Java Interview Guide : 200+ Interview Questions and Answers

Video description

Preparing for Java Interview is tricky. You need to have a good understanding of the new features and revise concepts you used in your preparation. This course helps you to prepare for Java interviews with hands-on code examples covering 200+ Java interview question and answers on a varied range of topics.

What You Will Learn

  • Understand what kind of questions are asked in Beginner Java Interviews.
  • Learn to answer questions on the Java platform, wrapper classes, and strings.
  • Understand the new features of Java along with basic object-oriented concepts.
  • Understand advanced object-oriented concepts and answer questions on collections, generics, and Multi-threading.
  • Understand the new features in Java 5, Java 6, Java 7, and Java 8, as well as the basics of functional programming ( including Lambda expressions and streams and exception handling best practices


Students who are learning Java and who are planning to attend Java Interviews. Students who want to add more depth to their Java knowledge

About The Author

In28Minutes Official: Ranga Karanam is a seasoned technologist and architect with over two decades of expertise in programming, design, and architecture. He founded in28Minutes with the goal of helping students master cutting-edge cloud-native technologies such as AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Docker, and Kubernetes. With 15 years of experience in Java programming and design, Ranga has collaborated with top banking clients worldwide.

His passion for creating hands-on courses with real-world projects motivated him to develop the Step-By-Step series of courses that follow a problem-solution-based approach, with practical and real-world application examples.

His passion for creating hands-on courses with real-world projects motivated him to develop the Step-By-Step series of courses that follow a problem-solution-based approach, with practical and real-world application examples.

Table of contents

  1. Chapter 1 : Introduction to Course
    1. Introduction
    2. Three Things you need to Know
    3. Course Overview
  2. Chapter 2 : Java Platform
    1. Java Popularity and Platform Independence
    2. Compare JDK vs JVM vs JRE
    3. Differences between C++ and Java
    4. Java Classloaders
  3. Chapter 3 : Wrapper Classes
    1. Wrapper Classes
  4. Chapter 4 : Strings
    1. String, StringBuffer and StringBuilder
  5. Chapter 5 : Basics of Object Oriented Programming
    1. Object Basics - Class, Object, State and Behavior
    2. toString method
    3. equals and hashCode methods
    4. Inheritance, Method overloading and Method overriding
    5. Interface
    6. Abstract Class
    7. Constructors - this() and super()
    8. Do not forget to do Exercises
  6. Chapter 6 : More Object Oriented Programming Concepts
    1. Polymorphism and instanceof
    2. What is Coupling?
    3. What is Cohesion?
    4. What is Encapsulation?
    5. Inner Class and Static Inner Class
    6. What is an anonymous class?
  7. Chapter 7 : Modifiers
    1. Access Modifiers - public, private, protected and default
    2. Final method, variable and class
    3. Static variables and methods
  8. Chapter 8 : Conditions and Loops
    1. Simple Puzzles on conditions and loops
  9. Chapter 9 : Exception Handling
    1. Exception Handling - try, catch and finally
    2. Checked and Unchecked Exceptions
    3. Throwing an Exception
    4. Creating Custom Exceptions
  10. Chapter 10 : Miscellaneous Topics
    1. Arrays
    2. Enum
    3. Variable Arguments
    4. Asserts and Garbage Collection
    5. Static and Member Initializers
    6. Serialization
  11. Chapter 11 : Collections
    1. Collection Interface Hierarchy
    2. Collections List Interface methods and classes - ArrayList, Vector LinkedList
    3. Set interfaces and implementations - HashSet, LinkedHashSet and TreeSet
    4. Map interfaces and implementations - HashMap, LinkedHashMap and TreeMap
    5. Queue interfaces and implementations - Deque and BlockingQueue
    6. Collection Code Examples
  12. Chapter 12 : Concurrent Collections
    1. Concurrent Collections – CopyOnWriteArrayList
    2. CompareAndSwap, Locks and AtomicOperations
  13. Chapter 13 : Generics
    1. Generics
  14. Chapter 14 : Multithreading
    1. MultiThreading - Need for Threads and Creating Threads
    2. Thread states, priority, ExecutorService and Callable
    3. Synchronization of Threads: join, wait, notify and notifyAll methods
  15. Chapter 15 : Functional Programming - Lambda Expressions and Streams
    1. Functional Programming Examples - Streams and Lambda Expressions
    2. Functional Programming Questions and Answers
  16. Chapter 16 : New Features
    1. Java New Features - Java 5, 6, 7 and 8
  17. Chapter 17 : Thank You!!
    1. Conclusion

Product information

  • Title: Java Interview Guide : 200+ Interview Questions and Answers
  • Author(s): In28Minutes Official
  • Release date: March 2018
  • Publisher(s): Packt Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781789132328