Generally, scalability testing can be performed by following these steps.
1. Specify a procedure which is easily repeatable and performs tests of scalability during
the complete lifecycle of the application.
2. Assess the scalability criteria.
3. Choose the tools which will be used for running the load test.
4. Adjust the environment of testing and perform a hardware configuration to run
scalability tests.
5. Along with the test scenarios, scalability tests should also be planned out.
6. Generate and validate the relevant reports.
Prior to the tests’ creation, design a comprehensive test plan so your tests follow the require-
ments of the IoT application. To create a test plan, consider the following.
There should be a comprehensive guideline in the test script which can assess the
number of actions which are performed by a user.
Information about run-time data should be determined by the text plan for the
application interaction.
When varying data is required for run-time, the tester has to understand all the aspects
where data is required.
Quick Challenge
Take an example of a real life IoT implementation and note down all the possible issues
related to scalability. List all the steps one can take to test scalability potential of the im-
Compatibility Testing
Compatibility refers to having the functionality which can help in co-existence. Compatibility
testing is an IoT testing type which can help to assess the capability of IoT and firmware running
with various applications, operating systems, hardware, IoT devices, and network environ-
ments. Such testing falls into the range of non-functional testing. It is further split up into the
Software: It assesses the designed software and ensures that it works well with other
software in the IoT infrastructure.
Operating systems: It determines whether or not your software works fine with the OS
of the IoT infrastructure.
Hardware: It assesses the compatibility of the software with various configurations of
the hardware.
Network: It performs an analysis of the system performance with a network while
testing multiple parameters like capacity, operating speed, and bandwidth. Additionally,
it also assesses various networks and their applications.
Browser: It assesses the IoT system’s website compatibility using website browsers like
Chrome, Firefox, and IE.
Devices: It performs software compatibility test for dierent IoT devices.
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