... Files.size(path));
29            System.out.printf("Path: %s%n", path);
30            System.out.printf("Absolute path: %s%n", path.toAbsolutePath());
32            if (Files.isDirectory(path)) { // output directory listing
33               System.out.printf("%nDirectory contents:%n");
35               // object for iterating through a directory's contents
36               DirectoryStream<Path> directoryStream =               
37                  Files.newDirectoryStream(path);                    
39               for (Path p : directoryStream) {
40                  System.out.println(p\);
41               }
42            }
43         }
44         else { // not file or directory, output error message
45            System.out.printf("%s does not exist%n", path);
46         }
47      } // end main
48   } // end class FileAndDirectoryInfo

Enter file or directory name:
c:\examples\ch15 ch15 exists Is a directory Is an absolute path Last modified: 2013-11-08T19:50:00.838256Z ...

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