The compressibility of a uid is basically a measure of the change in density that will be
produced in the uid by a specied change in pressure. Gases are, in general, highly com-
pressible whereas most liquids have a very low compressibility. Now, in a uid ow there
are usually changes in pressure associated, for example, with changes in the velocity in the
ow. These pressure changes will, in general, induce density changes, which will have an
inuence on the ow, i.e., the compressibility of the uid involved will have an inuence
on the ow. If these density changes are important, the temperature changes in the ow
that arise due to the kinetic energy changes associated with the velocity changes also usu-
ally inuence the ow, i.e., when compressibility is important, the temperature changes in
the ow are usually important. Although the density changes in a ow eld can be very
important, there exist many situations of great practical importance in which the effects
of these density and temperature changes are negligible. Classical incompressible uid
mechanics deals with such ows in which the pressure and kinetic energy changes are
so small that the effects of the consequent density and temperature changes on the uid
ow are negligible, i.e., the ow can be assumed to be incompressible. There are, how-
ever, a number of ows that are of great practical importance in which this assumption is
not adequate, the density and temperature changes being so large that they have a very
signicant inuence on the ow. In such cases, it is necessary to study the thermodynam-
ics of the ow simultaneously with its dynamics. The study of these ows in which the
changes in density and temperature are important is basically what is known as compress-
ible uid ow or gas dynamics, it usually only being in gas ows that compressibility effects
are important.
The fact that compressibility effects can have a large inuence on a uid ow can be
seen by considering the three aircraft shown in Figure 1.1. The rst of the aircraft shown
in Figure 1.1 is designed for relatively low speed ight. It has straight wings, it is propel-
ler driven, and the fuselage (the body of the aircraft) has a “rounded” nose. The second
aircraft is designed for higher speeds. It has swept wings and tail surfaces and is powered
by turbojet engines. However, the fuselage still has a “rounded” nose and the intakes to
the engines also have rounded edges, which are approximately at right angles to the direc-
tion of ight. The third aircraft is designed for very-high-speed ight. It has highly swept
wings and a sharp nose, and the air intakes to the engines have sharp edges and are of
complex shape. These differences between the aircraft are mainly because compressibility
effects become increasingly important as the ight speed increases.
Although the most obvious applications of compressible uid ow theory are in the
design of high speed aircraft, and this remains an important application of the subject, a