... values) { 57         System.out.printf("%nPushing elements onto integerStack%n"); 
59         // push elements to Stack 
60         for (int value : values) { 
61            System.out.printf("%d ", value); 
62            stack.push(value); // push onto integerStack
63         } 
64      } 
66      // test pop method with integer stack 
67      private static void testPopInteger(Stack<Integer> stack) { 
68         // pop elements from stack 
69         try { 
70            System.out.printf("%nPopping elements from integerStack%n"); 
71            int popValue; // store element removed from stack 
73            // remove all elements from Stack 
74            while (true) { 
75               popValue = stack.pop(); // pop from intStack
76               System.out.printf("%d ", popValue); 
77            } 
78         } 
79         catch(NoSuchElementException noSuchElementException) { 
80            System.err.println(); 
81 noSuchElementException.printStackTrace(); ...

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