4 iSeries Access for Web V5R2 and WebSphere Host Publisher V4.0
Work with OS/400 printers and printer output
Send/receive messages
iSeries Access for Web features include:
This redbook discusses the features of iSeries Access for Web in detail.
1.5.1 What is new in iSeries Access for Web V5R2
iSeries Access for Web V5R2 has a number of new features introduced with V5R2. Some of
these features include:
Support for WebSphere Application Server 4.0
Support for Apache Software Foundation (ASF) Tomcat application server 3.2.4
A 5250 interface, removing the need to configure the XML gateway with Host Publisher
(Refer to Chapter 4, The iSeries Access for Web V5R2 5250 interface on page 79, for
details on the new 5250 interface features.)
A personal folder to store and manage SQL results, printer output, and command
completion notifications
Plus, iSeries Access for Web V5R2 allows you to:
Convert spooled files to PDF format
Return SQL output in PDF or XML format
Search for commands by name or description text
Save and retrieve commands for repeated use
Configure for more than one application server instance
View the user and server jobs
Copy, rename, and delete files in the integrated file system (IFS)
Mail SQL results, command completion notifications, files and printer output
Run commands and SQL requests asynchronously, using the mail and personal folder
1.6 What is WebSphere Host Publisher
IBM WebSphere Host Publisher is a set of tools that provide access to data on a legacy data
source (a terminal-oriented host application or database application) on the World Wide Web
or a private intranet. Host Publisher enables presentation of data to the end user without
exposing the data source.
Host Publisher uses IBM WebSphere Application Server to provide a consistent, reliable
execution environment for Host Publisher applications.
Host Publisher is divided into two major components:

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