What do award-winning companies know that eludes many of today’s executives? How do they organize and innovate to achieve outstanding results in their fields of endeavor? What core and innovative processes and best practices do they have in common that they can leverage in challenging times to achieve success? How have they overcome what a recent CEO study calls the “change gap,” or the ability to innovate and change in a challenging market?
In good times, strengths and weaknesses of a business model are often overlooked. In bad times, as with the global recession, weaknesses often come to the forefront. Market forces and prolonged recession have caused organizations to rethink their business models and innovate through best practices. I was intrigued by how several companies have thrived and innovated, particularly in one of the worst recessions since the Great Depression. Leaders were kind enough to share their stories with me. Research in this book focuses on core best practices from my first book
1 and on how award-winning organizations have developed dozens of new, innovative best practices not only to survive but also to lead their sectors.
That some should be rich shows that others may become rich, and, hence, is just encouragement to industry and enterprise.
—Abraham Lincoln
What about the First Book?
My first book, Five Key Principles of Corporate Performance Management, was published in January 2007 and to my surprise was the number 1 release ...