13.6 Exercises

  1. Show that if someone discovers the value of k used in the ElGamal signature scheme, then a can also be determined if gcd(r, p1) is small.

  2. Alice signs the hash of a message. Suppose her hash function satisfies h(x)2x  (mod 101) and 1h(x)100 for all x. Suppose m is a valid signed message from Alice. Give another message m1 for which the same signature is also valid.

  3. Alice says that she is willing to sign a petition to save koala bears. Alice’s signing algorithm uses a hash function that has an output of 60 bits (and she signs the hash of the document). Describe how Eve can trick Alice into signing a statement allowing Eve unlimited withdrawals from Alice’s bank account.

  4. Alice uses RSA signatures (without a hash function).

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