iOS 6 App Development Fundamentals I and II LiveLessons (Sneak Peek Video Training)

Video description

iOS 6 App Development Fundamentals LiveLessonsis unique among iOS videos published today, because it is the only one that takes a complete “app-driven” approach to teaching iOS programming. Each new technology concept is discussed in the context of a fully tested iOS 6 app, complete detailed code walkthroughs and sample outputs. Paul Deitel expertly walks the viewers through over 8,000 lines of fully-tested iOS 6 program code. The apps that viewers learn to build include:

Spot-On Game
Route Tracker
Tip Calculator
Cannon Game
Favorite Twitter® Searches
Voice Recorder
Flag Quiz Game
Address Book
Twitter® Discount Airfares
iPad Weatherbug Weather App

Key iOS 6 technologies covered in this LiveLesson include:
• Xcode 4.5, Interface Builder, Objective-C, Cocoa Touch®, iOS Simulator
• Storyboarding, Segues, Auto Layout, Accessibility, Internationalization
• Application Templates, Universal Apps
• Social Framework, iCloud Key-Value Storage
• Automatic Reference Counting (ARC), Collections, iOS Defaults System
• GUI, Views, View Controllers, Outlets, Actions, Event Handling

About the Author:

Paul J. Deitel, CEO and CTO of Deitel and Associates, is a graduate of MIT's Sloan School of Management, where he studied Information Technology. He has been designated by Sun Microsystems as a Java Champion and by Microsoft as a C# MVP.

About Sneak Peek:

Sneak Peek videos are available to Safari Books Online subscribers offering early access to the very latest information on a given topic. Sneak Peek videos do not include post-production editing and may include further revisions before the video is complete.

Table of contents

  1. Introduction to iOS 6 App Development Fundamentals LiveLessons I and II
    1. Introduction 00:13:10
  2. Lesson 1: Setting Up Your Environment
    1. Lesson introduction 00:00:39
    2. Setting up your iOS 6 development environment 00:07:01
  3. Lesson 2: Test Driving the SpotOn Game App
    1. Lesson introduction 00:01:35
    2. Opening a project and overviewing the Xcode IDE 00:06:18
    3. Running the SpotOn app on the iOS simulator 00:06:28
    4. Changing the iOS simulator “hardware” 00:04:57
  4. Lesson 3: Welcome App
    1. Lesson introduction 00:04:15
    2. Test-driving the Welcome app 00:05:48
    3. Creating an iOS app project using an Xcode template 00:11:36
    4. Configuring the app for portrait and landscape orientations 00:04:10
    5. Adding an image to the project 00:02:30
    6. Opening the MainStoryboard_iPhone.storyboard 00:07:12
    7. Adding an Image View to the scene and configuring the Image View’s attributes using Xcode inspectors 00:04:26
    8. Adding a Label to the scene, sizing it and configuring its attributes 00:09:27
    9. Designing the iPad GUI 00:07:24
    10. Running the Welcome app on a device 00:10:40
    11. Making the Welcome app accessible 00:07:42
    12. Internationalizing the Welcome app 00:09:33
  5. Lesson 4: Tip Calculator App
    1. Lesson introduction 00:05:17
    2. Test-driving the Tip Calculator app 00:07:07
    3. Creating and configuring the iOS app project using an Xcode template 00:06:00
    4. Building the GUI: Adding the Label That Displays the Formatted User Input 00:08:27
    5. Building the GUI: Adding the “Bill Total” Label 00:02:11
    6. Building the GUI: Adding the “10%”, “15%” and “20%” Labels 00:02:52
    7. Building the GUI: Creating the Labels That Display the 10%, 15% and 20% Tips and Totals 00:05:14
    8. Building the GUI: Creating the “Tip” and “Total” Labels to the Left of the Yellow Labels 00:00:59
    9. Building the GUI: Creating the Custom Tip Percentage GUI Components 00:02:06
    10. Building the GUI: Creating the Labels for Displaying the Custom Tip and Total Amounts 00:01:08
    11. Building the GUI: Creating the Text Field for Receiving User Input 00:02:46
    12. Creating outlets with Interface Builder 00:19:44
    13. Creating actions with Interface Builder 00:07:24
    14. Class TCViewController: Header 00:06:32
    15. Class TCViewController: Private interface and the beginning of Its implementation 00:08:40
    16. Class TCViewController: Overridden viewDidLoad method 00:04:56
    17. Class TCViewController: Action method calculateTip: 00:21:02
    18. Class TCViewController: Method currencyStringWithNumber: 00:02:20
  6. Lesson 5: Favorite Twitter® Searches App
    1. Lesson introduction 00:10:25
    2. Test-driving the Favorite Twitter Searches app, Part I 00:06:23
    3. Test-driving the Favorite Twitter Searches app, Part II 00:03:26
    4. Creating and configuring the iOS app project using an Xcode template 00:02:51
    5. Adding Images and an Overview of the Utility Application template 00:10:03
    6. Building the Main View's GUI, Step 1: Removing the Info Button 00:00:56
    7. Building the Main View's GUI, Step 2: Setting the View’s Background Color 00:00:41
    8. Building the Main View's GUI, Step 3: Adding the “Favorite Twitter Searches” Label 00:02:24
    9. Building the Main View's GUI, Step 4: Adding the First Text Field 00:01:52
    10. Building the Main View's GUI, Step 5: Adding the Custom Button for Saving a Search 00:03:16
    11. Building the Main View's GUI, Step 6: Adding the Second Text Field 00:02:52
    12. Building the Main View's GUI, Step 7: Adding the “Tagged Searches” Label 00:00:59
    13. Building the Main View's GUI, Step 8: Adding the Scroll View and Customizing Its Auto Layout Constraints 00:01:30
    14. Building the Main View's GUI, Step 9: Configuring the Segue 00:01:54
    15. Building the Main View's GUI, Step 10: Adding IBOutlets for the root View, the Text Fields and the Scroll View 00:03:53
    16. Building the Main View's GUI, Step 11: Adding an IBAction for the add Button 00:01:13
    17. Viewing the GUI in Landscape Orientation in Interface Builder 00:02:03
    18. Inspecting the View Hierarchy and Auto Layout Constraints 00:02:48
    19. Building the Flipside View's GUI, Step 1: Adding a Web View (UIWebView) 00:01:50
    20. Building the Flipside View's GUI, Step 2: Adding an IBOutlet Property for the Web View 00:02:20
    21. FTSMainViewController Header 00:02:50
    22. FTSMainViewController: static File-Scope Variables and Private Interface 00:07:49
    23. FTSMainViewController: Overriding UIViewController Method viewDidLoad 00:10:34
    24. FTSMainViewController: updateSearches: Method That Responds to iCloud External Change Notifications 00:06:03
    25. FTSMainViewController: addNewButtonWithTitle: Method That Creates Search Buttons; Programmatically Adding Event Handlers; Sortin 00:15:46
    26. FTSMainViewController: refreshButtonsInScrollView Updates UIScrollView with Search, Edit, Delete and Share Buttons; Auto Layout 00:21:24
    27. FTSMainViewController: createButtonWithIconNamed: Creates a UIButton Containing an Image and Specifies the UIButton’s Width an 00:03:09
    28. FTSMainViewController: Method addVerticalConstraintForButton:y: specifies a UIButton's Distance from the Top of the UIScrollView 00:02:51
    29. FTSMainViewController: Method viewDidLayoutSubviews Adjusts the UIScrollView’s Height 00:04:10
    30. FTSMainViewController: editButtonTouched: Event Handler for the Edit UIButton 00:05:30
    31. FTSMainViewController: deleteButtonTouched: Event Handler for the Delete UIButton and Methods alertView:clickedButtonAtIndex: an 00:09:56
    32. FTSMainViewController: shareButtonTouched: Event Handler for the Share UIButton 00:06:14
    33. FTSMainViewController: addButtonTouched: Event Handler for the Add UIButton 00:02:31
    34. FTSMainViewController: saveQuery:forTag:syncToCloud: Method That Saves a New Tag–Query Pair; Encoding the Query String 00:09:28
    35. FTSMainViewController: searchButtonTouched: Event Handler for the Search UIButtons 00:03:40
    36. FTSMainViewController: prepareForSegue:sender: Method Configures the FlipsideViewController 00:04:17
    37. FTSMainViewController: flipsideViewControllerDidFinish: Method That’s Called When the App Returns from the Flipside View 00:02:58
    38. FTSFlipsideViewController Header 00:08:49
    39. FTSFlipsideViewController: Conforming to the UIWebViewDelegateProtocol 00:05:38
    40. FTSFlipsideViewController: Overriding UIViewController Method viewDidLoad 00:02:34
    41. FTSFlipsideViewController: IBAction Method done: Loading a web page takes an 00:02:48
    42. Testing the App on iOS Devices, Step 1: Configuring the App’s Target to Enable iCloud 00:02:37
    43. Testing the App on iOS Devices, Step 2: Registering Your Device(s) with the iOS Provisioning Portal 00:01:23
    44. Testing the App on iOS Devices, Step 3: Creating an Explicit App ID 00:02:55
    45. Testing the App on iOS Devices, Step 4: Creating a Provisioning Profile for the App 00:03:24
    46. Testing the App on iOS Devices, Step 5: Using Xcode’s Organizer Window to Install the Provisioning Profile 00:01:11
    47. Testing the App on iOS Devices, Step 6: Using the New Provisioning Profile in Your App’s Target Settings 00:02:36
    48. Accessibility Strings for Dynamically Generated GUI Components 00:06:43
    49. Localized Strings for Dynamically Generated GUI Components 00:12:57

Product information

  • Title: iOS 6 App Development Fundamentals I and II LiveLessons (Sneak Peek Video Training)
  • Author(s):
  • Release date: September 2012
  • Publisher(s): Pearson
  • ISBN: 0132909871