
5837 digital noise generator, 59, 174
8008 system, 3
8008A system, 3
8086 processor, 101
8088 system, 33, 219
8255 PPI, 3–5, 18, 100
80286 processor, 102
80287 numeric data processor, 102


Active-Filter Cookbook (Lancaster), 222
AD574A interface, 41, 190
software-based comparator, 44
AD585 amplifier, 41
AD590 temperature transducer, 63, 190, 192, 194, 197
AD7226 D-to-A converter, 207, 221
AD7820 half-flash converter, 38, 68, 100, 136, 150, 152, 220
Address operator, 33
Address space, 5, 7
ADSP-21xx DSP, 248
ADSP-21020 DSP, 248
Aliases, 152
Aliasing, 94, 105, 114, 222
cause of signal corruption, 67, 68, 220
definition, 292
Amplitude attenuation, 105, 108, 113, 128, 174, 245
Amplitude ratio, 230
Analogue filters, 104
Analogue-to-digital ...

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