List of Listings
Chapter 2. A sample isomorphic app
Listing 2.1. Babel configuration—babelrc
Listing 2.2. Running the server with Babel—src/server.js
Listing 2.3. Webpack configuration—webpack.config.js
Listing 2.4. Browser entry point—src/main.jsx
Listing 2.5. App (top-level component)—src/components/app.jsx
Listing 2.6. Featured component—src/components/featured.jsx
Listing 2.7. Recipes component—src/components/recipes.jsx
Listing 2.8. HTML template component (server only)—src/components/html.jsx
Listing 2.9. Action creators for recipes and featured data—src/action-creators.es6
Listing 2.10. Reducers—src/recipe-reducer.es6
Listing 2.11. Using initialState to start Redux—src/init-redux.es6
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