Chapter 12

Planning for the Mobile Enterprise

In This Chapter

Reviewing mobile technologies

Examining mobile access in the enterprise

Planning for remote mobile access

Developing mobile technology policies

Just as they say that everything is bigger in Texas, everything is smaller in technology. Miniaturization and high-power batteries have placed more raw-processing power into a cell phone than was used in the entire process of sending the Apollo missions to the moon and back. Plus, for most people, a cell phone is also a lifeline to the world, to Facebook friends, to music and movies when they travel, and a host of other functions wrapped in a small pocket-sized package.

This chapter focuses on the inclusion of mobile technologies in the enterprise network. The topic is a challenging one due to the rapid pace of evolution and adoption of new platforms and entirely new mobile solutions.

Introducing Mobile Computing

Many different mobile technologies exist, from Wi-Fi–enabled medical implants to automobiles with built-in, short-range Bluetooth connectivity. Even building environmental systems, security cameras, and lawn sprinklers may be connected via wireless networking solutions. Devices of all types are being configured for connectivity, so you must be constantly on the watch for the Next Big Thing that may sneak into your enterprise network disguised as a Web-enabled coffee maker or Bluetooth-enabled set of running shoes.

Figure 12-1 demonstrates this ongoing process, with ...

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