
A.1. Categories of industrial goods (industrial codes and titles)

Low tech goods
ISIC 311 Agrifood industries
ISIC 313 Beverages
ISIC 321 Textile industry
ISIC 322 Clothing, excluding shoes
ISIC 323 Leather industry, excluding shoes and clothing
ISIC 331 Wood industry, excluding furniture
ISIC 332 Furniture and wood accessories manufacturing
ISIC 341 Paper and paper products manufacturing
ISIC 342 Printing and Publishing
Medium tech goods
ISIC 355 Rubber industry
ISIC 356 Plastic products n.e.c.
ISIC 369 Other non-metallic mineral products
ISIC 371 Steel industry
ISIC 372 Non-ferrous metal manufacturing
ISIC 381 Metal products, excluding machinery
ISIC 384 Transport equipment
High tech goods
ISIC 351 Chemical industry
ISIC 352 Manufacturing of other chemicals
ISIC 382 Non-electrical machinery manufacturing
ISIC 383 Electrical machinery manufacturing
ISIC 385 Precision equipment manufacturing

A.2. Country codes (in bold: Africa: in italics: EU15)

1 'AFG' Afghanistan
2 'AGO' Angola
3 'ALB' Albania
4 'AND' Andorra
5 'ARE' United Arab Emirates
6 'ARG' Argentina
7 'ATG' Antigua-and-Barbuda
8 'AUS' Australia
9 'AUT' Austria
10 'BDI' Burundi
11 'BEN' Benin
12 'BFA' Burkina Faso
13 'BGD' Bangladesh
14 'BGR' Bulgaria
15 'BHR' Bahrain
16 'BHS' Bahamas
17 'BLX' Belgium and Luxembourg
18 'BLZ' Belize
19 'BMU' Bermuda
20 'BOL' Plurinational State of Bolivia
21 'BRA' Brazil

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