Recognizing speech

The framework communicates with Apple's servers or tries to use an on-device recognizer if available. We will build a demo to see how to use the framework to recognize speech.

We will use the same project to add the feature of recognizing speech:

  1. Open the storyboard and, at the bottom, let's add a button with the title Start Recording with the following constraints:
      Record.height = 49 
      Record.leading = Superview.leading + 16 
      Record.trailing = Superview.trailing - 16 
      Record.bottom = Superview.bottom - 8 
  1. Link IBOutlet and IBAction to the button in the ViewController.Swift file:
      @IBOutlet weak var recordButton: UIButton! 
      @IBAction func didClickOnRecordButton(_ sender: AnyObject) { 
  1. Now, let's add a UITextView above ...

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