Saw mill operation, 22–23
Scalar matrix, 616
Scalar operation, 414
Scalarization methods, 551
Scaling of design variables, 315–318
example—effect of scaling of design variables, 315–317, 317–318
Search direction determination, 318–324, 324–328
Search method, neighborhood, 525
alternate equal interval, 288–289
equal interval, 286–288, 657–660
golden section, 289–293, 660
inaccurate line, 309–310
pure random, 573
steepest descent, 660–669
Second-order information, 179
Second-ordered conditions for constrained optimization, 179–184
Section search, golden, 660
Sequencing-type problems, GA for, 538–539
Sequential linear programming (SLP) algorithm, 352–358
basic idea—move limits, 352–353 ...

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