Chapter 13

Navigating the World


Bullet Taking a guided tour of the Maps app

Bullet Searching for coffee shops, bakeries, and other nearby essentials

Bullet Putting yourself on the map

Bullet Answering the age-old question: “Can I get there from here?”

The science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke once said that “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Your iPad is bursting at the seams with advanced technology, but the one trick your iPad does that really does seem like magic is mapping. Not only does your iPad somehow know your exact location, but it also knows the exact location of pretty much everything else in the world and it can show you how to get from here to there. Magic? Not really, but it is impressive. I’m sure you’ll find endless uses for the Maps app.

In this chapter, you explore Maps and discover all that it can do, from mapping addresses, to showing your current location, to getting directions on how to get from A to B (and back).

Mapping Locations

The Maps app is the Grand Central Station of mapping on your iPad. To get this trip started, tap ...

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