Non-Interactive Downloads Using wget

Manually saving individual pages from a browser works fine when you are only looking at a few. At some point you will want to automate the process, especially when you want to archive an entire site. wget is the perfect tool for automating these downloads, so I will spend a few pages describing how it can be used.

wget is a Unix command-line tool for the non-interactive download of web pages. You can download from, if your system does not already have it installed. A binary for Microsoft Windows is also available. It is a very flexible tool with a host of options listed in its manual page.

Downloading a Single Page

Capturing a single web page with wget is straightforward. Give it a URL, with no other options, and it will download the page into the current working directory with the same filename as that on the web site:

               % wget
               => `index.html'
    Connecting to[]:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 54,774 [text/html]

    54,774       135.31K/s

    08:52:07 (134.96 KB/s) - `index.html' saved [54774/54774]

Using the -nv option (non-verbose) suppresses most of these status messages, and the -q option silences it completely.

Saving the file with the same name might be a problem ...

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