Informix Dynamic Server V10 . . . Extended Functionality for Modern Business

Book description

This IBM Redbooks publication provides an overview of the Informix Dynamic Server (IDS), Version 10. IDS provides the reliability, flexibility, and ease of maintenance that can enable you to adapt to new customer requirements. It is well known for its blazing online transaction processing (OLTP) performance, legendary reliability, and nearly hands-free administration for businesses of all sizes--all while simplifying and automating enterprise database deployment.

Version 10 offers significant improvements in performance, availability, security, and manageability, including patent-pending technology that virtually eliminates downtime and automates many of the tasks that are associated with deploying mission-critical enterprise systems. New features speed application development, enable more robust enterprise data replication, and enable improved programmer productivity through support of IBM Rational development tools, JDBC 3.0, and Microsoft .NET as examples. Version 10 provides a robust foundation for e-business infrastructures with optimized Java support, IBM WebSphere certification, and XML and Web services support.

Ready for service-oriented architecture (SOA)? This book also includes descriptions and demonstrations of support that are specific to IDS for an SOA.

Table of contents

  1. Notices
    1. Trademarks
  2. Preface
    1. The team that wrote this IBM Redbook
    2. Become a published author
    3. Comments welcome
  3. Chapter 1: IDS essentials
    1. Informix Dynamic Server architecture
      1. DSA components: processor
      2. DSA components: dynamic shared memory
      3. DSA components: intelligent data fragmentation
      4. Using the strengths of DSA
      5. An introduction to IDS extensibility (1/2)
      6. An introduction to IDS extensibility (2/2)
    2. Informix Dynamic Server Editions and Functionality
      1. Informix Dynamic Server Express Edition (IDS-Express)
      2. Informix Dynamic Server Workgroup Edition
      3. Informix Dynamic Server Enterprise Edition
    3. New features in Informix Dynamic Server V10
      1. Performance
      2. Security
      3. Administration and usability
      4. Availability
      5. Enterprise replication
  4. Chapter 2: Fast implementation
    1. How can I get there from here
      1. In-place upgrades
      2. Migrations (1/2)
      3. Migrations (2/2)
    2. Things to think about first
      1. Physical server components
      2. Instance and database design
      3. Backup and recovery considerations
    3. Installation and initialization
    4. Administration and monitoring utilities (1/2)
    5. Administration and monitoring utilities (2/2)
  5. Chapter 3: The SQL language
    1. The CASE clause
    2. The TRUNCATE TABLE command
      1. The syntax of the command
      2. The DROP TABLE command versus the DELETE command versus the TRUNCATE TABLE command
      3. The basic truncation
      4. TRUNCATE and transactions
    3. Pagination
      1. Pagination examples
      2. Pagination for database and Web applications
      3. Pagination as in IDS: SKIP m FIRST n
      4. Reserved words: SKIP, FIRST. Or is it?
      5. Working with data subsets
      6. Performance considerations
    4. Sequences
    5. Collection data types
      1. Validity of collection data types
      2. LIST, SET, and MULTISET
    6. Distributed query support
      1. Types and models of distributed queries
      2. The concept
      3. New extended data types support
      4. DML query support
      5. DDL queries support
      6. Miscellaneous query support
      7. Distinct type query support
      8. In summary
    7. External Optimizer Directives
      1. What are external optimizer directives
      2. Parameters for external directives
      3. Creating and saving the external directive
      4. Disabling or deleting an external directive
    8. SQL performance improvements
      1. Configurable memory allocation
      2. View folding (1/2)
      3. View folding (2/2)
      4. ANSI JOIN optimization for distributed queries (1/2)
      5. ANSI JOIN optimization for distributed queries (2/2)
  6. Chapter 4: Extending IDS for business advantages
    1. Why extensibility
      1. Date manipulation example
      2. Fabric classification example
      3. Risk calculation example
    2. IDS extensibility features
      1. Data types
      2. Routines
      3. Indexing
      4. Other capabilities
    3. Extending IDS
      1. DataBlades (1/2)
      2. DataBlades (2/2)
    4. A case for extensibility
  7. Chapter 5: Functional extensions to IDS
    1. Installation and registration
    2. Built-in DataBlades
      1. The Large Object Locator module
      2. The MQ DataBlade module
    3. Free-of-charge DataBlades
      1. The Spatial DataBlade module
    4. Chargeable DataBlades
      1. Excalibur Text search
      2. The Geodetic DataBlade module
      3. The Timeseries DataBlade module
      4. Timeseries Real Time Loader
      5. The Web DataBlade module
    5. Conclusion
  8. Chapter 6: Development tools and interfaces
    1. IDS V10 software development overview
      1. IBM supported APIs and tools for IDS V10
      2. Embedded SQL for C (ESQL/C) - CSDK
      3. The IBM Informix JDBC 3.0 driver - CSDK
      4. IBM Informix .NET provider - CSDK
      5. IBM Informix ODBC 3.0 driver - CSDK
      6. IBM Informix OLE DB provider - CSDK
      7. IBM Informix Object Interface for C++ - CSDK
      8. IBM Informix 4GL
      9. IBM Enterprise Generation Language
      10. IBM Informix Embedded SQL for Cobol (ESQL/Cobol)
    2. Additional tools and APIs for IDS V10
      1. IDS V10 and PHP support
      2. PERL and DBD::Informix
      3. Tcl/Tk and the Informix (isqltcl) extension
      4. Python, Informix DB-2.2 and IDS V10
      5. IDS V10 and the Hibernate Java framework
  9. Chapter 7: Data encryption
    1. Scope of encryption
    2. Data encryption and decryption
    3. Retrieving encrypted data
    4. Indexing encrypted data
    5. Hiding encryption with views
    6. Managing passwords
      1. General password usage
      2. The number and form of passwords
      3. Password expiration
      4. Where to record the passwords
      5. Using password hints
    7. Making room for encrypted data
      1. Determining the size of encrypted data
      2. Errors when the space is too small
    8. Processing costs for encryption and decrypting
  10. Chapter 8: Authentication approaches
    1. Overall security policy
    2. To trust or not to trust, that is the question
      1. Complete trust
      2. Partial trust
      3. No trust at all
      4. Impersonating a user
    3. Basic OS password authentication
    4. Encrypting passwords during transmission
    5. Using pluggable authentication modules (PAMs)
      1. Basic configuration
      2. Using password authentication
      3. Using challenge-response authentication
      4. Application considerations for challenge-response
    6. Using an LDAP directory
    7. Roles
      1. Default roles
  11. Chapter 9: Legendary backup and restore
    1. IDS backup and restore technologies
      1. Cold, warm, and hot as well as granularity
      2. Ontape
      3. ON-Bar utility suite
      4. External backups
    2. Executing backup and restore operations
      1. Creating a backup
      2. Verifying backups
      3. Restoring from a backup
    3. New functionality
      1. Ontape to STDIO
      2. Table Level Point-in-Time Restore (TLR) (1/2)
      3. Table Level Point-in-Time Restore (TLR) (2/2)
  12. Chapter 10: Really easy administration
    1. Flexible fragmentation strategies
      1. Introduction to fragmentation
      2. Fragmentation strategies
      3. Table and index creation
      4. Alter fragment examples
      5. System catalog information for fragments
      6. SQEXPLAIN output
      7. Applying new fragment methods after database conversion
      8. Oncheck utility output
      9. Fragmentation strategy guidelines
    2. Shared memory management
      1. Database shared memory
      2. Managing shared memory
      3. Setting SQL statement cache parameters
    3. Configurable page size and buffer pools
      1. Why configurable page size
      2. Advantages of using the configurable page size feature
      3. Specifying page size
    4. Dynamic OPTCOMPIND
  13. Chapter 11: IDS delivers services (SOA)
    1. An introduction to SOA
      1. An SOA example: an Internet bookstore
      2. What are Web services
    2. IDS 10 as a Web service provider
      1. IDS Web services based on Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs)
      2. IDS and simple Java Beans Web services
      3. IDS 10 and EGL Web services
      4. EGL Web service providing
      5. IDS 10 and WORF (DADX Web services) (1/4)
      6. IDS 10 and WORF (DADX Web services) (2/4)
      7. IDS 10 and WORF (DADX Web services) (3/4)
      8. IDS 10 and WORF (DADX Web services) (4/4)
      9. IDS 10 and other Web services environments (.NET, PHP)
    3. IDS 10 as a Web service consumer
      1. Utilizing IDS and Apache’s AXIS for Web service consumption
      2. Configuring IDS 10 and AXIS 1.3 for the examples
      3. The IDS 10 / AXIS Web service consumer development steps
      4. The AXIS WSDL2Java tool
      5. A simple IDS 10 / AXIS Web service consumer example (1/2)
      6. A simple IDS 10 / AXIS Web service consumer example (2/2)
      7. Consume Web services with IDS and the gSOAP C/C++ toolkit
      8. Configuration of IDS 10 and gSOAP for the examples
      9. The IDS 10 / gSOAP Web service consumer development steps
      10. A simple IDS 10 / gSOAP Web service consumer example (1/3)
      11. A simple IDS 10 / gSOAP Web service consumer example (2/3)
      12. A simple IDS 10 / gSOAP Web service consumer example (3/3)
  14. Appendix A: IDS Web service consumer code examples
    1. IDS10 / gSOAP Web service consumer: udr.c
    2. A makefile to create the StockQuote example on Linux
  15. Glossary
  16. Abbreviations and acronyms
  17. Related publications
    1. IBM Redbooks
    2. Other publications
    3. Online resources
    4. How to get IBM Redbooks
    5. Help from IBM
  18. Index (1/3)
  19. Index (2/3)
  20. Index (3/3)
  21. Back cover

Product information

  • Title: Informix Dynamic Server V10 . . . Extended Functionality for Modern Business
  • Author(s): Chuck Ballard, Carlton Doe, Alexander Koerner, Anup Nair, Jacques Roy, Dick Snoke, Ravi ViJay
  • Release date: December 2006
  • Publisher(s): IBM Redbooks
  • ISBN: None