Chapter 58. Promoting Interviews Using Postal Centers

New information about instant interviews goes on in private postal centers every day!

In this Do, I'll show you how to get that information. You must know the right places, find the right people, treat them right, and ask the right way.

Follow this formula.

Pick an Independent Postal Center

Almost all postal centers are either independently owned franchises or independent.

There's a big difference for interviewing lead purposes.

Franchises have detailed privacy procedures they must follow. Therefore, don't expect to learn of any box holders looking for help or expanding.

Independent postal centers are just the opposite. The owners are usually on the premises and have other businesses there. These businesses vary from dry cleaners in office buildings to storefront operations that do photocopying.

They see, hear, and talk to a large volume of people every day, and they know what mail comes in. From past-due notices to checks.

They gladly put customer flyers, brochures, and cards in all the boxes to help customers promote their businesses.

I had an independent for years. He'd call me up and say, "You've got an overnight package. Two checks came in. And this letter looks like it's from a new client."

I thought that was so comical. He said it like he had opened my mail. It never occurred to him that maybe I didn't want him to know what I was receiving!

He became a valuable partner.

I'll discuss how to do that shortly, but first . . .

Pick the Location ...

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