Chapter 7. Security

Istio’s security capabilities are evolving quickly, and as of this writing, the Access Control List (ACL) is one of the primary tools to inject security constructs into the application with zero impact to the actual programming logic. In this chapter, we explore the concepts of blacklist and whitelist.


Let’s begin with the concept of the blacklist, conditionally denying requests using Mixer selectors. The blacklist is explicit denials of particular invocation paths. In the example that follows, we want to explicitly close the route from customer to preference. In this case, any requests from the customer to preference would return the HTTP error 403 Forbidden. Establishing this requires the use of three different kinds of Istio-mixer configurations: denier, checknothing, and rule:

apiVersion: ""
kind: denier
  name: denycustomerhandler
    code: 7
    message: Not allowed
apiVersion: ""
kind: checknothing
  name: denycustomerrequests
apiVersion: ""
kind: rule
  name: denycustomer
  match: destination.labels["app"] == "preference" &&
  - handler: denycustomerhandler.denier
    instances: [ denycustomerrequests.checknothing ]

You use istioctl to establish the denier-checknothing-rule:

istioctl create -f istiofiles/acl-blacklist.yml -n tutorial

Next, attempt to curl the customer endpoint:

curl customer-tutorial.$(minishift ...

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