Alexander, Lamar, 188

Alvarado, Teresa, 75

American Bar Association (ABA), 127128

Anderson, Eugene, 183, 198, 207

antifraud laws, 20

appeals, 181182

Appleby, Julie, 184185

Arriaga, Maria Elena, 66, 7172

attorney-client privilege, 127128

Ayala, Oscar, 66


bad-faith laws, 53, 205

Baldwin, Michael, 191

Belth, Joseph, 197198


individual long-term, 51

recovery, 83

residual disability, 83

SSI, 124

termination of, 18, 19, 52, 177

Bernard, Lori, 4041, 47, 64, 105

Berry, Linda, 108110

Bianchi, John, 34, 35, 3637, 110111

Bismarck, Otto, 6

bottomry contracts, 5

Bourhis, Ray, xixv, 64

Boxer, Barbara, 205

Bradley, Ed, 174, 180

Brazina, Gary, 192

burden of proof, 114

Burg, Jonathan, 176

Burr, Cheryl, 66, 74

Bush, G. W., 209 ...

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