iPhone and iPad App 24-Hour Trainer

Book description

An all-in-one tutorial for planning, developing, and launching iPhone and iPad apps

The number of applications in the Apple app store is growing at a staggering rate. Want to get in the game, but don't know iOS? This book-and-DVD package will help! With even little or no prior programming experience, you can learn the code necessary to build an app by following the how-to instructions in this book-and-video combo. Comprised of clear, no-nonsense lessons, the book walks you through each tutorial and then encourages you to work through simple exercises so that you can immediately apply what you just learned.

These lessons are backed by video demonstrations on the accompanying DVD to further illustrate the instruction and drive home the main points. In addition, the book's appendices contain helpful information such as obtaining a device UDID, testing, and distributing an app and also lists common reasons why applications are rejected, so you can prepare to take precautionary measures to avoid these instances.

  • Introduces iOS and helps you set up a development environment

  • Highlights the basics of object-oriented programming principles as well as key objective-C concepts

  • Examines Cocoa touch and the Cocoa touch framework, including using various classes in the UIKit and Foundation frameworks

  • Looks at advanced concepts such as tab bars, web views, the Accelerometer, Google maps, Core Location, and more

With this book-and-video package, you'll learn how to plan, create, and launch apps for the iPhone and iPad that are ready for submission to the App Store!

Note: As part of the print version of this title, video lessons are included on DVD. For e-book versions, video lessons can be accessed at wrox.com using a link provided in the interior of the e-book.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Contents
  3. Chapter 1: Hello iOS!
    1. iOS Developer Essentials
      1. A Suitable Mac
      2. A Device for Testing
      3. Device Differences
      4. An iOS Developer Account
      5. The Official iOS SDK
      6. The Typical App Development Process
      7. Home Screen Icon
      8. Application Launch Image
    2. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step by Step
  4. Chapter 2: The iOS Simulator
    1. Features of the iOS Simulator
      1. Installing and Uninstalling Applications
    2. Limitations of the iOS Simulator
  5. Chapter 3: A Tour of Xcode
    1. The Welcome Screen
    2. Selecting a Project Template
    3. Setting up Project Options
    4. An Overview of the Xcode IDE
      1. The Navigator Area
      2. The Editor Area
      3. The Utility Area
      4. The Library Area
      5. The Debugger Area
      6. The Toolbar
    5. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  6. Chapter 4: iOS Application Basics
    1. Application States
    2. Windows, Views, and View Controllers
    3. Frameworks
      1. The UIButton Class
      2. The UILabel Class
    4. Creating User Interface Elements
      1. Creating Outlets
      2. Creating Actions
      3. Adding Interactivity
    5. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  7. Chapter 5: Introduction to Storyboards
    1. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  8. Chapter 6: Handling User Input
    1. Text Fields
    2. Text Views
    3. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  9. Chapter 7: Communicating with Your Users
    1. Alert Views
    2. Action Sheets
    3. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  10. Chapter 8: Adding Images to Your View
    1. The UIImage Class
    2. The UIImageView Class
    3. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  11. Chapter 9: Pickers
    1. Arrays in Objective-C
    2. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  12. Chapter 10: Date Pickers
    1. Dates in Objective-C
    2. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  13. Chapter 11: Custom Pickers
    1. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  14. Chapter 12: Navigation Controllers
    1. Navigation Controller Interface
      1. Navigation Bar
      2. Navigation View
      3. Navigation Toolbar
    2. Navigation Controller Hierarchy
      1. Navigation Stack Management
      2. xib-Based Applications
      3. Storyboard-Based Applications
    3. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  15. Chapter 13: Table Views
    1. Table View Workflow
      1. Display Values
      2. Row Selection
    2. Table View Styles
      1. Delegate Methods
      2. Data Source Methods
    3. New for iOS 5
      1. Table View Additions
      2. Constants
      3. Storyboard Additions
    4. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  16. Chapter 14: Static Table Views
    1. Table View Types
      1. Static
      2. Dynamic Prototype
    2. Table View Design
      1. Display Considerations
    3. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  17. Chapter 15: Tab Bars and Toolbars
    1. Tab Bars
      1. Appearance Characteristics
      2. Usage Guidelines
    2. Toolbars
      1. Appearance Characteristics
      2. Usage Guidelines
    3. XIB-Based Xcode 4.2 Changes
    4. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  18. Chapter 16: Creating Page-Based Applications
    1. The PageViewController Class
      1. Instantiation
      2. Delegate and Data Source
      3. Preparing the Initial Page
    2. The Page-Based Application Template
    3. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  19. Chapter 17: Creating UI Elements Programmatically
    1. UIButton
    2. UILabel
    3. UIImageView
    4. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  20. Chapter 18: Creating Views That Scroll
    1. The UIScrollView class
    2. Scroll Views and Text Fields
    3. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  21. Chapter 19: Popovers and Modal Views
    1. Popovers
      1. Usage Guidelines
      2. Presenting the Popover
      3. Dismissing the Popover
    2. Modal Views
      1. Usage Guidelines
      2. Presentation Styles
      3. Transition Styles
      4. Presenting the Modal View
      5. Dismissing the Modal View
    3. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  22. Chapter 20: Tweeting with Twitter
    1. The Tweet Sheet
    2. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  23. Chapter 21: Basic File Handling
    1. The IOS File System
    2. Introducing the NSFileManager Class
    3. Object Serialization
    4. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  24. Chapter 22: Property Lists
    1. Property List Types
    2. Creating Property Lists
      1. Programmatically
      2. Property List Editor
    3. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  25. Chapter 23: Application Settings
    1. Adding a Settings Bundle
    2. Reading Preferences with Code
    3. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  26. Chapter 24: iTunes File Sharing Support
    1. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  27. Chapter 25: Introduction to iCloud Storage
    1. Basic Concepts
    2. Preparing to Use the iCloud Storage APIs
      1. Create an iCloud-enabled App ID
      2. Create an Appropriate Provisioning Profile
      3. Enable Appropriate Entitlements in Your Xcode Project
    3. Checking for Service Availability
    4. Using iCloud Document Storage
      1. Creating a New iCloud Document
      2. Opening an Existing Document
      3. Saving a Document
      4. Searching for Documents on iCloud
    5. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  28. Chapter 26: Introduction to Core Data
    1. Basic Concepts
      1. Managed Object
      2. Managed Object Context
      3. Persistent Store Coordinator
      4. Managed Object Model
    2. Instantiating Core Data Objects
    3. Writing Managed Objects
    4. Reading Managed Objects
    5. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  29. Chapter 27: XML Parsing with NSXMLParser
    1. XML Fundamentals
      1. Elements and Tags
      2. Attributes
      3. Special Characters
      4. Comments and Processing Instructions
    2. The NSXMLParser Class
      1. SAX and DOM Parsers
    3. The NSXMLParserDelegate Protocol
    4. A Simple XML File and How it Is Parsed
      1. Loading the XML Document into an NSData Object
      2. Instantiating an NSXMLParser Object
      3. Instantiating a Delegate Object
      4. Begin Parsing
      5. The XMLParser Delegate Methods
    5. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  30. Chapter 28: Consuming SOAP Web Services
    1. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  31. Chapter 29: Touches and Gestures
    1. Touch Events
      1. Touch Phases
      2. Tap Counting
    2. Gesture Events
      1. Gesture Handling
      2. Gesture Recognizer Phases
    3. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  32. Chapter 30: Printing
    1. Preparing Content for Printing
      1. UIPrintInfo
      2. UIPrintPaper
      3. UIPrintInteractionController
    2. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  33. Chapter 31: Basic Animation with Timers
    1. Animating UIView Subclasses
    2. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  34. Chapter 32: Introduction to Core Image
    1. Images and Filters
    2. Using Core Image
    3. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  35. Chapter 33: Building Universal Applications
    1. Examining the Universal Application Template
    2. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  36. Chapter 34: Where Am I? Introducing Core Location
    1. Handling Location Updates
    2. Handling Errors and Checking Hardware Availability
      1. Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding
    3. Obtaining Compass Headings
    4. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step by-Step
  37. Chapter 35: Introducing Map Kit
    1. Adding Annotations
    2. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  38. Chapter 36: Using the Camera and Photo Library
    1. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  39. Chapter 37: Introduction to Core Motion
    1. Accelerometers and Gyroscopes
    2. Core Motion Basics
    3. Checking Hardware Availability
    4. Handling Accelerometer Events
    5. Handling Gyroscope Events
    6. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  40. Chapter 38: Building Background-Aware Applications
    1. Understanding Background Suspension
    2. Executing Background Code
    3. Creating Local Notifications
    4. Try It
      1. Lesson Requirements
      2. Hints
      3. Step-by-Step
  41. Appendix A: What’s on the DVD?
    1. System Requirements
    2. Using the DVD on a PC
    3. Using the DVD on a Mac
    4. What’s on the DVD
    5. Troubleshooting
    6. Customer Care
  42. Appendix B: Introduction to Programming with Objective-C
    1. Fundamental Programming Concepts
      1. Typing Your Program
      2. Compiling
      3. Linking to Create an Executable
      4. Testing and Debugging
      5. How Xcode Fits Into This Picture
    2. Variables, Statements, and Expressions
      1. Variables
      2. Statements
      3. Expressions and Operators
    3. Making Decisions and Performing Repetitive Tasks
      1. The if and if ... else statements
      2. The for Statement
      3. The while Statement
      4. The do…while Statement
      5. The break and continue Statements
    4. Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
      1. The Need for Object-Oriented Programming
      2. Key Concepts of Object-Oriented Programming
      3. Creating an Objective-C Class
      4. Implementing the Class
      5. Sending Messages to Objects
      6. Instantiating Objects
      7. Objective-C Properties
  43. Appendix C: Introduction to ARC
    1. Object Ownership
    2. Converting Projects to ARC
  44. Appendix D: Testing on an iOS Device
    1. Obtaining and Registering UDIDs
    2. Creating an App ID (Bundle Identifier)
    3. Creating a Development Certificate
    4. Creating a Provisioning Profile
    5. Configuring Your Project
  45. Appendix E: Ad Hoc Distribution
    1. Obtaining and Registering UDIDs
    2. Creating an App ID (Bundle Identifier)
    3. Creating a Distribution Certificate
    4. Creating a Provisioning Profile
    5. Configuring Your Project for Distribution
  46. Appendix F: App Store Distribution
    1. Creating an Application Profile
    2. Preparing and Uploading the Application Binary
      1. Creating an App Store Distribution Provisioning Profile
      2. Configuring Your Project for App Store Distribution
  47. Introduction
  48. Advertisement

Product information

  • Title: iPhone and iPad App 24-Hour Trainer
  • Author(s): Abhishek Mishra, Gene Backlin
  • Release date: May 2012
  • Publisher(s): Wrox
  • ISBN: 9781118238370