Annotated Bibliography
If you can’t annoy somebody, there is little point in writing.
—Kingsley Amis
[1] 3GPP home page, at Cited on page 381
[2] @stake LC 5, at Cited on page 241
- Prior to being acquired by Symantec, @stake was a leading security company. At one time they made news for supposedly firing a top-notch security expert for his implicit criticism of Microsoft (see, for example,
[3] M. Abadi and R. Needham, Prudent engineering practice for cryptographic protocols, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 22, No.1, pp. 6–15, January 1996. Cited on page 314
[4] E. Aboufadel, Work by the Poles to break the Enigma codes, at Cited on page 176
- A brief description of the brilliant work by the Polish cryptanalysts.
[5] Access control matrix, at Cited on page 271
[6] E. Ackerman, Student skirts CD’s piracy guard,, at–5/1008w.html#item2 Cited on page 471
- The classic “hold down the shift key” attack on a DRM system.
[7] AES algorithm (Rijndael) information, at Cited on page 67
- A good place to tap into the wealth of information available on Rijndael and the AES.
[8] Aleph One, Smashing the stack for fun and profit, Phrack, Volume Seven, Issue Forty-Nine, File 14 of 16, at ...