Installation and Setup

With that discussion behind us, you are ready to install and set up Zeus. Go to the Zeus web site at You can choose to download a Zeus binary distribution or pull the Zeus code directly from CVS. If you are familiar with CVS, you are encouraged to use it; it assures that you obtain the very latest code available.

Once you have grabbed the code, you will need to build the source (unless you downloaded a binary release). Simply use the provided Ant scripts[13] and run or build.bat.

You will end up with a zeus.jar archive in the build/ directory, which is what you get from a binary release download. You should also note that xerces.jar and dtdparser114.jar are in the lib/ directories of the Zeus hierarchy. You should include all three of these entries in your classpath, as they are all needed for compile-time tasks:

C:\dev\Zeus> set CLASSPATH=c:\dev\Zeus\lib\xerces.jar;

Or on Unix:

/dev (bmclaugh) $ CLASSPATH=/dev/Zeus/lib/xerces.jar: \

With your classpath set, you are ready to go.

[13] Zeus actually comes with an implementation of Ant in ant.jar, so you will not need to install Ant separately on your development machine.

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