Creating a simple doorbell application with text messaging

To create our simple doorbell application do the following:

  1. Open up Thonny from Application Menu | Programming | Thonny Python IDE
  2. Click on the New icon to create a new file
  3. Type the following:
from import Clientfrom gpiozero import RGBLEDfrom gpiozero import Buzzerfrom bluedot import BlueDotfrom signal import pausefrom time import sleepclass Doorbell:    account_sid = ''    auth_token = ''    from_phonenumber=''    test_env = True    led = RGBLED(red=17, green=22, blue=27)    buzzer = Buzzer(26)    num_of_rings = 0    ring_delay = 0    msg = ''        def __init__(self,                  num_of_rings = 1,                  ring_delay = 1,                  message = 'ring',                  test_env = True):        self.num_of_rings = num_of_rings self.ring_delay = ring_delay ...

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