questions and statements in Table 4.1, review how your company and management team conducts business today. This assessment is a quick tool that will help you identify strengths and weaknesses within your organization in relation to inbound principles. It provides a SWOT-like analysis to pinpoint the fundamental building blocks you will need to put in place to evolve into an inbound organization.

Table 4.1 Inbound Organization Assessment

Does your company have a customer-focused mission that employees can rally around?
1 2 3 4 5
We are in business solely to make money. We have a mission statement ...

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