• ... , which connects the start and end points with a straight line.

22.3.2 CSS That Styles the Two-Dimensional Shapes

Figure 22.4 shows the CSS for the BasicShapes app. In this CSS file, we define two CSS rules with ID selectors (#line1 and #line2) to style the app’s two Line objects. The remaining rules use type selectors, which apply to all objects of a given type. You specify a type selector by using the JavaFX class name.

Fig. 22.4 CSS that styles various two-dimensional shapes

 1   /* Fig. 22.4: BasicShapes.css */
 2   /* CSS that styles various two-dimensional shapes */
 4   Line, Rectangle, Circle, Ellipse, Arc {
 5       -fx-stroke-width: 10;
 6   }
 8   #line1 {
 9       -fx-stroke: red;
10   }
12   #line2 {
13       -fx-stroke: rgba(0%, 50%, 0%, 0.5);
14       -fx-stroke-line-cap ...

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