IT as a Service (ITaaS) Framework, The: Transform to an End-to-End Services Organization and Operate IT like a Competitive Business, First Edition

Book description

The complete guide to planning, implementing, and operating IT as a Service (ITaaS)


Ongoing digitization, along with the risks of digital disruption, mean today’s Enterprise businesses are more reliant than ever on their IT Organizations to be successful; but business cannot wait on IT. Instead, Enterprise IT Organizations must transform to Fast IT to keep pace with the various lines of business, operate more agilely and efficiently than ever before, while simultaneously supporting rapid innovation of transformative capabilities.


The IT as a Service (ITaaS) Framework–based on the work pioneered by Cisco’s own global IT organization–is a proven model for transforming to an end-to-end Services Organization, and shifting the underlying culture of the IT organization as a foundation for Fast IT. Now, the developer of the ITaaS framework provides you with an in-depth guide ensuring that your Services Transformation achieves the intended value outcomes of establishing IT as a trusted advisor to the business, and operating IT like an agile, competitive, and cost-efficient business within a business.


Drawing on his pioneering experience, the author emphasizes implementation alongside theory, illuminating entertaining stories from his own consulting experience, and pulling back the curtain on Cisco IT’s own revolutionary tranformation alongside best practices, templates, and other artifacts to guide your Services Transformation.


The time for IT Transformation is now, and there has never been a better place to start.

  • Uncover and communicate the value that IT creates for the Enterprise business
  • Initiate and sustain a cultural shift across the IT Organization
  • Create a Service-based view of IT assets, resources, and budgets
  • Transform the customer experience by leveraging IT Services as a layer of abstraction
  • Design IT Services that support outcomes for the Lines of Business
  • Develop a Taxonomy that creates strategic levers for steering the IT organization
  • Measure IT Service Performance in terms familiar to business leaders
  • Link IT Service Performance to business outcomes
  • Demonstrate the total costs of IT Service Delivery in easy to understand models
  • Empower Service Owners to act as General Managers accountable for the value a Service delivers
  • Exchange information with and bolster Enterprise Architecture and
  • IT Technical Operations functions n Establish a foundation for Fast IT, the mandatory future for Enterprise
  • IT Organizations

Table of contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Foreword
  5. About the Author
  6. Dedication
  7. About the Technical Reviewer
  8. Acknowledgments
  9. Contents at a Glance
  10. Contents
  11. Reader Services
  12. Introduction
  13. Part I Introducing IT as a Service
    1. Chapter 1 The Case for IT Transformation and IT as a Service (ITaaS)
      1. The Drivers for IT Transformation
        1. Digitization
        2. Digital Disruption
        3. The Internet of Things
      2. IT Transformation Challenges
        1. Historical Challenges Facing IT Organizations
        2. Aligning IT Services and Value to Customer Requirements
        3. Understanding the Customer Perspective of Service Performance
        4. Accurately Communicating the Total Costs of Delivering IT Services
        5. Understanding Organizational, Operational, and Procedural Challenges
        6. Emerging Challenges for IT Organizations
        7. Shadow IT
        8. The Cloud
      3. The Purpose and Culture of IT Organizations
        1. Getting Back to the Basics of Business
        2. Obligations to the Enterprise Business
        3. A Reminder About the Nature of Service Providers and Customers
        4. A Candid Look at the Culture of Today’s IT Organization
        5. Customer Perceptions of IT
      4. The Implications for Today’s IT Organizations
      5. Considerations for Services Transformation
      6. Summary
    2. Chapter 2 Introducing Cisco ITaaS Framework and Services Transformation Program
      1. IT Operating Models
        1. IT Technical Operations
        2. IT Service Delivery
        3. Enterprise Architecture
        4. Service Architecture and Enterprise Architecture
        5. Making Capabilities Available “as a Service”
      2. Introducing Cisco IT as a Service Framework
        1. Service Delivery Roles and Responsibilities
        2. IT Services
        3. Service Design, Delivery, and Management
        4. Service Value Communications
      3. Introducing Cisco Services Transformation Program
        1. Program and Workstream Governance
        2. Services Transformation Change Leadership
        3. Discovery and Design Phase
        4. Transformation Phase 1
        5. Transformation Phase 2
        6. Transformation Phase 3
      4. Summary
    3. Chapter 3 Change Leadership and Ensuring a Successful Transformation
      1. Building the Change Leadership Team
      2. Identifying Services Transformation Critical Success Factors
        1. Executive Sponsorship
        2. Championing a New Culture of IT
        3. Engaging the Business
        4. Top-Down/Business-First Services Design
        5. Complete/End-to-End IT Services Transformation
        6. Centralized Transformation Authority
      3. Employing Change Leadership Strategies and Tactics
        1. Managing Services Transformation Messaging Strategies
        2. Optimizing Stakeholder Engagement
        3. Changing the Culture of IT
        4. Evaluating the Culture of the IT Organization Today
        5. Envisioning the Future Culture of IT
        6. Using Strategies and Tactics to Facilitate the Cultural Shift to an ITaaSO
      4. Services Transformation Program Best Practices and Lessons Learned
        1. Show Value Early
        2. Show Value Often
        3. Engage the Business Early
        4. General Transformation Program Best Practices
        5. Respect the Realities of “Theory versus Practice”
        6. Adopt the 80/20 Rule and Avoid Analysis Paralysis
        7. Be Willing to Engage at All Levels
        8. Remain Open to New Ideas
        9. Embrace, Don’t Fear, Service Review Pilots with Business Stakeholders
        10. Stick to the Program
      5. Summary
  14. Part II The IT as a Service Framework
    1. Chapter 4 Service Delivery Taxonomy and Definition of a Service
      1. Service Definition Considerations
      2. A Step-by-Step Approach to Defining a Service
        1. The ITaaS Framework’s Definition of a Service
      3. Considerations for IT Services
        1. IT Services as a Layer of Abstraction
        2. IT Service-Types
        3. Service Hierarchies and Service Chains
        4. Service Ownership
        5. Impact of Services
      4. The IT Service Delivery Taxonomy
        1. The Benefits of a Taxonomy
        2. Taxonomy Considerations
      5. The ITaaS Framework’s Reference Taxonomy
        1. Strategic Service Groups
        2. Service Categories (Service Architecture Groups)
        3. Services
        4. Service Offerings
        5. Service Assets
        6. The Reference Taxonomy in Practice
        7. Tailoring a Taxonomy
        8. Sample Tailored Taxonomy
      6. Summary
    2. Chapter 5 Mapping Enterprise Technical Capability Requirements
      1. The Purpose and Value of a Technical Capabilities Map
      2. Considerations for Mapping Technical Capabilities
      3. Creating the Enterprise Technical Capabilities (ETC) Map
        1. Designing the Enterprise Technical Capabilities Map
        2. Building the ETC Map
      4. Service Capability Roadmaps
      5. Summary
    3. Chapter 6 Service Design and Building the IT Service Portfolio
      1. Service Portfolio Overview
        1. Purpose and Value of the Service Portfolio
        2. Service Portfolio Considerations
        3. Portfolio Design Considerations
        4. Portfolio Design Inputs
        5. Portfolio Development Workflow
        6. Structuring the Service Portfolio
        7. Vetting the Portfolio
        8. Identifying Service Chains
        9. Finalizing the Portfolio
      2. Designing IT Services
        1. Basic IT Service Design
        2. Service Design by Type
        3. Enterprisewide Service Design Considerations
      3. Designing the Service Portfolio
        1. Designing Service Offerings
        2. Capturing Service Asset References
        3. Designing Strategic Service Groups
        4. Designing Service Categories
      4. Summary
    4. Chapter 7 Service Delivery Roles and Responsibilities
      1. Purpose and Value of Service Roles
        1. Structuring Service Delivery
        2. Establishing Accountability
        3. Cultivating IT and Business Relationships
        4. Sustaining the Cultural Shift of the IT Organization
      2. Challenges and Considerations for Service Delivery Roles
        1. Considerations for ITaaS Service Roles and Responsibilities
        2. How to Identify Strong Service Delivery Resources
        3. Challenges for Service Delivery Roles and Responsibilities
        4. Change Leadership Recommendations
      3. How to Design and Tailor Service Delivery Roles
      4. Service Delivery Roles and Responsibilities
        1. Service Owners
        2. The General Manager of a Service
        3. Service Owner Responsibilities
        4. Service Owners and Service Types
        5. Service Delivery Support Roles
        6. Service Executives
        7. Service Architects
        8. Service Offering Managers
        9. Service Management Office
      5. Summary
    5. Chapter 8 Measuring IT Service Performance
      1. Service Performance Considerations
        1. Service Metrics Considerations
        2. Prioritizing Both Consistency and Customization
        3. Managing an End-to-End Service Performance Strategy
      2. Overview of the ITaaS Service Performance Strategy
        1. Service Metric Categories
        2. Quality
        3. Leverage
        4. Speed
        5. Risk
        6. Customer Experience
      3. Best Practices for Measuring Service Metrics
        1. How Service Metrics Translate to Business Outcomes
        2. Reasons to Chain Service Metrics
        3. End-to-End Service Metrics Interpretation
        4. Dashboards and Scorecards
        5. Tactics for Reporting and Presenting Service Performance
        6. Service Performance Change Leadership Strategies
        7. Service Performance Strategy Management
      4. Summary
    6. Chapter 9 Modeling the Total Costs of IT Service Delivery
      1. Purpose and Goals for IT Service Cost Modeling
      2. Considerations for IT Service Costing
        1. IT Service Costs versus Cloud Services Costing
      3. Essential IT Finance Concepts
        1. The Different Views of an IT Budget
        2. Chargeback versus Showback Policies
        3. Bottom-up versus Direct + Chained Costs Models
        4. Cost Distributions
      4. IT Service Cost Modeling
        1. Direct Service Costs
        2. Run the Business Costs
        3. Change the Business Costs
        4. Indirect Service Costs
        5. Overview of Cost-Chaining Processes
      5. Service Costing Strategies
      6. Summary
  15. Part III Bringing the Framework Together and Optimizing the Transformation
    1. Chapter 10 Communicating IT Service Value
      1. Considerations for IT Service Value
      2. A Strategy for Communicating IT Service Value
        1. Structuring a Service Review
        2. Establishing a Process for Service Reviews
        3. Service Review Best Practices
        4. Winning Early Support Through Service Reviews
        5. Guidance for Service Owners
        6. Guidance for IT Leaders
        7. General Service Review Guidance
      3. Evolving Service Value Conversations
      4. Summary
    2. Chapter 11 Completing the Services Transformation
      1. The Final Phase of Services Transformation
      2. Overview of a Complete IT Service Delivery Model
      3. Service Catalogs and Customer Request Portals
        1. Corporate E-Store Design Best Practices
      4. Strategies for Optimizing IT Service Delivery
        1. Leveraging Vendors for Value
        2. Delivering to External IT Customers
        3. Preparing the Cloud Strategy for an ITaaSO and Fast IT
        4. Embracing and Driving Self-Provisioning
        5. Embracing Shadow IT
        6. Considerations for the Completed Service Delivery Framework
      5. Summary
  16. Part IV The Future
    1. Chapter 12 Fast IT—The Mandatory Future for Enterprise IT Organizations
      1. The Purpose and Goals of Fast IT
      2. The Concept of Fast IT
        1. Moving from Shadow IT to Customer-Initiated IT
      3. Uncovering Fast IT
        1. The Building Blocks of Fast IT
        2. The Mechanics of Fast IT
        3. Continuous Delivery
      4. Taking Services Beyond the IT Organization
      5. Summary
  17. Appendix
    1. Appendix A Cisco ITaaS Framework Reference Portfolio
  18. Index

Product information

  • Title: IT as a Service (ITaaS) Framework, The: Transform to an End-to-End Services Organization and Operate IT like a Competitive Business, First Edition
  • Author(s): Justin Mann
  • Release date: February 2018
  • Publisher(s): Cisco Press
  • ISBN: 9780134687506