

  1. --add-exports option

  2. Apache Maven

    1. compatibility

    2. Compiler plugin

    3. goals

    4. JDeps plugin

      1. goals

      2. options

    5. JEP 223–New Version-String scheme

  3. Automatic modules

    1. advantage

    2. characteristics

    3. deriving module names

    4. --describe-module option

    5. fatal error

    6. filename-based algorithm

    7. link-time

    8. Log4j library

    9. requirements

    10. versions of JAR files


  1. --bind-services

  2. Boot layer


  1. Cars brake systems

    1. service consumers

    2. service providers

  2. checkPackageAccess(String packageName) method


  4. Class loading mechanism

    1. getPlatformClassLoader() method

    2. Jigsaw

    3. JPMS

    4. JVM

  5. Class path

  6. Cohesion

  7. Combinability

  8. Compact profiles

  9. Compilation process

  10. Concealed packages

  11. Continuity

  12. Coupling between modules

  13. Custom runtime images

  14. Cyclic dependencies


  1. Decomposability

  2. Deep reflection

  3. Dependency hell

  4. --describe-module


  1. Eclipse

  2. Encapsulation ...

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