Chapter 1. Getting Started: Compiling and Running Java

1.0 Introduction

This chapter covers some entry-level tasks that you need to know how to do before you can go on. It is said you must crawl before you can walk, and walk before you can ride a bicycle. Before you can try out anything in this book, you need to be able to compile and run your Java code, so I start there, showing several ways to do that: the Java Development Kit (JDK) way, the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) way, and the build tools (Maven, Gradle, etc.) way. Another issue people run into is setting CLASSPATH correctly, so that’s dealt with next. Deprecation warnings follow after that, because you’re likely to encounter them in maintaining old Java code. The chapter ends with some general information about unit testing and assertions.

If you don’t already have Java installed, you’ll need either to download the JDK on its own, particularly to the command-line Java, or to download an IDE that includes its own JDK. Be aware that in historical releases there were different downloads, the JRE and the JDK. The JRE (Java Runtime Environment) was, up until Java 8, a smaller download “for end users” (e.g., just the parts needed to run a Java app, but not to compile one). Since there is less desktop Java than there once was, and since hard disks have gotten much bigger, the JRE was eliminated in favor of creating jlink as part of the JDK, to create custom downloads of the JDK (see Recipe 2.17). The JDK download (sometimes referred to as the Java Software Development Kit or SDK) is the full development environment, which you’ll want if you’re going to be developing Java software.

Standard downloads for the current release of Java are available at Oracle’s website and from several other sites (not a complete list):

The entire JDK is maintained as an open source project, and the OpenJDK source tree is used (with changes and additions) to build the commercial and supported Oracle JDKs. The repository has the source code for the entire JDK. You can in fact build your own JDK fairly easily from this git repository; see my article on the JDK source code, about half-way down the page.

If you are going to have more than one version of the JDK on your Unix/Linux/macOS computer, you might want to investigate SDKMAN, which lets you easily install and switch between them.

If you’re already happy with your IDE, you may wish to skip some or all of the next few recipes. The coverage is here to ensure that everybody can compile and debug their programs before we move on.

1.1 Hello World: Compiling and Running Java with the Standard JDK


You need to compile and run your Java program.


This is one of the few areas where your computer’s operating system impinges on Java’s portability, so let’s get these issues out of the way first.


Using the command-line Java Development Kit (JDK) may be the best way to keep up with the very latest improvements in Java. Assuming you have the standard JDK installed in the standard location and/or have set its location in your PATH, you should be able to run the command-line JDK tools. Use the commands javac to compile and java to run your program (and, on Windows only, javaw to run a program without a console window), like this:

C:\> javac

C:\> java HelloWorld
Hello, World


If the program refers to other classes for which the source is available (in the same directory) and a compiled .class file is not, javac will automatically compile it for you. Effective with Java 11, for simple programs that don’t need any such co-compilation, you can combine the two operations—​compiling and executing—​simply by passing the Java source file to the java command:

$ java
Hello, Java

java version 22 Effective with Java 22, the compile-and-run form of the java command will find and compile additional source files. Try this on Java 22+:

$ cd main/src/main/java/starting
$ ls ???.java
$ java

Don’t be confused by the compiler’s (lack of) output in these examples. Both javac and java work on the Unix “no news is good news” philosophy: if a program was able to do what you asked it to, it shouldn’t bother chattering at you to say that it did so. “Had anything been wrong, we should certainly have heard.”

There is an optional setting called CLASSPATH, discussed in Recipe 1.6, that controls where Java looks for classes. CLASSPATH, if set, is used by both javac and java. In older versions of Java, you had to set your CLASSPATH to include “.” even to run a simple program from the current directory; this is no longer true on current Java.

Sun/Oracle’s javac compiler is the official reference implementation. There were historically several alternative open source command-line compilers, including Jikes and Kaffe, but they are, for the most part, no longer actively maintained.

There have also been some Java runtime clones, including Apache Harmony, Japhar, the IBM Jikes Runtime , and even JNode, a complete, standalone operating system written in Java. Since the Sun/Oracle JVM has been open sourced as OpenJDK under the GNU Public License(GPL), most of these projects have stopped being maintained. Harmony, for example was retired by Apache in 2011. There are today a dozen or so organizations supplying builds of OpenJDK for free download (and free for use). Some are extensively enhanced, including Oracle’s commercial version, and the Azul Platform Prime ,a heavily optimized derivative of OpenJDK. One alternative implementation that is still maintained is IBM’s J9, (a reimplementation, descended from a runtime that existed before Java, and now hosted at

1.2 Hello World of Classless Main java version 21P


It is tedious to type out public class Foo { and public static void main(String[] args) every time you start a new program.


Use the Preview “implicitly-declared class” and “instance main” features.


“Implicitly declared class” refers to a main program declared by itself, with no enclosing class structure. “Instance main” refers to a non-static main() method (with or without a String[] argument); such methods are runnable from the command line or an up-to-date IDE, just like traditional main() methods. For convenience, I’ll lump these together under the unofficial term “classless main”.

A simple main program can now be constructed with as little as:

void main() {
	System.out.println("Hello, world");

It may strike joy or fear in to the hearts of long-time Java developers, educators (and book authors), but the above snippet is a complete compilation unit. Assume it’s stored in a file called Due to the joys of the “source-code launcher” (another recent Java feature), we can compile and run this program using just:

$ java

At least, we’ll be able to when the “implicit class” and “instance main” features come out of Preview. For now we must type:

$ java --enable-preview --source 22

That’s almost more typing than the original form of the Hello program! Fortunately, if you’re doing this command-line style on Unix, Linux, macOS, or on Windows with the git-bash add-on, you can save this as an “alias” in your shell start-up file. I called it javapvr for “java (with preview) run”, as this alias cannot be used to run compiled .class files; the --source is interpreted as meaning that you want to compile and run a .java file!

alias javapvr='java --enable-preview --source 22'

If running in an IDE or build tool, the same options must be applied (in build tools, apply both options to the compilation, but only the --enable-preview to the run step). IntelliJ IDEA, for example, when it detects a preview feature, just asks you if it’s OK to enable Preview for the given IDE project.

Then you can “live in the future” and just use the javapvr command to run .java files. And when the future arrives - these two features come out of preview - you can drop the alias and just the plain java command.

Note that any compile or run of a program using preview features will generate a few lines of warnings to remind you that it is a preview. I have removed these warnings from many of the example outputs, to focus on the code and its output.

This “implicitly declared class” and “instance main” mechanism is intended as an “on-ramp” to those getting started with Java. As such, it has a few other differences from “the way we were.”

  • An implicit class can not have a package declaration, but may of course have imports.

  • An implicit class does not have need to have a capitalized filename(!); the generated class name will be taken from the filename (example below).

  • An instance main does not need to declare its String[] argument, but may if it needs access to the command-line arguments.

  • An instance main is not static, and can call non-static methods

All of this is designed to make it easier to get started with Java; educators no longer need to handwave or explain away all the traditional boilerplate code before beginniers can get started writing Java code. This is huge!

The longer version shown in Example 1-1 shows more of the pieces of “classless main”. Again, this is the complete compilation unit.

Example 1-1. main/src/main/java/starting/
  import java.lang.reflect.*;  // Unused, just to show import is allowed

  int x;            // instance fields allowed

  void main(String[] args) {  // instance main
    System.out.println("Hello, world");
  void process(int n) {    // instance method
    System.out.println("Hello " + n);

This prints out a couple of Hello messages:

C:\> java --enable-preview --source 21
Hello, world
Hello 1

We can still compile this like any other Java program. As it’s still in Preview, we need to add the two command-line arguments used earlier into the compile command. The generated class file can be examined with the standard JDK tool javap, and run with the standard java command (with the --enable-preview argument):

$ javac --enable-preview --source 21
$ javap HelloClasslessWithMembers
Compiled from ""
final class HelloClasslessWithMembers {
  int x;
  void main(java.lang.String[]);
  void process(int);
$ java --enable-preview HelloClasslessWithMembers
Hello, world
Hello 1

Note that neither main() nor process() is static; this is a feature of “instance main”. These features are described in JEP 445: “Unnamed Classes and Instance Main Methods (Preview)”1. These two features are both in preview as of Java 22; I hope they will become mainstream as quickly as possible, as it will make it so much easier to teach Java in the future!

java version 23P In Java 23, the updated version of this preview feature allows even more simplification, the omission of System.out in calls to the ubiquitous println():

void main() {
	println("Hello world");*

The elimination of the need to explain System.out to Java beginners is another forward step along the road to making Java easier to learn. It’s a step which I and others had petitioned the Java team to include (after initially rejecting the idea, they came up with a better, cleaner way of implementing it). Simple println() works by having the compiler auto-import statically the methods from the new class which simply delegates println(), print() and readline() to the Console class described in Recipe 10.8. Again, this is a preview feature and so subject to change.

Further, the Java 23 preview provides on-demand auto-importing of everything from the java.base module, that is, much of the common “standard API”.

See Also

Implicitly declared classes, Instance Main and are discussed with their rationale in the JEP477 for Java 23.

1.3 Downloading and Using the Code Examples


You want to try out my example code and/or use my utility classes.


Download the latest archive of the book source files, unpack it, and run Maven (see Recipe 2.4) to compile the files.


The source code used as examples in this book is included in a couple of source code repositories that have been in continuous development since 1995. These are listed in Table 1-1.

Table 1-1. The main source repositories
Repository name GitHub URL Package description Approx. size


Java code examples/demos

1,470 classes


A published API

200 classes

You can download these repositories from the GitHub URLs shown in Table 1-1. GitHub allows you to download a ZIP file of the entire repository’s current state, as well as view individual files on the web interface. Downloading with git clone instead of as an archive is preferred because you can then obtain all my updates at any time with a simple git pull command. And with the amount of updating this code base has undergone for the current release of Java, you are sure to find changes after the book is published.

If you are not familiar with Git, see “CVS, Subversion, Git, Oh My!”.


This is the largest repo and consists primarily of code written to show a particular feature or API. The files are organized into subdirectories by topic, many of which correspond more or less to book chapters—for example, a directory for strings examples (Chapter 3), regex for regular expressions (Chapter 4), numbers (Chapter 5), and so on. The archive also contains the index by name and index by chapter files from the download site, so you can easily find the files you need.

The javasrc library is further broken down into a dozen Maven modules (shown in Table 1-2) so that you don’t need all the dependencies for everything on your CLASSPATH all the time.

Table 1-2. JavaSrc Maven modules
Directory/module name Description Reference


Maven parent pom

Recipe 2.4


AWT and Swing stuff (no longer covered in the Java Cookbook)


Enterprise stuff (no longer covered in the Java Cookbook)


GraalVM demos

Recipe 1.12


JLink demos

Recipe 2.17


JSON processing

Recipe 2.4


Contains the majority of the files, i.e., those not required to be in one of the other modules due to CLASSPATH or other issues



R demo using a web framework

Recipe 12.2


REST service demo

Recipe 14.1


Apache Spark demo

Recipe 12.1


Code for testing

Recipe 2.9


Demo of Unsafe class



XML stuff (no longer covered in the Java Cookbook)


I have built up a collection of useful stuff partly by moving some reusable classes from javasrc into my own API, which I use in my Java projects. I use example code from it in this book, and I import classes from it into numerous examples. If you want to use these classes in your own project, the easiest way is to add it to your pom.xml (or the corresponding information in build.gradle):


The version number will change over time. You can search on Maven Central to see the latest, and to see the specification in the format for other build tools.

This API consists of about two dozen com.darwinsys packages, listed in Table 1-3. The structure vaguely parallels the standard Java API; this is intentional. These packages now include around 200 classes and interfaces. Most of them have javadoc documentation that can be viewed with the source download.

Table 1-3. The com.darwinsys packages
Package name Package description




Classes for comma-separated values files


Classes for dealing with databases in a general way


Comparison utilities


Various formatting helpers


Generic GUI stuff


Classes relating to country codes, provinces/states, and so on



Classes (only one so far) for dealing with HTML

Classes for input and output operations, using Java’s underlying I/O classes


The JClipBoard class


Classes for dealing with standard features of Java


Pessimistic locking API


Classes for dealing with email, mainly a convenience class for sending mail


Sample data models



A very simple “notepad"-style implemented in Java






Regular expression stuff: an REDemo program, a Grep variant



Classes for dealing with SQL databases


Classes for helping construct and use Swing GUIs


A few interesting LayoutManager implementations



Test data generators

Miscellaneous tools


Unix helpers


A few miscellaneous utility classes


BreakNagger, a tool to interrupt your workflow for your own good


XML utilities

Many classes from these packages are used as examples in this book. You’ll also find that some of the other examples have imports from the com.darwinsys packages.

General notes

Your best bet is to use git clone to download a copy of both the Git projects and then do a git pull every few months to get updates. Alternatively, you can download from this book’s catalog page a single intersection subset of both libraries that is made up almost exclusively of files actually used in the book. This archive is made from the sources that are dynamically included into the book at formatting time, so it should reflect exactly the examples you see in the book. But it will not include as many examples as the three individual archives, nor is it guaranteed that everything will compile because of missing dependencies, nor will it get updates. But if all you want is to copy pieces into a project you’re working on, this may be the one to get. You can find links to all of these files from my own website for this book; just follow the Downloads link.

The two separate repositories contain multiple self-contained projects with support for building both with Eclipse (Recipe 1.4) and with Maven (Recipe 2.4). Note that Maven will automatically fetch a vast array of prerequisite libraries when first invoked on a given project, so be sure you’re online on a high-speed internet link. Maven will thus ensure that all prerequisites are installed before building. If you choose to build pieces individually, look in the file pom.xml for the list of dependencies. Unfortunately, I will not be able to help you if you are using tooling other than Eclipse or Maven with the control files included in the download.

If you have a version of Java older than Java 12, a few files will not compile. While it’s better if you upgrade to a newer Java, if that’s not possible, then you can make up exclusion elements in Maven or other tooling to avoid compiling the files that are known not to compile.

All my code in the two projects is released under the least-restrictive credit-only license, the two-clause BSD license. If you find it useful, incorporate it into your own software. There is no need to write to ask me for permission; just use it, with credit. If you get rich off it, send me some money.


Most of the command-line examples refer to source files, assuming you are in src/main/java, and runnable classes, assuming you are in (or have added to your CLASSPATH) the build directory (e.g., usually target/classes). This will not be mentioned with each example, as doing so would consume a lot of paper.

Caveat lector

The repos have been in development since 1995. This means that you will likely find some code that is not up to date or that no longer reflects best practices. This is not surprising: any body of code will grow old if any part of it is not actively maintained. (Thus, at this point, I invoke Culture Club’s song “Do You Really Want to Hurt Me”: “Give me time to realize my crime.”) Where advice in the book disagrees with some code you found in the repo, keep this in mind. One of the practices of Extreme Programming is Continuous Refactoring, the ability to improve any part of the code base at any time. Don’t be surprised if the code in the online source directory differs from what appears in the book; it is a rare month that I don’t make some improvement to the code, and the results are committed and pushed quite often. So if there are differences between what’s printed in the book and what you get from GitHub, be glad, not sad, for you’ll have received the benefit of hindsight. Also, people can contribute easily on GitHub via pull requests; that’s what makes it interesting. If you find a bug or an improvement, do send me a pull request! The consolidated archive on the page for this book will not be updated as frequently.

1.4 Compiling, Running, and Testing with an IDE


It is cumbersome to use several tools for the various development tasks.


Use an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), which combines editing, testing, compiling, running, debugging, and package management.


Many programmers find that using a handful of separate tools—a text editor, a compiler, and a runner program, not to mention a debugger—is too many. An IDE integrates all of these into a single toolset with a graphical user interface. Many IDEs are available, and the better ones are fully integrated tools with their own copies of the compilers and virtual machines. Class browsers and other features of IDEs round out the ease-of-use feature sets of these tools. Today most developers use an IDE because of the productivity gains. Although I started as a command-line junkie, I do find that IDE features like the following make me more productive:

Code completion

Ian’s Rule here is that I never type more than three characters of any name that is known to the IDE; let the computer do the typing!

Incremental compiling features

Note and report compilation errors as you type, instead of waiting until you are finished typing.


The ability to make far-reaching yet behavior-preserving changes to a code base without having to manually edit dozens of individual files.

Beyond that, I don’t plan to debate the merits of IDE versus the command-line process; I use both modes at different times and on different projects. I’m just going to show a few examples of using a couple of the Java-based IDEs.

The most popular Java IDEs, which run on all mainstream computing platforms and quite a few niche ones, are Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, VSCode, and NetBeans. Eclipse was for a long time the most widely used by Java-only developers. Eclipse was created by IBM, who set up the Eclipse Software Foundation to host it; the ESF now hosts dozens of open-source projects including JakartaEE, the follow-on to Java Enterprise Edition. The Eclipse Platform is also used as the basis of other tools such as SpringSource Tool Suite (STS) and IBM’s Rational Application Developer (RAD). If you develop for Android, the Android tooling was originally based on Eclipse, but transitioned a decade or so ago to IntelliJ as the basis for Android Studio, which is now the standard IDE for Android, and for Google’s other mobile platform, Flutter.

IntelliJ IDEA is a project of JetBrains Inc., and has both a free community edition and a pro (“Ultimate”) edition. Note that JetBrains also provides the JetBrains Toolbox App for macOS, Windows and Linux. This will install IntelliJ IDEA, Android Studio, PyCharm, and a host of other JetBrains IDEs, and allow you to update all the ones that are out-of-date with a single click.

Microsoft’s VSCode is a later entrant, originally for .NET developers. VSCode is open source and, like the others, supports a variety of languages in addition to Java.

NetBeans was a startup company, was bought by Sun, which was bought by Oracle, who in turn donated NetBeans to the Apache Software Foundation.

All these Java IDEs are plug-in based and offer a wide selection of optional and third-party plug-ins to enhance the IDE, such as supporting other programming languages, frameworks, and file types. For Eclipse, use the Eclipse Marketplace, near the bottom of the Help menu. For IntelliJ IDEA, use the Settings→Plugins menu item.

While the following paragraph shows creating and running a program with Eclipse, the IntelliJ IDEA and NetBeans IDEs all offer similar capabilities. All three of these IDEs are written mostly in Java. IntelliJ uses some OS-specific native code, and is also the basis of half a dozen other IntelliJ IDEs including PyCharm, CLion, and others. Eclipse has its own GUI toolkit, unfortunately not written in Java. As a result, on geekly systems like OpenBSD we have IntelliJ IDEA and NetBeans but not Eclipse.

All IDEs do basically the same thing for you when getting started. The example in Figure 1-1 shows starting a new project.

jc5e 0101
Figure 1-1. Starting a new project with the Eclipse New Java Class Wizard

The Eclipse New Java Class Wizard shown in Figure 1-2 shows creating a new class.

jc5e 0102
Figure 1-2. Creating a new class with the Eclipse New Java Class Wizard

Eclipse, like all modern IDEs, features a number of refactoring capabilities, shown in Figure 1-3.

jc5e 0103
Figure 1-3. Refactoring in Eclipse

And, of course, all the IDEs allow you to run and/or debug your application. Figure 1-4 shows running a Hello World application using IntelliJ IDEA, and Figure 1-5 shows a similar application in NetBeans.

macOS (Release 10.x of the OS) is built upon a BSD Unix (and “Mach”) base. As such, it has a regular command line (the Terminal application, hidden away under /Applications/Utilities), and most of the traditional Unix command-line tools for developers and other users. Mac fans can use one of the many full IDE tools discussed in Recipe 1.4. The main IDE from Apple is Xcode doesn’t really work for Java developers.

Microsoft’s open-source VSCode has been getting some attention in Java circles lately, but it’s not a Java-specific IDE. Give it a try if you like.

How do you choose an IDE? Perhaps it will be dictated by your organization or chosen by majority vote of your fellow developers. Given that all three major IDEs (Eclipse, NetBeans, and IntelliJ) can be downloaded free, and two of them are open source, why not try them all and see which one best fits the kind of development you do? Regardless of what platform you use to develop Java, there are enough Java IDEs from which to choose. Once you have chosen one, do spend time learning the keyboard shortcuts; they will save you days of time a year if used effectively. Eclipse users should check out my article “Eclipse Shortcuts You Cannot Afford To Ignore”.

jc5e 0104
Figure 1-4. IntelliJ Run Program Output

Note that IntelliJ IDEA puts many “helper” comments on screen which don’t appear in the source code being edited.

Netbeans has most of the same capabilities. Figure 1-5 shows a program being run in Netbeans.

jc5e 0105
Figure 1-5. NetBeans Run Program Output

See Also

See Table 1-4 for the website for each major IDE.

Table 1-4. The Three Major Java IDEs and their web sites
Product name Project URL Note


Basis of STS, RAD

IntelliJ IDEA

Basis of Android Studio


Runs anywhere Java SE does

For Eclipse, I have some useful information at That site includes a list of shortcuts to aid developer productivity.

1.5 Exploring Java with JShell java version 11


You want to try out Java expressions and APIs quickly, without having to create and run a source file every time.


Use JShell, Java’s interactive REPL (Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop) interpreter.


Starting with Java 11, JShell is included as a standard part of the JDK. It allows you to enter Java statements and have them evaluated without the bother of creating a class and a main program. You can use it for quick calculations, to try out an API to see how it works, or for almost any purpose; if you find an expression you like, you can copy it into a regular Java source file and make it permanent. JShell can also be used as a scripting language over Java, but the overhead of starting the JVM means that it won’t be as fast as awk, Perl, or Python for quick scripting.

REPL programs are very convenient, and they are hardly a new idea (LISP languages from the 1950s included them). You can think of Command-Line Interpreters (CLIs) such as the Bash or Ksh shells on UNIX/Linux, or and PowerShell on Microsoft Windows, as REPLs for the system as a whole. Many interpreted languages like Ruby and Python can also be used as REPLs. Java has its own REPL, JShell. Here’s an example of using it:

$ jshell
|  Welcome to JShell -- Version 11.0.2
|  For an introduction type: /help intro

jshell> "Hello"
$1 ==> "Hello"

jshell> System.out.println("Hello");

jshell> System.out.println($1)

jshell> "Hello" + sqrt(57)
|  Error:
|  cannot find symbol
|    symbol:   method sqrt(int)
|  "Hello" + sqrt(57)
|            ^--^

jshell> "Hello" + Math.sqrt(57)
$2 ==> "Hello7.54983443527075"

jshell> String.format("Hello %6.3f", Math.sqrt(57)
   ...> )
$3 ==> "Hello  7.550"

jshell> String x = Math.sqrt(22/7) + " " + Math.PI +
   ...> " and the end."
x ==> "1.7320508075688772 3.141592653589793 and the end."


You can see some obvious features and benefits here:

  • The value of an expression is printed without needing to call System.out.println every time, but you can call it if you like.

  • Values that are not assigned to a variable get assigned synthetic identifiers, like $1, that can be used in subsequent statements.

  • The semicolon at the end of a statment is optional (unless you type more than one statement on a line).

  • If you omit a close quote, parenthesis, or other punctuation, JShell will just wait for you, giving a continuation prompt (…​).

  • If you make a mistake, you get a helpful message immediately.

  • If you do make a mistake, you can use “shell history” (i.e., up arrow) to recall the statement so you can repair it.

  • Not shown but worth knowing: You can get API completion with a single tab, as in shell filename completion.

  • You can get the relevant portion of the Javadoc documentation on known classes or methods with just a double tab.

JShell is also useful in prototyping Java code. For example, I wanted one of those health-themed timers that reminds you to get up and move around a bit every half hour:

$ jshell
|  Welcome to JShell -- Version 11.0.2
|  For an introduction type: /help intro

jshell> while (true) { sleep (30*60); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,
  "Move it"); }
|  Error:
|  cannot find symbol
|    symbol:   method sleep(int)
|  while (true) { sleep (30*60); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Move it");}
|                 ^---^
|  Error:
|  cannot find symbol
|    symbol:   variable JOptionPane
|  while (true) { sleep (30*60); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Move it");}
|                                ^---------^

jshell> import javax.swing.*;

[At this point I simply hit up-arrow and return]

jshell> while (true) { Thread.sleep (30*60 * 1000);
  JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Move it"); }

jshell> ^D

I then put the final working version into a Java file called, put a class statement and a main() method around the main line, told the IDE to reformat the whole thing, and saved it into my darwinsys-api repository.

So go ahead and experiment with JShell. Read the built-in introductory tutorial for more details! When you get something you like, either use /save, or copy and paste it into a Java program and save it.

Read more about JShell at the OpenJDK JShell Tutorial.

1.6 Using CLASSPATH Effectively


You need to keep your class files in a common directory or library, or, you’re wrestling with CLASSPATH.


Set CLASSPATH to the list of directories and/or JAR files that contain the classes you want.


CLASSPATH is a list of class directories containing compiled class files in any of a number of directories or JAR files. Just like the PATH your system uses for finding programs, the CLASSPATH is used by the Java runtime to find classes. Even when you type something as simple as java HelloWorld, the Java interpreter looks in each of the places named in your CLASSPATH until it finds a match. Let’s work through an example.

The CLASSPATH can be set as an environment variable the same way you set other environment variables, such as your PATH environment variable. However, it’s usually preferable to specify the CLASSPATH for a given command on the command line:

C:\> java -classpath c:\ian\classes starting.HelloWorld

We can use the -d option of javac to compile classes into such a directory.

$ javac -d $HOME/classes
$ java -cp $HOME/classes starting.HelloWorld
Hello, world!

Suppose your CLASSPATH were set to C:\classes;. on Windows or ~/classes:. on Unix or Mac. Suppose you had just compiled a source file named (with no package statement) into HelloWorld.class in the default directory (which is your current directory) and tried to run it. On Unix, if you run one of the kernel tracing tools (trace, strace, truss, or ktrace), you would probably see the Java program open or stat or access the following files:

  • Some file(s) in the JDK directory

  • Then ~/classes/HelloWorld.class, which it probably wouldn’t find

  • Finally, ./HelloWorld.class, which it would find, open, and read into memory

The vague “some file(s) in the JDK directory” is release dependent. You should not mess with the JDK files, but if you’re curious, you can find them in the System Properties (see “Getting Information from System Properties”).

The reason I and others suggest not setting CLASSPATH as an environment variable is that we don’t like surprises. It’s easy to add a JAR to your CLASSPATH and then forget that you’ve done so; a program might then work for you but not for your colleagues, due to their being unaware of your hidden dependency. And if you add a new version to CLASSPATH without removing the old version, you may run into conflicts.

Note also that providing the -classpath argument causes the CLASSPATH environment variable to be ignored.

If you still want to set CLASSPATH as an environment variable, you can. Suppose you had also installed the JAR file containing the supporting classes for programs from this book, darwinsys-api.jar (the actual filename if you download it may have a version number as part of the filename). You might then set your CLASSPATH to C:\classes;C:\classes\darwinsys-api.jar;. on Windows or ~/classes:~/classes/darwinsys-api.jar:. on Unix.

Notice that you do need to list the full name of the JAR file explicitly. Unlike a single class file, placing a JAR file into a directory listed in your CLASSPATH does not make it available.

While these examples show explicit use of java with -classpath, it is generally more convenient (and reproducible) to use a build tool such as Maven (Recipe 2.4) or Gradle (Recipe 2.5), which automatically provide the CLASSPATH for both compilation and execution.

Note that Java 9 and later also have a module path (environment variable MODULEPATH, command-line argument --module-path entry[:,…​]) with the same syntax as the class path. The module path contains code that has been modularized; the Java Module System is discussed in Recipe 2.2 and Recipe 2.3.

1.7 Documenting Classes with Javadoc


You have heard about this thing called code reuse and would like to promote it by informing developers (including yourself, later) how to use your classes.


Use javadoc. Write the comments when you write the code.


Javadoc is one of the great inventions of the early Java years. Like so many good things, it was not wholly invented by the Java folks; earlier projects such as Knuth’s Literate Programming had combined source code and documentation in a single source file. But the Java folks did a good job on it and came along at the right time. Javadoc is to Java classes what man pages are to Unix, or what Windows Help is to Windows applications: it is a standard format that everybody expects to find and knows how to use. Learn it (this takes some discipline: Learn how others use it effectively). Use it. Write it. Maintain it. Live long and prosper (well, perhaps that’s not guaranteed). But all that HTML documentation that you learned from writing Java code, the complete reference for the JDK—did you think they hired dozens of tech writers to produce it? Nay, that’s not the Java way. Java’s developers wrote the documentation comments as they went along, and when the release was made, they ran javadoc on all the zillions of public classes and generated the documentation bundle at the same time as the JDK. You can, should, and really must do the same when you are preparing classes for other developers to use.

All you have to do to use javadoc is to put special javadoc comments into your Java source files. These are similar to multiline Java comments, but they begin with a slash and two stars and end with the normal star-slash. Javadoc comments must appear immediately before the definition of the class, method, or field that they document; if placed elsewhere, they are ignored.

A series of keywords, prefixed by the at sign, can appear inside doc comments in certain contexts. Some are contained in braces. The keywords are listed in Table 1-5.

Table 1-5. Javadoc keywords
Keyword Use


Author name(s)

{@code text}

Displays text in code font without HTML interpretation


Explains deprecation warning (when, why, what do replace with:


Refers to the root of the generated documentation tree


Alias for @throws


Inherits documentation from nearest superclass/superinterface


Generates inline link to another class or member

{@link ref label}

Generates inline link with label to another class or member


As @link but displays in plain text

{@literal text}

Displays text without interpretation

@param name description

Argument name and meaning (methods only)


Return value


Generate cross-reference link to another class or member


Describes serializable field


Describes order and types of data in serialized form


Describes serializable field


JDK version in which introduced (primarily for Sun use)

@snippet java version 18

Include code snippet


Exception class and conditions under which thrown

{@value [ref]}

Displays values of this or another constant field


Version identifier

Example 1-2 is a somewhat contrived example that shows some common javadoc keywords in use. The output of running this through javadoc is shown in a browser in Figure 1-6.

Example 1-2. main/src/main/java/javadoc/
public class JavadocDemo extends JPanel {

  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

   * Construct the GUI
   * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if constructed on a Sunday.
  public JavadocDemo() {
    // We create and add a pushbutton here, 
    // but it doesn't do anything yet.
    Button b = new Button("Hello");
    add(b);            // connect Button into component
    // Totally capricious example of what you should not do
    if ( == DayOfWeek.SUNDAY) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Never On A Sunday");

  /** paint() is an AWT Component method, called when the 
   *  component needs to be painted. This one just draws colored
   * boxes in the window.
   * @param g A java.awt.Graphics that we use for all our
   * drawing methods.
  public void paint(Graphics g) {
    // ...

The javadoc tool works fine for one class but really comes into its own when dealing with a package or collection of packages. You can provide a package summary file for each package, which will be incorporated into the generated files. Javadoc generates thoroughly interlinked and crosslinked documentation, just like that which accompanies the standard JDK. There are several command-line options; I normally use -author and -version to get it to include these items, and often -link to tell it where to find the standard JDK to link to.

Run javadoc -help for a complete list of options, or see the full documentation online at Oracle’s website. Figure 1-6 shows one view of the documentation that the class shown in Example 1-2 generates when run as the following:

$ javadoc -author -version

If you run this with Java 9+, it will also include a fully functional search box, shown in the upper right of Figure 1-6. This is implemented in JavaScript, so it should work in any modern browser.

Be aware that quite a few files are generated, and one of the generated files will have the same name as each class, with the extension .html. If you happened to have an HTML file documenting the class, and you generate javadoc in the source directory, the .html file is silently overwritten with the javadoc output. If you wish to avoid cluttering up your source directories with the generated files, the -d directorypath option to javadoc allows you to place the generated files into the specified directory.

jc5e 0106
Figure 1-6. Javadoc opened in a browser

Snippets java version 18

As of Java 18, JavaDoc can include internal or external “code snippets” that provide a brief code sample showing use of the class or method being documented. Example 1-3 shows an “internal” snippet, where the sample code is embedded in the @snippet tag (the tag and its content is required to be surrounded by a {…​} pair).

Example 1-3. main/src/main/java/javadoc/
   * A simple demo method. Typical usage:
   * {@snippet lang="java" :
   *  var demo = new JavadocDemo();
   *  demo.demo(42); // or some other int
   * }
   * @param i The value to be processed.
  public void demo(int i) {
    System.out.printf("Demo value is %d\n", i);

When processed via javadoc, the result in Figure 1-7 is created. Note the convenient Copy button in the upper right!

jc5e 0107
Figure 1-7. An Internal Snippet

The content of snippets is not limited to Java code; any text format can be used. Internal snippets cannot contain /…​/ comments, nor an excess of mismatched “}” characters.

External snippets are files that are included into the generated documentation. They can be in a snippet-files subdirectory of the directory containing the source code or in an external folder (which must be passed as --snippet-path to the javadoc command). They can optionally contain subset “regions”, delimited by // @start region=name and ending with // @end [region=name]. If the code is in another language than Java, its comment convention can be used. If the region argument isn’t provided on the @end, the most recent region is ended.

Example 1-4. main/src/main/java/javadoc/
   * A simple method. See this note:
   * {@snippet lang="python" file=""}
   * @param i The value to be processed.
  public void demo2(int i) {
    System.out.printf("Demo value is %d\n", i);

Note that external snippets in the default location (in snippet-files under the package source directory) seem only to be found if you run javadoc from the top level directory, as is normally done with mvn javadoc:javadoc.

There’s considerably more capability to the “snippet” mechanism. For more details please refer to the JEP 413 documentation.

Markdown java version 23

Java 23 introduced an entire new mechanism for writing Javadoc, through the use of Markdown, a simple document formatting language. I would have preferred AsciiDoc, but they didn’t ask me, so JEP 467 specifies MarkDown.

Markdown Javadoc is introduced by a triple slash (///) on each line, rather than the traditional /** ... */ comment. You still use most of the keywords from <<javacook-packages-TABLE-2>>. But Markdown simplifies document formatting, so instead of using HTML tags, you can just write text, with empty lines for paragraph breaks, leading dashes for list items, and square brackets ( ) for JDK links or [link text](https://link_url_address)$$ for external links.

Example 1-5 shows the same code as Example 1-2 but with most of the Javadoc changed to Markdown. In the online copy of this file, one Snippet example has been left in the traditional format to show that your can mix and match both formats in the same file.

Example 1-5. main/src/main/java/javadoc/
public class JavadocMdDemo extends JPanel {

  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

  /// Construct the GUI
  /// @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if constructed on a Sunday.
  public JavadocMdDemo() {
    // We create and add a pushbutton here, 
    // but it doesn't do anything yet.
    Button b = new Button("Hello");
    add(b);            // connect Button into component
    // Totally capricious example of what you should not do
    if ( == DayOfWeek.SUNDAY) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Never On A Sunday");

  /// paint() is an AWT Component method, called when the 
  /// component needs to be painted. This one just draws colored
  /// boxes in the window.
  /// @param g A java.awt.Graphics that we use for all our
  /// drawing methods.
  public void paint(Graphics g) {
    // ...

Then run, it looks like Figure 1-8.

jc5e 0108
Figure 1-8. Javadoc prepared with Markdown

See Also

The javadoc tool has numerous other command-line arguments. If documentation is for your own use only and will not be distributed, you can use the -link option to tell it where your standard JDK documentation is installed so that links can be generated to standard Java classes (like String, Object, and so on). If documentation is to be distributed, you can omit -link or use -link with a URL to the appropriate Java API page on Oracle’s website. See the online tools documentation for all the command-line options.

The output that javadoc generates is fine for most purposes. It is possible to write your own Doclet class to make the javadoc program into a class documentation verifier, a Java-to-other-format (such as Java-to-Asciidoc) documentation generator, or whatever you like. See the javadoc tools documentation that comes with the JDK for documents and examples, or go to Oracle’s website.

Javadoc and Dash/Zeal

Dash is a Mac-centric documentation viewer. There is an open source implementation called Zeal, as well as plug-ins for several popular IDEs and editors including popular Java IDE IntelliJ Idea. Dash’s sponsor Kapeli provides over 200 sets of documents for free download. You can quite easily package a set of JavaDoc pages into a “docset” that will be usable by both these programs; use Kapeli’s tool for macOS or this version for other platforms. This is great for internal use. And, if your software is being made available to the public or to a decent-sized customer base, you may want to publish the docset back to Dash.

Javadoc Versus JavaHelp

Javadoc is for programmers using your classes; for a GUI application, users of desktop applications will appreciate standard online help. This is the role of the JavaHelp API, which is not covered in this book but is fully explained in Creating Effective JavaHelp by Kevin Lewis (O’Reilly). JavaHelp is another useful specification that was left to coast during the Sun sellout to Oracle; what remains of it - the old source code - is hosted at javahelp.

1.8 Beyond Javadoc: Annotations/Metadata


You want to generate not just documentation from your source code, but also other code artifacts. You want to mark code for additional compiler verification.


Use the Java Annotations, or Metadata, facility.


The continuing success of the open source tool XDoclet—originally used to generate the tedious auxiliary classes and deployment descriptor files for the widely criticized EJB2 framework—led to a demand for a similar mechanism in standard Java. Java Annotations were the result. The annotation mechanism uses an interface-like syntax, in which both declaration and use of annotations use the name preceded by an at character (@). This was chosen, according to the designers, to be reminiscent of “Javadoc tags, a preexisting ad hoc annotation facility in the Java programming language.” Javadoc is ad hoc only in the sense that its @ tags were never fully integrated into the language; most were ignored by the compiler, but @deprecated was always understood by the compiler.

Annotations can be read at runtime by use of the Reflection API; this is discussed in Recipe 17.12, where I also show you how to define your own annotations. Annotations can also be read post–compile time by tools such as code generators (and others to be invented, perhaps by you, gentle reader!).

Annotations are also read by javac at compile time to provide extra information to the compiler.

For example, a common coding error is overloading a method when you mean to override it, by mistakenly using the wrong argument type. Consider overriding the equals method in Object. If you mistakenly write

public boolean equals(MyClass obj) {

then you have created a new overload that will likely never be called, and the default version in Object will be called. To prevent this, an annotation included in java.lang is the Override annotation. This has no parameters but simply is placed before the method call, like this:

 * AnnotationOverrideDemo - Simple demonstation of Metadata being used to
 * verify that a method does in fact override (not overload) a method
 * from the parent class. This class provides the method.
abstract class Top {
    public abstract void myMethod(Object o);

/** Simple demonstration of Metadata being used to verify
 * that a method does in fact override (not overload) a method
 * from the parent class. This class is supposed to do the overriding,
 * but deliberately introduces an error to show how the modern compiler
 * behaves 
class Bottom {

    public void myMethod(String s) {    // EXPECT COMPILE ERROR
        // Do something here...

Attempting to compile this results in a compiler error that the method in question does not override a method, even though the annotation says it does; this is a fatal compile-time error:

C:> javac method does not override a method
            from its superclass
        @Override public void myMethod(String s) {     // EXPECT COMPILE ERROR
1 error

As it should be.

1.9 Packaging and Running JAR Files


You want to create a Java archive (JAR) file from your package (or any other collection of files). You want to be able to run your program from the JAR file.


Use the command-line jar tool. Or use a build tool that will do the “jarring” for you. Create the JAR file with a Main-Class: entry in its manifest; run the program with the java -jar option.


The jar archiver is Java’s standard tool for building archives. Archives serve the same purpose as the program libraries that some other programming languages use. Java normally loads its standard classes from archives, a fact you can verify by running a simple “Hello, World” program with the -verbose option:

java -verbose HelloWorld

Creating an archive is a simple process. The jar tool takes several command-line arguments: the most common are c for create, t for table of contents, and x for extract. The archive name is specified with -f and a filename. The options are followed by the files and directories to be archived, like this:

jar cvf /tmp/MyClasses.jar .

The dot at the end is important; it means the current directory. This command creates an archive of all files in the current directory and its subdirectories into the file /tmp/MyClasses.jar.

Most applications of JAR files depend on an extra file that is always present in a true JAR file, called a manifest. This file always lists the contents of the JAR and their attributes; you can add extra information into it. The attributes are in the form name: value, as used in email headers, properties files (see Recipe 7.10), and elsewhere. Some attributes are required by the application, whereas others are optional. For example, running a main program directly from a JAR requires a Main-Program header. You can even invent your own attributes, such as the following:

MySillyAttribute: true
MySillynessLevel: high (6'2")

You store this in a file called, say, manifest.stub,3 and pass it to jar with the -m switch. jar includes your attributes in the manifest file it creates:

jar -cv -m manifest.stub -f /tmp/com.darwinsys.util.jar .

The jar program and related tools add additional information to the manifest, including a listing of all the other files included in the archive.


If you use a tool like Maven (see Recipe 2.4), it will automatically create a JAR file from your source project when you say mvn package.

The java command has a -jar option that tells it to run the main program found within a JAR file. In this case, it will also find classes it needs to load from within the same JAR file. How does it know which class to run? You must tell it. Create a one-line file like this, noting that the attribute fields are case-sensitive and that the colon must be followed by a space:

Main-Class: com.somedomainhere.HelloWorld

Place that in a file called, say, manifest.stub, and assuming that you want to run the program HelloWorld from the given package. You can then use the following commands to package your app and run it from the JAR file:

C:> javac
C:> jar cvmf manifest.stub hello.jar HelloWorld.class
C:> java -jar hello.jar
Hello, World of Java

You can now copy the JAR file anywhere and run it the same way. You do not need to add it to your CLASSPATH or list the name of the main class.

On GUI platforms that support it, you can launch this application by double-clicking the JAR file. This works on macOS, Microsoft Windows, and most X Windows desktops.

In real life you would probably automate the JAR creation with Maven, where your POM file would contain, among other things, the following:

<project ...>

You have to provide the actual main class, of course, either as a <property> or by replacing ${main-class} in the <manifest> section. With this in place, mvn package will build a runnable JAR file. However, if your class has external dependencies, the preceding steps will not package them, and you will get a missing class exception when you run it. For this, you need to use the Maven assembly plug-in:

                <!-- <manifestFile>manifest.stub</manifestFile> -->

Now, the invocation mvn package assembly:single will produce a runnable JAR with all dependencies. Note that your target folder will contain both foo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar and foo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar; the latter is the one you need.

The jpackage tool (see Recipe 2.18) will do a more complete job of packaging than assembly:single, and is included with Java 14+.

1.10 Creating a JAR that supports multiple versions of Java


You are packaging a Jar file, whether a complete application or a library, for others to use. You want to use new Java features in code you release, but still provide backwards compatibility for those who for some reason must run with older JDK releases.


Create a multi-release JAR file.


“Always in motion the Java is,” according to Yoda. This means devs always get cool new features to play with, or at least, to take advantage of. The multi-release Jar file provides a mechanism for forward compatibility to allow use of new versions of classes utilizing new features, while still allowing your code to run on older Java runtimes. To use this, provide multiple versions of the same source file updated and compiled for various releases. Create an extra directory in the Jar file for each newer-than-legacy version of the code. And you keep the older JDK installation around to compile the legacy version of the code.

This example uses a traditional Java class for pre-Java-16 JDKs, and a record for Java 16 and later. One trick is that both must expose exactly the same API, so that one can substitute for the other.

Here are the two versions of my trivial demo data object. They both have the same class name and the same list of methods (actually, only one method). Of course the source code must be in two different directories. First, the main program:

public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) { 
    var type = new Data().type();
    System.out.printf("Run with a Data object of type '%s'.\n", type);

Then there is a legacy (class) version of Data:

public class Data {
  String type() {
    return "class";

Here is a Java 16 (record-based) version of the same Data class:

public record Data() {
  public String type() {
    return "record";

It should be clear that either Data class will work with the main program. The getType() method is only there as a demo to identify which version is being called.

There is a run_demo script in the top-level diretory of $js/multireleasejar. The script runs the main program against both versions of Data without recompiling main, just to show that both work correctly and are interchangeable. The script then sets up the structure for the Jar file as follows:

|   +-- versions
|       +-- 16
|           +-- mrjdemo
|               +-- Data.class
+-- mrjdemo
	|-- Data.class
	+-- Main.class

The manifest file simply contains one line, Multi-Release: true, to inform Java to watch for multiple versions when classloading from the JAR.

Here is the run_demo script itself. Note that withjava is my custom command to run with a particular release of Java.

# run the multi-release-jar demo
mkdir $D
echo Running from directory with simple classpath
withjava 11 javac -d $D *.java
withjava 11 java -cp $D mrjdemo.Main
echo Running from directory with version up front in classpath
javac -d $D/META-INF/versions/16 versions/16/*.java
java -cp $D/META-INF/versions/16:$D mrjdemo.Main
cd $D
jar cvmf MANIFEST.MF /tmp/multirelease.jar mrjdemo META-INF
echo "Running from jar with legacy java"
withjava 11 java -cp /tmp/multirelease.jar mrjdemo.Main
echo "Running from jar with current java"
java -cp /tmp/multirelease.jar mrjdemo.Main

Running it produces this output:

$ sh run_demo
Running from directory with simple classpath
Run with a Data object of type 'class'.
Running from directory with version up front in classpath
Run with a Data object of type 'record'.
5 directories, 5 files
added manifest
adding: mrjdemo/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: mrjdemo/Data.class(in = 275) (out= 215)(deflated 21%)
adding: mrjdemo/Main.class(in = 575) (out= 370)(deflated 35%)
ignoring entry META-INF/
adding: META-INF/versions/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: META-INF/versions/16/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: META-INF/versions/16/mrjdemo/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: META-INF/versions/16/mrjdemo/Data.class(in = 1018) (out= 498)(deflated 51%)
Running from jar with legacy java
Run with a Data object of type 'class'.
Running from jar with current java
Run with a Data object of type 'record'.

The Java runtime correctly uses the class version when run on Java 11, and the record version when run on Java 16 or later.

The creation of the Jar file can be done a bit more automatically with some command line options added to the jar command as of Java 9. It can also be automated using Maven or Gradle. I did it this “verbose” way to ensure that all the individual steps are visible.

1.11 Packaging Web Tier Components into a WAR File


You have some web-tier resources and want to package them into a single file for deploying to the server.


Use jar to make a web archive (WAR) file. Or, as mentioned earlier, use Maven with packaging="war".


JavaEE/JakartaEE defines a series of server-side components for use in web servers. They can be packaged for easy installation into a web server. A web application in the Servlet API specification is a collection of HTML/JSP/JSF pages, servlets, and other resources. A typical directory structure might include the following:

Project Root Directory
├── README.asciidoc
├── index.html - typical web pages
|── signup.jsp - ditto
└── WEB-INF Server directory
    ├── classes - Directory for individual .class files
    ├── lib    - Directory for Jar files needed by app
    └── web.xml - web app Descriptor ("Configuration file")

Once you have prepared the files in this way, you just package them up with a build tool. Using Maven, with <packaging>war</packaging>, your tree might look like this:

Project Root Directory
├── README.asciidoc
├── pom.xml
└── src
    └── main
        ├── java
        │   └── foo
        │       └──
        └── webapp
            ├── WEB-INF
            │   ├── classes
            │   ├── lib
            │   └── web.xml
            ├── index.html
            └── signup.jsp

Then mvn package will compile things, put them in place, and create the WAR file for you, leaving it under target. Gradle users would use a similar directory structure. You then deploy the resulting WAR file into your web server. For details on the deployment step, consult the documentation on the particular server you’re using.

1.12 Compiling and Running Java: GraalVM for Better Performance


You’ve heard that Graal is a JVM from Oracle that’s faster than the standard JDK, and you want to try it out. Graal promises to offer better performance, largely obtained by pre-compiling your Java code into executable form for a given platform. And it offers the ability to mix and match programming languages.


Download and install GraalVM.


GraalVM bills itself as “a universal virtual machine for running applications written in JavaScript, Python, Ruby, R, JVM-based languages like Java, Scala, Clojure, Kotlin, and LLVM-based languages such as C and C++.”

Note that Graal is undergoing change. There may be newer versions and changed functionality by the time you are ready to install.

You could build your own Graal, since the complete source is on GitHub. However, it’s easier to download a pre-built binary. Start at the downloads page. You can download a tarball for Linux, macOS, and Windows. There is no formal installer at this point. To install it, open a terminal window and try the following (the directory chosen is for macOS):

$ cd /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines # or ~/Library/...
# In this, replace 23, macos and aarch64 with your actual download:
$ sudo tar xzvf ~/Downloads/graalvm-jdk-23_macos-aarch64_bin.tar.gz
$ cd
$ /usr/libexec/java_home -V # macOS only
    24 (arm64) "Oracle Corporation" - "OpenJDK 24-ea"
    23.0.1 (arm64) "Oracle Corporation" - "Oracle GraalVM 23.0.1+11.1"
    23 (arm64) "Oracle Corporation" - "OpenJDK 23-ea"
    22 (arm64) "Oracle Corporation" - "OpenJDK 22-ea"
    17.0.11 (arm64) "JetBrains s.r.o." - "JBR-17.0.11+1-1312.2-nomod 17.0.11"
    21.0.1 (arm64) "Eclipse Adoptium" - "OpenJDK 21.0.1"

macOS does not provide a means to permanently set the default version; you have to adjust JAVA_HOME each time you want to change. The java_home command output confirms that you have installed GraalVM, but it’s not your default JVM yet.

export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 23.0.1)

On most versions of Linux, after installing a JDK, you can use the standard Linux alternatives command (e.g., sudo alternatives --config java) to make this your default. On other systems, do the install in a sensible place, and set JAVA_HOME and/or PATH as needed.

Now you should be running the Graal version of Java. This is what you should see:

$ java -version
java version "23.0.1" 2024-10-15
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Oracle GraalVM 23.0.1+11.1
	(build 23.0.1+11-jvmci-b01)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM Oracle GraalVM 23.0.1+11.1
	(build 23.0.1+11-jvmci-b01, mixed mode, sharing)

Your output will probably differ, but as long as it looks vaguely like this and says “GraalVM” you should be good.

Graal includes a number of useful tools, including native-image, which can in some cases translate a class file into a binary executable for the platform it’s running on, optimizing startup speed and also reducing the download size needed to run a single application. The native-image tool is included in the download. This tool reads the compiled .class file, so if you have set your PATH correctly, then

$ javac
$ native-image Hello

should produce a runnable binary. Here’s an example. The first command is just to show that graal generally works like a JDK vm and that it can compile and run a Java program. Then we build and run a native-compiled version:

$ java
Hello on 2024-10-24
$ javac
$ native-image Hello
GraalVM Native Image: Generating hello (executable)...
[1/8] Initializing...                                        (23.1s @ 0.07GB)
[2/8] Performing analysis...  []                         (3.5s @ 0.24GB)
[3/8] Building universe...                                    (0.6s @ 0.23GB)
[4/8] Parsing methods...      []                             (0.4s @ 0.24GB)
[5/8] Inlining methods...     []                           (0.4s @ 0.26GB)
[6/8] Compiling methods...    []                           (7.5s @ 0.23GB)
[7/8] Laying out methods...   []                             (0.5s @ 0.27GB)
[8/8] Creating image...       []                             (0.9s @ 0.23GB)
Build artifacts:
 /tmp/hello (executable)
Finished generating hello in 37.3s.
$ ./hello
Hello on 2024-10-24

The native-image tool does take longer to create its output, and is extremely verbose, both compared to javac (about thirty lines had to be elided from the above printout to keep it short enough). There is an option, --silent, to make native-image behave like javac in this regard, but it’s worth running without this option the first time. After that, you may wish to alias native-image="native-image --silent" (or write a batch file or script if you’re using Windows cmd or PowerShell).

You can also use Graal to mix-and-match languages like Python and JavaScript. We’ll explore calling some other languages from Java in Recipe 18.4.

See the GraalVM website for more information on GraalVM.

1.13 Getting Information About the Environment, OS, and Runtime


You need to know how your Java program can deal with its immediate surroundings with what we call the runtime environment. In one sense, everything you do in a Java program using almost any Java API involves the environment. This recipes covers environment variables, system properties, and operating-system dependencies.


Use methods of the System and Runtime classes, which know a lot about your particular system.


There are several locations from which to obtain this information.

Getting Environment Variables

Use System.getenv().

The seventh edition of Unix, released in 1979, had a then-new feature known as environment variables. Environment variables are in all modern Unix systems (including macOS) and in most later command-line systems, such as the DOS or Command Prompt in Windows. Environment variables are commonly used for customizing an individual computer user’s runtime environment, hence the name. To take one familiar example, on Unix or DOS the environment variable PATH determines where the system looks for executable programs. So, of course developers want to know how to access environment variables from their Java program.

The answer is that you can do this in all modern versions of Java. In some ancient versions of Java, System.getenv() was deprecated and/or just didn’t work. Nowadays the getenv() method is no longer deprecated, though it still carries the warning that system properties (see “Getting Information from System Properties”) should be used instead. Even among systems that support environment variables, their names are case sensitive on some platforms and case insensitive on others. The code in Example 1-6 is a short program that uses the getenv() method. Note that it is spelt getenv(), not the expected getEnv() - and it’s probably too old to change.

Example 1-6. main/src/main/java/environ/
public class GetEnv {
  public static void main(String[] argv) {    
    String envVarName = argv.length == 0 ? "PATH" : argv[0];
    System.out.printf("System.getenv(\"%s\") = %s\n",
      envVarName, System.getenv(envVarName));

Running this code will produce output similar to the following, with your actual PATH instead of one I had a while ago:

System.getenv("PATH") = C:\windows\bin;c:\jdk-17\bin;c:\Users\ian\bin

on Windows, or, on Unix (where most non-system programs such as Java are installed in /usr/local/bin):

System.getenv("PATH") = /home/ian/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin

The no-argument form of the method System.getenv() returns all the environment variables in the form of an immutable String Map. You can iterate through this map and access all the user’s settings or retrieve multiple environment settings.

Getting Information from System Properties

To get information from the system properties, use System.getProperty() or System.getProperties().

What is a property anyway? A property is just a name and value pair stored in a java.util.Properties object, which we discuss more fully in Recipe 7.10.

The System.Properties object controls and describes the Java runtime. The System class has a static Properties member whose content is the merger of operating system specifics (, for example), system and user tailoring (java.class.path), and properties defined on the command line (as we’ll see in a moment). Note that the use of periods in the names of system properties (like os.arch, os.version, java.class.path, and java.lang.version) makes it look as though there is a hierarchical relationship similar to that for package/class names. The Properties class, however, imposes no such relationships: each key is just a string, and dots are not special.

To view all the defined system properties, you can iterate through the output of calling System.getProperties() as in Example 1-7.

Example 1-7. jshell System.getProperties()
jshell> System.getProperties().forEach((k,v) -> System.out.println(k + "->" +v))
java.vm.vendor->Oracle Corporation>64
... many more ...

Note that properties whose names begin with “sun” are unsupported and subject to change. There used to be a variable named sun.boot.class.path, which contained a list of the archives used at JVM Startup. But that entry is not found anymore. Let’s look for any property with boot in its name:

jshell> System.getProperties().forEach((k,v) -> {
 ... if (((String)k).contains("boot")) System.out.println(k + "->" +v);})

So a “boot library path” is there (the location will vary on different OSes), but no other boot entries. As stated, “subject to change.”

To retrieve one system-provided property, use System.getProperty(propName). If I just wanted to find out if the System Properties had a property named "pencil_color", I could say:

    String sysColor = System.getProperty("pencil_color");

But what does that return? Surely Java isn’t clever enough to know about everybody’s favorite pencil color? Right you are! But we can easily tell Java about our pencil color (or anything else we want to tell it) using the -D argument.

When starting a Java command, define a value in the system properties object just by using a -D option. Its argument must have a name, an equals sign, and a value, which are parsed the same way as in a properties file (see Recipe 7.10). You can have more than one -D definition between the java command and your class name on the command line. At the Unix or Windows command line, type:

$ java -D"pencil_color=Deep Sea Green" environ.SysPropDemo

Here’s the result:

-- listing properties --
pencil_color=Deep Sea Green
java.vm.vendor=Oracle Corporation
... many more ...

When running this under an IDE, put the variable’s name and value in the appropriate dialog box, for example, in Eclipse’s Run Configuration dialog under Program Arguments. You can also set environment variables and system properties using the build tools (Maven, Gradle, etc.).

The SysPropDemo program has code to extract just one or a few properties, so you can run it like this:

$ java environ.SysPropDemo os.arch
os.arch = x86

If you invoke the SysPropDemo program with no arguments, it outputs the same information as the jshell fragment in Example 1-7.

Which reminds me—this is a good time to mention system-dependent code. “Dealing with Code That Depends on the Java Version or the Operating System” talks about OS-dependent code and release-dependent code.

Recipe 7.10 lists more details on using your own Properties files. The javadoc page for java.util.Properties lists the exact rules used in the load() method, as well as other details.

Dealing with Code That Depends on the Java Version or the Operating System

In the very rare case when you need to write code that adapts to the underlying operating system, use System.Properties to find out the Java version and the operating system, various features in the File class to find out some platform-dependent features. You can also use java.awt.TaskBar to see if you can use the system-dependent Taskbar or Dock, and java.awt.Desktop to see if you can open a file in the default browser, for example.

Some things depend on the version of Java you are running. Use System.getProperty() with an argument of java.specification.version.

Alternatively, and with greater generality, you may want to test for the presence or absence of particular classes. One way to do this is with Class.forName("class") (see Chapter 17), which throws an exception if the class cannot be loaded—a good indication that it’s not present in the runtime’s library. Example 1-8 shows code for this, from an application wanting to find out whether the common Swing UI components are available. The javadoc for the standard classes reports the version of the JDK in which this class first appeared, under the heading “Since.” If there is no such heading, it normally means that the class has been present since the beginnings of Java.

Another alternative is the multi-release Jar file, covered in Recipe 1.10.

Example 1-8. main/src/main/java/starting/
public class CheckForSwing {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
      String failure = 
        "Sorry, but this version of MyApp needs \n" +
        "a Java Runtime with javax.swing GUI components.\n" +
        "Please check your Java installation and try again.";
      // Better to make something appear in the GUI. Either a 
      // Dialog, or: myPanel.add(new Label(failure));
      // Can't be JDialog as Swing isn't present.
    // No need to print anything here - the GUI should work...

It’s important to distinguish between testing this code at compile time and at runtime. In both cases, it must be compiled on a system that includes the classes you are testing for: in this case, JDK >= 1.1 and Swing, respectively. These tests are only attempts to help the poor backwater Java runtime user trying to run your up-to-date application. The goal is to provide this user with a message more meaningful than the simple “class not found” error that the runtime gives. Put the test early in the main flow of your application, before any GUI objects are constructed. Otherwise the code just sits there wasting space on newer runtimes and never gets run on Java systems that don’t include Swing. Obviously this is a very early example, but you can use the same technique to test for any runtime feature added at any stage of Java’s evolution (see Appendix A for an outline of the features added in each release of Java). You can also use this technique to determine whether a needed third-party library has been successfully added to your CLASSPATH. You can also use the reflection API to determine if a class has a given method; see Chapter 17.

Also, although Java is designed to be portable, some things aren’t. These include such variables as the filename separator. Everybody on Unix knows that the filename separator is a slash character (/) and that a backward slash, or backslash (\), is an escape character. Back in the late 1970s, a group at Microsoft was actually working on Unix—their version was called Xenix, later taken over by SCO—and the people working on DOS saw and liked the Unix filesystem model. The earliest versions of MS-DOS didn’t have directories; it just had user numbers like the system it was a quick and dirty clone of, Digital Research CP/M (itself using ideas from various other systems). So the Microsoft developers set out to clone the Unix filesystem organization. Unfortunately, MS-DOS had already committed the real slash character for use as an option delimiter, for which Unix had used a dash (-); and the PATH separator (:) was also used as a drive letter delimiter, as in C: or A:. So we now have commands like those shown in Table 1-6.4

Table 1-6. Directory listing commands
System Directory list command Meaning Example PATH setting


ls -R /

Recursive listing of /, the top-level directory



dir /s \

Directory with subdirectories option (i.e., recursive) of \, the top-level directory (but only of the current drive)


Where does this get us? If we are going to generate filenames in Java, we may need to know whether to put a / or a \ or some other character. Java has two solutions to this. First, when moving between Unix and Microsoft systems, at least, it is permissive: either / or \ can be used,5 and the code that deals with the operating system sorts it out. Second, and more generally, Java makes the platform-specific information available in a platform-independent way. For the file separator (and also the PATH separator), the class makes available some static variables containing this information. Because the File class manages platform-dependent information, it makes sense to anchor this information here. The variables are shown in Table 1-7.

Table 1-7. File Name Properties
Name Type Meaning


static String

The system-dependent filename separator character (e.g., / or \), as a string for convenience


static char

The system-dependent filename separator character (e.g., / or \)


static String

The system-dependent path separator character, as a string for convenience


static char

The system-dependent path separator character

Both filename and path separators are normally characters, but they are also available in String form for convenience.

You can use the object to determine the operating system you are running on. We showed above some code that simply lists the system properties; it can be informative to run that on several different Java implementations on different OSes.

Some OSes, for example, provide a mechanism called the null device that can be used to discard output (typically used for timing purposes, or to discard standard output while retaining system error output.). Here is code that asks the system properties for the and uses it to make up a name that can be used for discarding data (if no null device is known for the given platform, we return the name jnk, which means that on such platforms, we’ll occasionally create, well, junk files; I just remove these files when I stumble across them):

package com.darwinsys.lang;


/** Some things that are System Dependent.
 * All methods are static.
 * @author Ian Darwin
public class SysDep {

    final static String UNIX_NULL_DEV = "/dev/null";
    final static String WINDOWS_NULL_DEV = "NUL:";
    final static String FAKE_NULL_DEV = "jnk";
    /** Return the name of the "Null Device" on platforms which support it,
     * or "jnk" (to create an obviously well-named temp file) otherwise.
   * @return The name to use for output.
    public static String getDevNull() {

        if (new File(UNIX_NULL_DEV).exists()) {     1
            return UNIX_NULL_DEV;

        String sys = System.getProperty(""); 2
        if (sys==null) {                            3
            return FAKE_NULL_DEV;
        if (sys.startsWith("Windows")) {            4
            return WINDOWS_NULL_DEV;
        return FAKE_NULL_DEV;                       5

If /dev/null exists, use it.


If not, ask System properties if it knows the OS name.


Nope, so give up, return jnk.


We know it’s Microsoft Windows, so use NUL:.


All else fails, go with jnk.

1 A JEP is a Java Enhancement Proposal, part of the OpenJDK project’s processes for “moving Java forward”. There’s a discussion at

2 git is not an acronym. The name was chosen by Linux founder Linus Torvalds; he once quipped that he had named the software after himself. Due to git’s popularity, there is already one fairly complete clone called got, standing for “game of trees”, a pun involving source code directory trees and a once-popular TV show.

3 Some people like to use names like so that it’s clear which package it is for; the extension .mf is arbitrary, but it’s a good convention for identifying manifest files.

4 People only exposed to MS-Windows tend to sometimes refer to the character \ as “slash” instead of “backslash” or to write URLs with \ instead of /. Ah well.

5 When compiling strings with backslashes for use on Windows, remember to double them because \ is an escape character in most places other than the MS-DOS command line: String rootDir = "C:\\";.

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