How to do it...

  1. We Open Xcode and create a new iMessage app as shown, and name it Files Picker:
  1. Now, let's install Google Drive SDK in iOS using CocoaPods. Open terminal and navigate to the directory that contains your Xcode project by running this command:
      cd path_to_directory 
  1. Run the following command to create a Pod file to write your dependencies:
      Pod init 
  1. It will create a Pod file for you. Open it via TextEdit and edit it to be like this:
      target 'PDFPicker' do 
      target 'MessagesExtension' do 
      pod 'GoogleAPIClient/Drive', '~> 1.0.2' 
      pod 'GTMOAuth2', '~> 1.1.0' 
  1. Then, close the Xcode app completely and ...

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