Ivor Horton's Beginning Visual C++ 2012

Book description

The only book to teach C++ programming with Microsoft Visual Studio!

There's a reason why Ivor Horton's Beginning Visual C++ books dominate the marketplace. Ivor Horton has a loyal following who love his winning approach to teaching programming languages, and in this fully updated new edition, he repeats his successful formula. Offering a comprehensive introduction to both the standard C++ language and to Visual C++, he offers step-by-step programming exercises, examples, and solutions to deftly guide novice programmers through the ins and outs of C++ development.

  • Introduces novice programmers to the current standard, Microsoft Visual C++ 2012, as it is implemented in Microsoft Visual Studio 2012

  • Focuses on teaching both the C++11 standard and Visual C++ 2012, unlike virtually any other book on the market

  • Covers the C++ language and library and the IDE

  • Delves into new features of both the C++11 standard and of the Visual C++ 2012 programming environment

  • Features C++ project templates, code snippets, and more

Even if you have no previous programming experience, you'll soon learn how to build real-world applications using Visual C++ 2012 with this popular guide.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Contents
  3. Chapter 1: Programming With Visual C++
    1. Learning with Visual C++
    2. Writing C++ Applications
    3. Learning Desktop Applications Programming
    4. What is the Integrated Development Environment?
    5. Using the IDE
    6. Summary
  4. Chapter 2: Data, Variables, and Calculations
    1. The Structure of a C++ Program
    2. Defining Variables
    3. Fundamental Data Types
    4. Basic Input/Output Operations
    5. Calculating in C++
    6. Type Conversion and Casting
    7. The Auto Keyword
    8. Discovering Types
    9. The Bitwise Operators
    10. Introducing Lvalues and Rvalues
    11. Understanding Storage Duration and Scope
    12. Variables with Specific Sets of Values
    13. Namespaces
    14. Summary
  5. Chapter 3: Decisions and Loops
    1. Comparing Values
    2. Repeating a Block of Statements
    3. Summary
  6. Chapter 4: Arrays, Strings, and Pointers
    1. Handling Multiple Data Values of the Same Type
    2. Indirect Data Access
    3. Dynamic Memory Allocation
    4. Using References
    5. Library Functions for Strings
    6. Summary
  7. Chapter 5: Introducing Structure into Your Programs
    1. Understanding Functions
    2. Passing Arguments to a Function
    3. Returning Values from a Function
    4. Recursive Function Calls
    5. Summary
  8. Chapter 6: More About Program Structure
    1. Pointers to Functions
    2. Initializing Function Parameters
    3. Exceptions
    4. Handling Memory Allocation Errors
    5. Function Overloading
    6. Function Templates
    7. Using the Decltype Operator
    8. An Example Using Functions
    9. Summary
  9. Chapter 7: Defining Your Own Data Types
    1. The Struct in C++
    2. Types, Objects, Classes, and Instances
    3. Understanding Classes
    4. Class Constructors
    5. Private Members of a Class
    6. The Pointer this
    7. Const Objects
    8. Arrays of Objects
    9. Static Members of a Class
    10. Pointers and References to Objects
    11. Summary
  10. Chapter 8: More On Classes
    1. Class Destructors
    2. Implementing a Copy Constructor
    3. Sharing Memory Between Variables
    4. Operator Overloading
    5. The Object Copying Problem
    6. Default Class Members
    7. Class Templates
    8. Perfect Forwarding
    9. Using Classes
    10. Organizing Your Program Code
    11. Library Classes for Strings
    12. Summary
  11. Chapter 9: Class Inheritance and Virtual Functions
    1. Object-Oriented Programming Basics
    2. Inheritance in Classes
    3. Access Control Under Inheritance
    4. The Copy Constructor in a Derived Class
    5. Preventing Class Derivation
    6. Class Members as Friends
    7. Virtual Functions
    8. Casting Between Class Types
    9. Nested Classes
    10. Summary
  12. Chapter 10: The Standard Template Library
    1. What is the Standard Template Library?
    2. Smart Pointers
    3. Algorithms
    4. Function Objects in the STL
    5. Function Adapters
    6. The Range of STL Containers
    7. Sequence Containers
    8. Associative Containers
    9. More on Iterators
    10. More on Function Objects
    11. More on Algorithms
    12. Type Traits and Static Assertions
    13. Lambda Expressions
    14. Summary
  13. Chapter 11: Windows Programming Concepts
    1. Windows Programming Basics
    2. The Structure of a Windows Program
    3. The Microsoft Foundation Classes
    4. Summary
  14. Chapter 12: Windows Programming With The Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC)
    1. The MFC Document/View Concept
    2. Creating MFC Applications
    3. Summary
  15. Chapter 13: Working With Menus and Toolbars
    1. Communicating with Windows
    2. Extending the Sketcher Program
    3. Elements of a Menu
    4. Adding Menu Message Handlers
    5. Adding Toolbar Buttons
    6. Summary
  16. Chapter 14: Drawing In A Window
    1. Basics of Drawing in a Window
    2. The MFC Drawing Mechanism
    3. Drawing Graphics in Practice
    4. Programming for the Mouse
    5. Drawing a Sketch
    6. Summary
  17. Chapter 15: Improving The View
    1. Sketcher Limitations
    2. Improving the View
    3. Deleting and Moving Elements
    4. Implementing a Context Menu
    5. Identifying an Element under the Cursor
    6. Dealing with Masked Elements
    7. Summary
  18. Chapter 16: Working With Dialogs and Controls
    1. Understanding Dialogs
    2. Understanding Controls
    3. Creating a Dialog Resource
    4. Programming for a Dialog
    5. Supporting the Dialog Controls
    6. Completing Dialog Operations
    7. Using a Spin Button Control
    8. Using the Scale Factor
    9. Working with Status Bars
    10. The CString Class
    11. Using an Edit Box Control
    12. Summary
  19. Chapter 17: Storing and Printing Documents
    1. Understanding Serialization
    2. Serializing a Document
    3. Applying Serialization
    4. Exercising Serialization
    5. Printing a Document
    6. Implementing Multipage Printing
    7. Summary
  20. Chapter 18: Programming Windows 8 Apps
    1. Understanding Windows 8 Apps
    2. Developing Windows 8 Apps
    3. Windows Runtime Concepts
    4. C++ Component Extensions (C++/CX)
    5. The Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML)
    6. Creating a Windows 8 App
    7. Scaling UI Elements
    8. Transitions
    9. Summary
  21. Introduction
  22. Advertisements

Product information

  • Title: Ivor Horton's Beginning Visual C++ 2012
  • Author(s):
  • Release date: October 2012
  • Publisher(s): Wrox
  • ISBN: 9781118368084