9.8 Exercises

  1. The ciphertext 5859 was obtained from the RSA algorithm using n=11413 and e=7467. Using the factorization 11413=101113, find the plaintext.

  2. Bob sets up a budget RSA cryptosystem. He chooses p=23 and q=19 and computes n=437=pq. He chooses the encryption exponent to be e=397. Alice sends Bob the ciphertext c=123. What is the plaintext? (You know p, q, and e).

  3. Suppose your RSA modulus is n=55=5×11 and your encryption exponent is e=3.

    1. Find the decryption exponent d.

    2. Assume that gcd(m, 55)=1. Show that if cm3(mod 55) is the ciphertext, then the plaintext is mcd(mod 55). Do not quote the fact that RSA decryption works. That is what you are showing in this specific case.

  4. Bob’s RSA modulus is 979=11×89 and his encryption ...

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