JavaScript® Programmer's Reference

Book description

Learn everything about utilizing the JavaScript language with the next generation of Rich Internet Applications from the accessible information in JavaScript Programmer's Reference, both a tutorial and a reference guide for web developers. Master methods for using Java with applications like Microsoft's Silverlight, Ajax, Flex, Flash and AIR by practicing with hands-on examples with practical, usable code. Employ this complete JavaScript reference to help you understand JavaScript Data Types, Variables, Operators, Expressions and Statements, work with JavaScript Frameworks and data, and improve performance with Ajax.

Table of contents

  1. Copyright
  2. About the Author
  3. Credits
  4. Acknowledgments
  5. Introduction
    1. Who This Book Is For
    2. How This Book Is Structured
    3. What You Need to Use This Book
    4. Conventions
    5. Source Code
    6. Errata
  6. 1. Introduction to JavaScript
    1. 1.1. JavaScript History
    2. 1.2. Looking Ahead to ES5 and Harmony
    3. 1.3. Stages of a JavaScript Developer
    4. 1.4. Real-World JavaScript
      1. 1.4.1. In the Browser
      2. 1.4.2. Server-Side JavaScript
      3. 1.4.3. ActionScript and Flash
      4. 1.4.4. Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR)
      5. 1.4.5. In Other Adobe Products
      6. 1.4.6. Desktop Widgets
    5. 1.5. Complementary Technologies
      1. 1.5.1. Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
      2. 1.5.2. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
      3. 1.5.3. The Browser Object Model (BOM)
      4. 1.5.4. The Document Object Model (DOM)
    6. 1.6. When to Use JavaScript
    7. 1.7. Major JavaScript Engines
      1. 1.7.1. ECMAScript Support by Engine
      2. 1.7.2. General Equivalence
      3. 1.7.3. Performance in JavaScript Engines
    8. 1.8. Basic Development Tools
      1. 1.8.1. Choosing a Text Editor
      2. 1.8.2. The Web Server
      3. 1.8.3. The Test Browser
    9. 1.9. Your First JavaScript Application
      1. 1.9.1. Breaking it Down
    10. 1.10. Summary
  7. 2. JavaScript in the Browser
    1. 2.1. The Document Object Model
    2. 2.2. The SCRIPT Element
    3. 2.3. Script Masking
    4. 2.4. The NOSCRIPT Element
    5. 2.5. Execution and Load Order
      1. 2.5.1. Inline Scripts
      2. 2.5.2. External Scripts
      3. 2.5.3. Deferred Scripts
      4. 2.5.4. Event-driven Scripts
      5. 2.5.5. Dynamically Loaded Scripts
    6. 2.6. JavaScript in URL's
    7. 2.7. Cross-Browser Compatibility
    8. 2.8. Summary
  8. 3. JavaScript Basics
    1. 3.1. General Characteristics
      1. 3.1.1. A Dynamic Language
      2. 3.1.2. A Prototype-Based Language
      3. 3.1.3. Character Encoding
      4. 3.1.4. Case Sensitivity
      5. 3.1.5. Whitespace and Semicolons
      6. 3.1.6. Literals
        1. Integer Literals
        2. Floating-Point Literals
        3. Boolean Literals
        4. String Literals
          1. Nesting Quotes
          2. Escaping Carriage Returns
          3. Other Symbols
        5. Array Literals
          1. Multi-Dimensional Arrays
        6. Regular Expression Literals
        7. Object Literals
      7. 3.1.7. Statements
      8. 3.1.8. Blocks
      9. 3.1.9. Closures
      10. 3.1.10. Comments
      11. 3.1.11. Reserved Words
    2. 3.2. Variables
      1. 3.2.1. Declaring Variables
      2. 3.2.2. Implicit Declaration
      3. 3.2.3. Identifiers
      4. 3.2.4. Weak Typing
      5. 3.2.5. Memory and Garbage Collection
    3. 3.3. Data Types
      1. 3.3.1. Primitive vs. Reference Types
      2. 3.3.2. Manipulating by Value vs. Reference
      3. 3.3.3. Null and Undefined
      4. 3.3.4. Determining Type
      5. 3.3.5. Type Conversion
        1. Primitive Type Conversion
        2. Type Casting
        3. Composite to Primitive Conversion
      6. 3.3.6. Primitives vs. Primitive Objects
    4. 3.4. Summary
  9. 4. Expressions, Operators, and Statements
    1. 4.1. JavaScript Expressions
    2. 4.2. JavaScript Operators
      1. 4.2.1. Types of Operators
      2. 4.2.2. Comparison Operators
        1. Numbers and Strings
        2. Booleans
        3. Dates
        4. Objects
        5. Strict vs Loose Equality
        6. Backwards Compatibility
      3. 4.2.3. Assignment Operators
      4. 4.2.4. Logical Operators
        1. Short-Circuit Evaluation
        2. Exceptions to the Rule
      5. 4.2.5. Bitwise Operators
      6. 4.2.6. Combinational (Connubial) Operators
      7. 4.2.7. Other Operator Types
        1. The Comma (,) Operator
        2. The Conditional (?:) Operator
        3. The delete Operator
        4. The Dot (.) Operator
        5. The in Operator
        6. The instanceof Operator
        7. The new Operator
        8. The typeof Operator
        9. The void Operator
      8. 4.2.8. Operator Precedence and Associativity
    3. 4.3. JavaScript Statements
      1. 4.3.1. Conditionals
        1. if .. else
        2. switch
      2. 4.3.2. Loops and Iterators
        1. for
        2. for .. in
        3. for each .. in
        4. while
        5. do .. while
        6. break, label, and continue
      3. 4.3.3. Function Statements
      4. 4.3.4. Exception Handling Statements
        1. throw
        2. try .. catch .. finally
      5. 4.3.5. Miscellaneous Statements
        1. var
        2. with
    4. 4.4. Summary
  10. 5. Functions
    1. 5.1. The Function Object
    2. 5.2. Declaring Functions
    3. 5.3. Passing Arguments by Value versus Reference
    4. 5.4. Return Values
    5. 5.5. Variable Scope
    6. 5.6. Overloading
      1. 5.6.1. Optional Arguments
      2. 5.6.2. The arguments Object
      3. 5.6.3. Argument Hashes
    7. 5.7. Nested Functions
    8. 5.8. Closures
      1. 5.8.1. Uses of Closures
        1. Cleaning up Evaluated Code
        2. Function Factories
        3. Simulating Private Methods
      2. 5.8.2. Closures within Loops
      3. 5.8.3. Circular References
      4. 5.8.4. Accidental Closures
    9. 5.9. Execution Context and Scope
      1. 5.9.1. Using apply()
      2. 5.9.2. Using call()
    10. 5.10. Summary
  11. 6. The Global and Object Objects
    1. 6.1. Features of the Global Object
    2. 6.2. The Global Object in the Browser
    3. 6.3. Getting the Global Object
    4. 6.4. Global Properties
    5. 6.5. Global Functions
      1. 6.5.1. URI Encoding
      2. 6.5.2. Evaluated Code
        1. Execution Context
        2. The Dangers of eval()
      3. 6.5.3. Numeric Helpers
    6. 6.6. Global Objects
    7. 6.7. The Object Object
      1. 6.7.1. Object Prototypes
      2. 6.7.2. Determining if a Property Exists
      3. 6.7.3. valueOf() and toString()
      4. 6.7.4. Useful Utility Functions for Objects
        1. Merging Objects
        2. A Better typeof
        3. The isType() Functions
          1. isArray()
          2. isBoolean()
          3. isDate()
          4. isFunction()
          5. isNull()
          6. isNumber()
          7. isObject()
          8. isRegex()
          9. isString()
          10. isUndefined()
    8. 6.8. Summary
  12. 7. The String and RegExp Objects
    1. 7.1. String Object Overview
    2. 7.2. String Basics
      1. 7.2.1. String Literals
      2. 7.2.2. String Encoding
      3. 7.2.3. Line Breaks in Strings
      4. 7.2.4. String Immutability
      5. 7.2.5. String Length
      6. 7.2.6. Primitives or Objects
      7. 7.2.7. Extending the String Object
      8. 7.2.8. String Concatenation
        1. A note about Performance
      9. 7.2.9. Strings and Numbers
      10. 7.2.10. Converting to Strings
      11. 7.2.11. Comparing Strings
        1. Equivalence and Alphabetical Comparison
        2. Using localeCompare()
    3. 7.3. Working with Strings
      1. 7.3.1. The Formatting Methods
        1. Applying HTML Formatting to Strings
        2. Custom HTML Tag Formatters
      2. 7.3.2. Working with Case
        1. Changing Capitalization
        2. Capitalizing Words in a String
      3. 7.3.3. Searching and Replacing
        1. The indexOf and lastIndexOf Methods
          1. A contains Method
        2. Regular Expressions
          1. Defining
          2. Special Characters
          3. Repetition
          4. Position
          5. Groupings
          6. Alternatives
          7. Pattern Reuse
          8. The RegExp Object
          9. The Basics
          10. An Improved contains Method
          11. Executing Searches with the RegExp Object
          12. Using the Static Properties
        3. The search Method
        4. The match Method
        5. The replace Method
          1. Replacement Symbols
          2. Extending Replacement Patterns with Functions
        6. Examples
          1. Encoding RegExp Symbols
          2. Searching Based on User Input
          3. Trimming Whitespace
          4. A Fuzzy String Comparison
          5. Stripping Non-Alphanumeric Characters
          6. Stripping HTML Tags
          7. Encoding HTML Entities
      4. 7.3.4. Slicing and Dicing
        1. Extracting Characters
        2. Cutting Up Strings
        3. Examples
          1. Emulating Visual Basic's left and right Functions
          2. A shorten Method
      5. 7.3.5. Strings and Arrays
        1. Splitting on Regular Expressions
      6. 7.3.6. Encoding Strings for URL's
    4. 7.4. Summary
  13. 8. The Boolean, Number, and Math Objects
    1. 8.1. The Boolean Object
      1. 8.1.1. Boolean Object Overview
      2. 8.1.2. Working with Booleans
      3. 8.1.3. Converting to Boolean
      4. 8.1.4. Adding XOR to the Boolean Object
    2. 8.2. The Number Object
      1. 8.2.1. Number Object Overview
      2. 8.2.2. Integer and Floating Point Values
      3. 8.2.3. Number Literals
      4. 8.2.4. Numbers and Strings
      5. 8.2.5. Converting to a Number
      6. 8.2.6. NaN and Infinity
      7. 8.2.7. Minimum and Maximum Values
    3. 8.3. The Math Object
      1. 8.3.1. Math Object Overview
      2. 8.3.2. Mathematical Constants
      3. 8.3.3. Math Utility Methods
      4. 8.3.4. Rounding Numbers
      5. 8.3.5. Random Numbers
        1. An Enhanced Random Function
      6. 8.3.6. Simplifying Repeated Math Calls
    4. 8.4. Summary
  14. 9. The Array and Date Objects
    1. 9.1. The Array Object
      1. 9.1.1. Array Object Overview
      2. 9.1.2. Creating Arrays
      3. 9.1.3. Indexed Arrays
      4. 9.1.4. Multi-dimensional Arrays
      5. 9.1.5. Detecting Arrays
      6. 9.1.6. Array Size
      7. 9.1.7. Iterating over an Array
    2. 9.2. Adding Elements to an Array
      1. 9.2.1. Combining Arrays
      2. 9.2.2. Removing Elements from Arrays
      3. 9.2.3. Associative Arrays (Hashes)
        1. Hashes for Caching
      4. 9.2.4. Arrays as Reference Types
        1. Copying an Indexed Array
      5. 9.2.5. Arrays and Strings
    3. 9.3. The Date Object
      1. 9.3.1. Date Object Overview
      2. 9.3.2. Creating Dates
    4. 9.4. An Overview of World Time
      1. 9.4.1. Parsing Date Strings
      2. 9.4.2. Reading and Writing Dates
        1. Setting and Getting Date and Time Values
        2. Date Math
        3. Printing Date Strings
      3. 9.4.3. Measuring Time Differences
      4. 9.4.4. Timers and Intervals
        1. Closures and Timers
    5. 9.5. Summary
  15. 10. Object Oriented Development
    1. 10.1. Object Oriented JavaScript
    2. 10.2. Creating Objects
    3. 10.3. Deleting Properties and Objects
    4. 10.4. Objects as Reference Types
    5. 10.5. Objects as Arrays
    6. 10.6. Comparing Objects
    7. 10.7. Object Cloning
    8. 10.8. Static Members
    9. 10.9. Constructors
      1. 10.9.1. The constructor Property
    10. 10.10. Prototypes
    11. 10.11. The this Keyword
    12. 10.12. Private Members
      1. 10.12.1. Privileged Members
      2. 10.12.2. Getters and Setters
    13. 10.13. Inheritance in JavaScript
      1. 10.13.1. Prototype-Based Subclassing
      2. 10.13.2. The Problem with Prototypes
      3. 10.13.3. Alternate Subclassing Approaches
    14. 10.14. Summary
  16. 11. Windows and Frames
    1. 11.1. Overview of the Browser Object Model
    2. 11.2. The window Object
    3. 11.3. Working with Frames
      1. 11.3.1. Creating Frames
      2. 11.3.2. The Frame Object Model
      3. 11.3.3. Referencing Frames
    4. 11.4. Manipulating Windows
      1. 11.4.1. The Status Bar
      2. 11.4.2. Opening and Closing Windows
        1. Loading Content into New Windows
        2. Communicating with Parent Windows
      3. 11.4.3. Setting Window Location
      4. 11.4.4. Encoding Strings for URL's
        1. The escape() and unescape() Methods
        2. The encodeURI() and decodeURI() Methods
        3. The encodeURIComponent() and decodeURIComponent() Methods
        4. URL Length Limits
      5. 11.4.5. Window History
      6. 11.4.6. Moving and Resizing
      7. 11.4.7. Scrolling
    5. 11.5. Dialogues and Alerts
    6. 11.6. Obtaining Browser and OS Information
      1. 11.6.1. Basics of Browser Detection
      2. 11.6.2. The navigator Object
      3. 11.6.3. Detecting Language
      4. 11.6.4. The screen Object
      5. 11.6.5. A Browser and OS Detection Class
    7. 11.7. Window Events
    8. 11.8. Summary
  17. 12. Events
    1. 12.1. The Basic Event Model
    2. 12.2. Basic Event Registration
      1. 12.2.1. The this Keyword
    3. 12.3. Preventing Default Behavior
    4. 12.4. Unobtrusive JavaScript
    5. 12.5. Unobtrusive Event Registration
      1. 12.5.1. Inspecting Event Listeners
      2. 12.5.2. The event Object
        1. Getting the Event Type
        2. Getting the Target
        3. Getting the Mouse Button
      3. 12.5.3. A Cross Browser Event Utility
    6. 12.6. Event Propagation
      1. 12.6.1. Capture Mode for IE Mouse Events
      2. 12.6.2. Default Handlers
      3. 12.6.3. Preventing Event Propagation
    7. 12.7. Replicating Events
    8. 12.8. Common Event Bindings
      1. 12.8.1. Detecting Keystrokes
      2. 12.8.2. Mouse Position
      3. 12.8.3. The scroll Event
      4. 12.8.4. The resize Event
      5. 12.8.5. The load and unload Events
      6. 12.8.6. The domready Event
      7. 12.8.7. The mouseenter and mouseleave Events
    9. 12.9. Event Compatibility
    10. 12.10. Custom Events
    11. 12.11. Summary
  18. 13. The Document Object Model
    1. 13.1. The History of the DOM
      1. 13.1.1. The Legacy Object Model
      2. 13.1.2. Basic Model Plus Images
      3. 13.1.3. Navigator 4 Extensions
      4. 13.1.4. Internet Explorer 4 Extensions
      5. 13.1.5. Internet Explorer 5 Extensions
      6. 13.1.6. The W3C DOM
    2. 13.2. Document Types
      1. 13.2.1. What Happens in Quirks Mode
      2. 13.2.2. Checking the DOCTYPE
    3. 13.3. The Document Tree
    4. 13.4. Node Types
    5. 13.5. Node Properties
    6. 13.6. Node Methods
    7. 13.7. The implementation Object
    8. 13.8. Traversing the DOM
    9. 13.9. Element Attributes
      1. 13.9.1. Building a DOM Inspector
    10. 13.10. Finding Specific Elements
      1. 13.10.1. Element Collections
      2. 13.10.2. getElementsByName
      3. 13.10.3. getElementsByTagName
      4. 13.10.4. getElementById
      5. 13.10.5. XPath
    11. 13.11. Creating and Deleting Nodes
      1. 13.11.1. Adding New Nodes
      2. 13.11.2. Repaints and Reflows
      3. 13.11.3. Document Fragments
      4. 13.11.4. Performance Comparison of Mutators
      5. 13.11.5. Removing Nodes
      6. 13.11.6. Swapping Nodes
    12. 13.12. DOM Ranges
      1. 13.12.1. Ranges from the DOM
      2. 13.12.2. Range Boundaries
      3. 13.12.3. Changing the Content
      4. 13.12.4. Collapsing the Range
      5. 13.12.5. User Selection Ranges
    13. 13.13. Summary
  19. 14. Forms
    1. 14.1. The Form Object
    2. 14.2. Form Elements
    3. 14.3. Basic Form Manipulation
      1. 14.3.1. Submitting and Resetting Forms
      2. 14.3.2. Using the onsubmit Event
      3. 14.3.3. Preventing Submissions on Enter
      4. 14.3.4. Enabling and Disabling Fields
      5. 14.3.5. Preventing Double-Submit
      6. 14.3.6. Setting Focus to Fields
    4. 14.4. Working with Inputs
      1. 14.4.1. Buttons
      2. 14.4.2. Checkboxes
      3. 14.4.3. Radio Buttons
      4. 14.4.4. Select and Multiselect
      5. 14.4.5. Textboxes, Textareas, and Passwords
      6. 14.4.6. Masking Input
        1. Automatically Selecting the Text
        2. Autosizing Textareas
      7. 14.4.7. Hidden Fields
      8. 14.4.8. file Input Fields
    5. 14.5. Rich Text Fields (WYSIWYG)
    6. 14.6. Summary
  20. 15. Cascading Style Sheets
    1. 15.1. Overview
      1. 15.1.1. Embedding CSS in a Document
      2. 15.1.2. Versions
      3. 15.1.3. How Styles Cascade
      4. 15.1.4. CSS and the DOM
    2. 15.2. styleSheet and Style Objects
    3. 15.3. Imported Style Sheets
    4. 15.4. Iterating Over All Stylesheets
    5. 15.5. Adding and Removing Style Sheets
    6. 15.6. Iterating over All Rules
      1. 15.6.1. Searching for a Rule
    7. 15.7. Reading and Writing Style Properties
    8. 15.8. Adding and Removing Rules
    9. 15.9. Computed Styles
    10. 15.10. IE's filter Object
    11. 15.11. Summary
  21. 16. Dynamic HTML
    1. 16.1. The Role of CSS
    2. 16.2. Window and Document Geometry
    3. 16.3. Getting Scrollbar Thickness
    4. 16.4. Element Dimensions
    5. 16.5. Image Swapping and Rollovers
      1. 16.5.1. Rollovers and Mouseenter and Mouseleave
    6. 16.6. Positioning
      1. 16.6.1. Absolute and Relative Positions
        1. Absolute Positioning
        2. Relative Positioning
      2. 16.6.2. Scripting Z-Index
      3. 16.6.3. Get the Absolute Position of an Element
    7. 16.7. Animation
      1. 16.7.1. Pseudo-Threading with Timers
      2. 16.7.2. Nonlinear Animation and Tweening
    8. 16.8. Color and Opacity
      1. 16.8.1. Color
      2. 16.8.2. Yellow-Fade
      3. 16.8.3. Opacity
      4. 16.8.4. Internet Explorer and 32Bit Images
    9. 16.9. Modal Dialogues
    10. 16.10. Form Tooltips
    11. 16.11. Summary
  22. 17. JavaScript Security
    1. 17.1. Security Models
    2. 17.2. Same Origin Policy
      1. 17.2.1. Exceptions with document.domain
      2. 17.2.2. Cross-Site Scripting
        1. DOM-Based XSS
        2. Persistent and Nonpersistent XSS
        3. Prevention
      3. 17.2.3. Cross-Site Request Forgery
      4. 17.2.4. Piggy-Back Transmissions
    3. 17.3. Signed Scripts
      1. 17.3.1. Mozilla Features Requiring Expanded Privileges
      2. 17.3.2. Signed Scripts in Internet Explorer
    4. 17.4. Security Policies and Zones
      1. 17.4.1. Mozilla Security Policies
      2. 17.4.2. Internet Explorer Security Zones
    5. 17.5. Miscellaneous Issues
      1. 17.5.1. New Windows
      2. 17.5.2. Denial of Service
      3. 17.5.3. Data Security
      4. 17.5.4. ActiveX
      5. 17.5.5. Flash
      6. 17.5.6. JSON and eval()
    6. 17.6. Summary
  23. 18. Client-Side Data and Persistence
    1. 18.1. Methods of Persisting Data
    2. 18.2. Cookies
      1. 18.2.1. Creating and Reading Cookies
      2. 18.2.2. Deleting Cookies
    3. 18.3. UserData in Internet Explorer
      1. 18.3.1. Initializing UserData
      2. 18.3.2. Reading and Writing UserData
    4. 18.4. W3C DOM Storage
      1. 18.4.1. Reading and Writing to DOM Storage
      2. 18.4.2. Using DOM Storage Events
    5. 18.5. HTML5 Client-Side Database
      1. 18.5.1. Creating a SQLite Database
      2. 18.5.2. Reading and Writing SQLite Data
      3. 18.5.3. The Safari SQLite Database Browser
    6. 18.6. Flash Local Shared Object
    7. 18.7. Storage Using
    8. 18.8. Summary
  24. 19. Ajax
    1. 19.1. XMLHttpRequest
      1. 19.1.1. Opening a Connection
      2. 19.1.2. Request and Response Headers
    2. 19.2. Security
      1. 19.2.1. Using GET Requests to Change Data
    3. 19.3. Cross-Domain Ajax
      1. 19.3.1. Method Comparison
      2. 19.3.2. document.domain
      3. 19.3.3. Server Proxy
      4. 19.3.4. iFrames
      5. 19.3.5. Image Injection
      6. 19.3.6. <SCRIPT> Injection
      7. 19.3.7. The Flash Approach
      8. 19.3.8. Cross-Domain XMLHttpRequest
    4. 19.4. History and Bookmarking
    5. 19.5. Summary
  25. 20. Working with XML
    1. 20.1. Loading XML
      1. 20.1.1. Deserializing Text
      2. 20.1.2. Loading External XML Documents
        1. Loading XML Documents Using XMLHttpRequest
      3. 20.1.3. Handling Errors
    2. 20.2. Serializing XML to Text
    3. 20.3. Working with the XML DOM API
      1. 20.3.1. Elements and Nodes
      2. 20.3.2. Traversing the DOM
      3. 20.3.3. Performing XPath Queries
    4. 20.4. Transforming Data with XSLT
      1. 20.4.1. Applying XSL Templates
    5. 20.5. E4X
    6. 20.6. Summary
  26. 21. Working with JSON
    1. 21.1. From JavaScript Literals to JSON
    2. 21.2. Labels and Encoding
    3. 21.3. JSON as Evaluated Code
    4. 21.4. Security Issues
    5. 21.5. JSON versus XML
    6. 21.6. Serializing Objects to JSON
      1. 21.6.1. Custom toJSON() Methods
      2. 21.6.2. Using the Replacer
    7. 21.7. Loading JSON Data
      1. 21.7.1. Custom Revivers
      2. 21.7.2. Handling Errors
      3. 21.7.3. JSON and Ajax
    8. 21.8. JSONP
    9. 21.9. Summary
  27. 22. Unique Browser Features
    1. 22.1. Accelerators
    2. 22.2. Canvas
      1. 22.2.1. Animation
    3. 22.3. Conditional Compilation
    4. 22.4. CSS Transforms
    5. 22.5. Geolocation
      1. 22.5.1. Detecting Support
      2. 22.5.2. Getting the Coordinates
    6. 22.6. Google Gears
      1. 22.6.1. Detecting and Installing Gears
      2. 22.6.2. Using Database
      3. 22.6.3. Using Geolocation
      4. 22.6.4. Using WorkerPool
    7. 22.7. Search Providers
    8. 22.8. Vector Markup Language
    9. 22.9. Web Workers
      1. 22.9.1. Terminating a Worker
    10. 22.10. Summary
  28. 23. Scripting Plugins
    1. 23.1. Java Applets
    2. 23.2. Flash Movies
      1. 23.2.1. Setting up your Flash Movie
      2. 23.2.2. Embedding with SWFObject
      3. 23.2.3. Accessing Methods and Properties
    3. 23.3. Silverlight Movies
      1. 23.3.1. Setting up a Silverlight Application
      2. 23.3.2. Embedding a Silverlight Movie with JavaScript
      3. 23.3.3. Introduction to RegisterScriptableObject
      4. 23.3.4. JavaScript and Silverlight Communication
    4. 23.4. QuickTime
      1. 23.4.1. Detecting QuickTime
      2. 23.4.2. Embedding QuickTime Movies
      3. 23.4.3. Controlling Movies from JavaScript
      4. 23.4.4. Movie Events
    5. 23.5. Summary
  29. 24. Debugging
    1. 24.1. Types of Errors
    2. 24.2. Error Object Overview
    3. 24.3. Throwing Errors
    4. 24.4. Error Handlers
    5. 24.5. Getting the Stack Trace
    6. 24.6. Debugging Tools
      1. 24.6.1. Firebug for Firefox
        1. Breakpoints and the Console Log
      2. 24.6.2. Firebug Lite
      3. 24.6.3. Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar
      4. 24.6.4. Dragonfly for Opera
      5. 24.6.5. Fiddler
      6. 24.6.6. Charles Proxy Debugger
      7. 24.6.7. Safari Web Inspector
    7. 24.7. Testing
    8. 24.8. Summary
  30. 25. Performance Tuning
    1. 25.1. Reducing Page Weight
      1. 25.1.1. Post-loading JavaScript
      2. 25.1.2. Cacheing
      3. 25.1.3. Spriting
      4. 25.1.4. JavaScript Minification and Concatenation
      5. 25.1.5. gZip Compression
      6. 25.1.6. Content Delivery Networks
    2. 25.2. Code Profiling
      1. 25.2.1. Profiling with Firebug
      2. 25.2.2. The IE8 JScript Profiler
      3. 25.2.3. Getting the 'Big Picture' with YSlow
    3. 25.3. Code Optimization
      1. 25.3.1. Delete Unused Objects
      2. 25.3.2. Avoid Evaluated Code
      3. 25.3.3. Local versus Global Variable Lookup
      4. 25.3.4. Object and Function Pointers
      5. 25.3.5. Avoid the with Statement
      6. 25.3.6. Avoid try . . . catch in Repeated Operations
      7. 25.3.7. Repeated for in Loops
      8. 25.3.8. Tune Your Loops
    4. 25.4. DHTML Optimization
      1. 25.4.1. Repaints and Reflows
      2. 25.4.2. Changing Hidden Elements
      3. 25.4.3. Grouping DOM Changes
      4. 25.4.4. Grouping Style Changes
      5. 25.4.5. Measuring Elements
      6. 25.4.6. Using Document Fragments
      7. 25.4.7. Threading for Long-Running Tasks
    5. 25.5. Summary
  31. A. Core JavaScript Language
    1. A.1. JavaScript Operators
      1. A.1.1. Arithmetic
        1. A.1.1.1. % (Modulus / Remainder)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        2. A.1.1.2. * (Multiplication)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        3. A.1.1.3. + (Addition)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        4. A.1.1.4. ++ (Increment)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        5. A.1.1.5. − (Subtraction)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        6. A.1.1.6. - (Unary negation)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        7. A.1.1.7. -- (Decrement)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        8. A.1.1.8. / (Division)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
      2. A.1.2. Assignment
        1. A.1.2.1. %= (Modulus Assignment)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        2. A.1.2.2. &= (Bitwise AND Assignment)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        3. A.1.2.3. *= (Multiplication Assignment)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        4. A.1.2.4. += (Addition Assignment)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        5. A.1.2.5. −= (Subtraction Assignment)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        6. A.1.2.6. /= (Division Assignment)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        7. A.1.2.7. <<= (Shift Left Assignment)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        8. A.1.2.8. = (Assignment)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        9. A.1.2.9. >>= (Shift Right with Sign Assignment)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        10. A.1.2.10. >>>= (Shift Right Zero Fill Assignment)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        11. A.1.2.11. ^= (Bitwise Exclusive OR Assignment)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        12. A.1.2.12. |= (Bitwise OR Assignment)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
      3. A.1.3. Bitwise
        1. A.1.3.1. & (Bitwise AND)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        2. A.1.3.2. << (Shift Left)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        3. A.1.3.3. >> (Shift Right with Sign)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        4. A.1.3.4. >>> (Shift Right Zero Fill)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        5. A.1.3.5. ^ (Bitwise Exclusive OR)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        6. A.1.3.6. | (Bitwise OR)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        7. A.1.3.7. ~ (Bitwise NOT)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
      4. A.1.4. Comparison
        1. A.1.4.1. != (Not Equal)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        2. A.1.4.2. !== (Not Strict Equal)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        3. A.1.4.3. < (Less Than)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        4. A.1.4.4. <= (Less Than or Equal To)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        5. A.1.4.5. == (Equal)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        6. A.1.4.6. === (Strict Equal)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        7. A.1.4.7. > (Greater Than)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        8. A.1.4.8. >= (Greater Than or Equal)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
      5. A.1.5. Logical
        1. A.1.5.1. ! (Logical NOT)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        2. A.1.5.2. && (Logical AND)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        3. A.1.5.3. || (Logical OR)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
      6. A.1.6. String
        1. A.1.6.1. != (Not Equal)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        2. A.1.6.2. + (Concatenate)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        3. A.1.6.3. += (Concatenate Assignment)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        4. A.1.6.4. < (Alphabetical Less Than)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        5. A.1.6.5. <= (Alphabetical Less Than or Equal To)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        6. A.1.6.6. == (Equal)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        7. A.1.6.7. > (Alphabetical Greater Than)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        8. A.1.6.8. >= (Alphabetical Greater Than or Equal To)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
      7. A.1.7. Other
        1. A.1.7.1. ( ) (Function Call / Invocation)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        2. A.1.7.2. , (Comma)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        3. A.1.7.3. . (Dot Operator)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        4. A.1.7.4. ?: (Conditional)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        5. A.1.7.5. delete
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        6. A.1.7.6. get
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        7. A.1.7.7. in
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        8. A.1.7.8. instanceof
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        9. A.1.7.9. new
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        10. A.1.7.10. set
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        11. A.1.7.11. this
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        12. A.1.7.12. typeof
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        13. A.1.7.13. void
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
        14. A.1.7.14. [ ] (Object and Array Accessor)
          1. A. Syntax
          2. A. Description
          3. A. Example
    2. A.2. JavaScript Statements
      1. A.2.1. block { }
        1. A.2.1.1. Syntax
        2. A.2.1.2. Description
        3. A.2.1.3. Example
      2. A.2.2. break
        1. A.2.2.1. Syntax
        2. A.2.2.2. Description
        3. A.2.2.3. Example
      3. A.2.3. const
        1. A.2.3.1. Syntax
        2. A.2.3.2. Description
        3. A.2.3.3. Example
      4. A.2.4. continue
        1. A.2.4.1. Syntax
        2. A.2.4.2. Description
        3. A.2.4.3. Example
      5. A.2.5. do..while
        1. A.2.5.1. Syntax
        2. A.2.5.2. Description
        3. A.2.5.3. Example
      6. A.2.6. export
        1. A.2.6.1. Syntax
        2. A.2.6.2. Description
        3. A.2.6.3. Example
      7. A.2.7. for
        1. A.2.7.1. Syntax
        2. A.2.7.2. Description
        3. A.2.7.3. Example
      8. A.2.8. for
        1. A.2.8.1. Syntax
        2. A.2.8.2. Description
        3. A.2.8.3. Example
      9. A.2.9.
        1. A.2.9.1. Syntax
        2. A.2.9.2. Description
        3. A.2.9.3. Example
      10. A.2.10. function
        1. A.2.10.1. Syntax
        2. A.2.10.2. Description
        3. A.2.10.3. Example
      11. A.2.11. if..else
        1. A.2.11.1. Syntax
        2. A.2.11.2. Description
        3. A.2.11.3. Example
      12. A.2.12. import
        1. A.2.12.1. Syntax
        2. A.2.12.2. Description
        3. A.2.12.3. Example
      13. A.2.13. label
        1. A.2.13.1. Syntax
        2. A.2.13.2. Description
        3. A.2.13.3. Example
      14. A.2.14. return
        1. A.2.14.1. Syntax
        2. A.2.14.2. Description
        3. A.2.14.3. Example
      15. A.2.15. switch
        1. A.2.15.1. Syntax
        2. A.2.15.2. Description
        3. A.2.15.3. Example
      16. A.2.16. throw
        1. A.2.16.1. Syntax
        2. A.2.16.2. Description
        3. A.2.16.3. Example
      17. A.2.17. try..catch
        1. A.2.17.1. Syntax
        2. A.2.17.2. Description
        3. A.2.17.3. Example
      18. A.2.18. var
        1. A.2.18.1. Syntax
        2. A.2.18.2. Description
        3. A.2.18.3. Example
      19. A.2.19. while
        1. A.2.19.1. Syntax
        2. A.2.19.2. Description
        3. A.2.19.3. Example
      20. A.2.20. with
        1. A.2.20.1. Syntax
        2. A.2.20.2. Description
        3. A.2.20.3. Example
    3. A.3. JavaScript Comments
      1. A.3.1. /* */ (Multi-line Comment)
        1. A.3.1.1. Syntax
        2. A.3.1.2. Description
      2. A.3.2. // (Comment)
        1. A.3.2.1. Syntax
        2. A.3.2.2. Description
      3. A.3.3. /*@cc_on */ (Conditional Compilation)
        1. A.3.3.1. Description
        2. A.3.3.2. Example
        3. A.3.3.3. Conditional Compilation Directives
          1. A. @debug
          2. A. @position
          3. A. Syntax
          4. A. Example
        4. A.3.3.4. Conditional Compilation Statements
        5. A.3.3.5. Conditional Compilation Variables
          1. A. Setting Custom Variables
  32. B. JavaScript Global Objects
    1. B.1. ActiveXObject
      1. B.1.1. Syntax
      2. B.1.2. Description
      3. B.1.3. Example
    2. B.2. Array
      1. B.2.1. Syntax
      2. B.2.2. Description
      3. B.2.3. Example
      4. B.2.4. Array.index
        1. B.2.4.1. Syntax
        2. B.2.4.2. Description
        3. B.2.4.3. Example
      5. B.2.5. Array.input
        1. B.2.5.1. Syntax
        2. B.2.5.2. Description
        3. B.2.5.3. Example
      6. B.2.6. Array.length
        1. B.2.6.1. Syntax
        2. B.2.6.2. Description
        3. B.2.6.3. Example
      7. B.2.7. Array.prototype
        1. B.2.7.1. Syntax
        2. B.2.7.2. Description
        3. B.2.7.3. Example
        4. B.2.7.4. Array.concat(element0, ..., elementN)
        5. B.2.7.5. Syntax
        6. B.2.7.6. Description
        7. B.2.7.7. Example
      8. B.2.8. Array.every(callback [, thisObject])
        1. B.2.8.1. Syntax
        2. B.2.8.2. Description
        3. B.2.8.3. Example
      9. B.2.9. Array.filter(callback [, thisObject])
        1. B.2.9.1. Syntax
        2. B.2.9.2. Description
        3. B.2.9.3. Example
      10. B.2.10. Array.forEach(callback [, thisObject])
        1. B.2.10.1. Syntax
        2. B.2.10.2. Description
        3. B.2.10.3. Example
      11. B.2.11. Array.indexOf()
        1. B.2.11.1. Syntax
        2. B.2.11.2. Description
        3. B.2.11.3. Example
      12. B.2.12. Array.join(separator)
        1. B.2.12.1. Syntax
        2. B.2.12.2. Description
        3. B.2.12.3. Example
      13. B.2.13. Array.lastIndexOf(searchElement [, fromIndex])
        1. B.2.13.1. Syntax
        2. B.2.13.2. Description
        3. B.2.13.3. Example
      14. B.2.14. [, thisObject])
        1. B.2.14.1. Syntax
        2. B.2.14.2. Description
        3. B.2.14.3. Example
      15. B.2.15. Array.pop()
        1. B.2.15.1. Syntax
        2. B.2.15.2. Description
        3. B.2.15.3. Example
      16. B.2.16. Array.push()
        1. B.2.16.1. Syntax
        2. B.2.16.2. Description
        3. B.2.16.3. Example
      17. B.2.17. Array.reduce(callback [, initialValue])
        1. B.2.17.1. Syntax
        2. B.2.17.2. Description
        3. B.2.17.3. Example
      18. B.2.18. Array.reduceRight(callback [, initialValue])
        1. B.2.18.1. Syntax
        2. B.2.18.2. Description
        3. B.2.18.3. Example
      19. B.2.19. Array.reverse()
        1. B.2.19.1. Syntax
        2. B.2.19.2. Description
        3. B.2.19.3. Example
      20. B.2.20. Array.shift()
        1. B.2.20.1. Syntax
        2. B.2.20.2. Description
        3. B.2.20.3. Example
      21. B.2.21. Array.slice(beginIndex [,endIndex])
        1. B.2.21.1. Syntax
        2. B.2.21.2. Description
        3. B.2.21.3. Example
      22. B.2.22. Array.some(callback [, thisObject])
        1. B.2.22.1. Syntax
        2. B.2.22.2. Description
        3. B.2.22.3. Example
      23. B.2.23. Array.sort()
        1. B.2.23.1. Syntax
        2. B.2.23.2. Description
        3. B.2.23.3. Example
      24. B.2.24. Array.splice(index, deleteCount, [element0,..., elementN])
        1. B.2.24.1. Syntax
        2. B.2.24.2. Description
        3. B.2.24.3. Example
      25. B.2.25. Array.toLocaleString()
        1. B.2.25.1. Syntax
        2. B.2.25.2. Description
        3. B.2.25.3. Example
      26. B.2.26. Array.toSource()
        1. B.2.26.1. Syntax
        2. B.2.26.2. Description
        3. B.2.26.3. Example
      27. B.2.27. Array.toString()
        1. B.2.27.1. Syntax
        2. B.2.27.2. Description
        3. B.2.27.3. Example
      28. B.2.28. Array.unshift()
        1. B.2.28.1. Syntax
        2. B.2.28.2. Description
        3. B.2.28.3. Example
      29. B.2.29. Array.valueOf()
        1. B.2.29.1. Syntax
        2. B.2.29.2. Description
        3. B.2.29.3. Example
      30. B.2.30. Boolean
      31. B.2.31. Syntax
      32. B.2.32. Description
      33. B.2.33. Example
      34. B.2.34. Boolean.toJSON()
        1. B.2.34.1. Syntax
        2. B.2.34.2. Description
        3. B.2.34.3. Example
      35. B.2.35. Boolean.toSource()
        1. B.2.35.1. Syntax
        2. B.2.35.2. Description
        3. B.2.35.3. Example
      36. B.2.36. Boolean.toString()
        1. B.2.36.1. Syntax
        2. B.2.36.2. Description
        3. B.2.36.3. Example
      37. B.2.37. Boolean.valueOf()
        1. B.2.37.1. Syntax
        2. B.2.37.2. Description
        3. B.2.37.3. Example
    3. B.3. Date
      1. B.3.1. Syntax
      2. B.3.2. Description
      3. B.3.3. Example
      4. B.3.4. Date.getDate()
        1. B.3.4.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.4.2. Description
        3. B.3.4.3. Example
      5. B.3.5. Date.getDay()
        1. B.3.5.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.5.2. Description
        3. B.3.5.3. Example
      6. B.3.6. Date.getFullYear()
        1. B.3.6.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.6.2. Description
        3. B.3.6.3. Example
      7. B.3.7. Date.getHours()
        1. B.3.7.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.7.2. Description
        3. B.3.7.3. Example
      8. B.3.8. Date.getMilliseconds()
        1. B.3.8.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.8.2. Description
        3. B.3.8.3. Example
      9. B.3.9. Date.getMinutes()
        1. B.3.9.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.9.2. Description
        3. B.3.9.3. Example
      10. B.3.10. Date.getMonth()
        1. B.3.10.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.10.2. Description
        3. B.3.10.3. Example
      11. B.3.11. Date.getSeconds()
        1. B.3.11.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.11.2. Description
        3. B.3.11.3. Example
      12. B.3.12. Date.getTime()
        1. B.3.12.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.12.2. Description
        3. B.3.12.3. Example
      13. B.3.13. Date.getTimezoneOffset()
        1. B.3.13.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.13.2. Example
      14. B.3.14. Date.getUTCDate()
        1. B.3.14.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.14.2. Description
        3. B.3.14.3. Example
      15. B.3.15. Date.getUTCDay()
        1. B.3.15.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.15.2. Description
        3. B.3.15.3. Example
      16. B.3.16. Date.getUTCFullYear()
        1. B.3.16.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.16.2. Description
        3. B.3.16.3. Example
      17. B.3.17. Date.getUTCHours()
        1. B.3.17.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.17.2. Description
        3. B.3.17.3. Example
      18. B.3.18. Date.getUTCMilliseconds()
        1. B.3.18.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.18.2. Description
        3. B.3.18.3. Example
      19. B.3.19. Date.getUTCMinutes()
        1. B.3.19.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.19.2. Description
        3. B.3.19.3. Example
      20. B.3.20. Date.getUTCMonth()
        1. B.3.20.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.20.2. Description
        3. B.3.20.3. Example
      21. B.3.21. Date.getUTCSeconds()
        1. B.3.21.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.21.2. Description
        3. B.3.21.3. Example
      22. B.3.22. Date.getYear()
        1. B.3.22.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.22.2. Description
        3. B.3.22.3. Example
      23. B.3.23.
        1. B.3.23.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.23.2. Description
        3. B.3.23.3. Example
      24. B.3.24. Date.parse(datestring)
        1. B.3.24.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.24.2. Description
        3. B.3.24.3. Example
      25. B.3.25. Date.setDate(day)
        1. B.3.25.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.25.2. Description
        3. B.3.25.3. Example
      26. B.3.26. Date.setFullYear(year)
        1. B.3.26.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.26.2. Description
        3. B.3.26.3. Example
      27. B.3.27. Date.setHours()
        1. B.3.27.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.27.2. Description
        3. B.3.27.3. Example
      28. B.3.28. Date.setMilliseconds(millisecondsVal)
        1. B.3.28.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.28.2. Description
        3. B.3.28.3. Example
      29. B.3.29. Date.setMinutes(minutesVal)
        1. B.3.29.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.29.2. Description
        3. B.3.29.3. Example
      30. B.3.30. Date.setMonth(monthValue)
        1. B.3.30.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.30.2. Description
        3. B.3.30.3. Example
      31. B.3.31. Date.setSeconds(secondsVal)
        1. B.3.31.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.31.2. Description
        3. B.3.31.3. Example
      32. B.3.32. Date.setTime(msValue)
        1. B.3.32.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.32.2. Description
        3. B.3.32.3. Example
      33. B.3.33. Date.setUTCDate(dayOfMonth)
        1. B.3.33.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.33.2. Description
        3. B.3.33.3. Example
      34. B.3.34. Date.setUTCFullYear(yearVal)
        1. B.3.34.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.34.2. Description
        3. B.3.34.3. Example
      35. B.3.35. Date.setUTCHours(hoursVal)
        1. B.3.35.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.35.2. Description
        3. B.3.35.3. Example
      36. B.3.36. Date.setUTCMilliseconds(msValue)
        1. B.3.36.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.36.2. Description
        3. B.3.36.3. Example
      37. B.3.37. Date.setUTCMinutes(minVal)
        1. B.3.37.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.37.2. Description
        3. B.3.37.3. Example
      38. B.3.38. Date.setUTCMonth(monthVal)
        1. B.3.38.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.38.2. Description
        3. B.3.38.3. Example
      39. B.3.39. Date.setUTCSeconds(secVal)
        1. B.3.39.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.39.2. Description
        3. B.3.39.3. Example
      40. B.3.40. Date.setYear(yearVal)
        1. B.3.40.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.40.2. Description
        3. B.3.40.3. Example
      41. B.3.41. Date.toDateString()
        1. B.3.41.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.41.2. Description
        3. B.3.41.3. Example
      42. B.3.42. Date.toGMTString()
        1. B.3.42.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.42.2. Description
        3. B.3.42.3. Example
      43. B.3.43. Date.toJSON()
        1. B.3.43.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.43.2. Description
        3. B.3.43.3. Example
      44. B.3.44. Date.toLocaleDateString()
        1. B.3.44.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.44.2. Description
        3. B.3.44.3. Example
      45. B.3.45. Date.toLocaleFormat(stringFormat)
        1. B.3.45.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.45.2. Description
        3. B.3.45.3. Example
      46. B.3.46. Date.toLocaleString()
        1. B.3.46.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.46.2. Description
        3. B.3.46.3. Example
      47. B.3.47. Date.toLocaleTimeString()
        1. B.3.47.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.47.2. Description
        3. B.3.47.3. Example
      48. B.3.48. Date.toSource()
        1. B.3.48.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.48.2. Description
        3. B.3.48.3. Example
      49. B.3.49. Date.toString()
        1. B.3.49.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.49.2. Description
        3. B.3.49.3. Example
      50. B.3.50. Date.toTimeString()
        1. B.3.50.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.50.2. Description
        3. B.3.50.3. Example
      51. B.3.51. Date.toUTCString()
        1. B.3.51.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.51.2. Description
        3. B.3.51.3. Example
      52. B.3.52. Date.UTC()
        1. B.3.52.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.52.2. Description
        3. B.3.52.3. Example
      53. B.3.53. Date.valueOf()
        1. B.3.53.1. Syntax
        2. B.3.53.2. Description
        3. B.3.53.3. Example
    4. B.4. Debug
      1. B.4.1. Syntax
      2. B.4.2. Description
      3. B.4.3. Example
    5. B.5. Enumerator
      1. B.5.1. Syntax
      2. B.5.2. Description
      3. B.5.3. Example
    6. B.6. Error
      1. B.6.1. Syntax
      2. B.6.2. Description
      3. B.6.3. Example
      4. B.6.4. Error.description
        1. B.6.4.1. Syntax
        2. B.6.4.2. Description
        3. B.6.4.3. Example
      5. B.6.5. Error.message
        1. B.6.5.1. Syntax
        2. B.6.5.2. Description
        3. B.6.5.3. Example
      6. B.6.6.
        1. B.6.6.1. Syntax
        2. B.6.6.2. Description
        3. B.6.6.3. Example
      7. B.6.7. Error.number
        1. B.6.7.1. Syntax
        2. B.6.7.2. Description
        3. B.6.7.3. Example
      8. B.6.8. Error.toSource()
        1. B.6.8.1. Syntax
        2. B.6.8.2. Description
        3. B.6.8.3. Example
      9. B.6.9. Error.toString()
        1. B.6.9.1. Syntax
        2. B.6.9.2. Description
        3. B.6.9.3. Example
    7. B.7. Function
      1. B.7.1. Syntax
      2. B.7.2. Description
      3. B.7.3. Example
      4. B.7.4. Function.arguments
        1. B.7.4.1. Syntax
        2. B.7.4.2. Description
        3. B.7.4.3. Example
      5. B.7.5. Function.arity
        1. B.7.5.1. Syntax
        2. B.7.5.2. Description
        3. B.7.5.3. Example
      6. B.7.6. Function.callee
        1. B.7.6.1. Syntax
        2. B.7.6.2. Description
        3. B.7.6.3. Example
      7. B.7.7. Function.caller
        1. B.7.7.1. Syntax
        2. B.7.7.2. Description
        3. B.7.7.3. Example
      8. B.7.8. Function.length
        1. B.7.8.1. Syntax
        2. B.7.8.2. Description
        3. B.7.8.3. Example
      9. B.7.9.
        1. B.7.9.1. Syntax
        2. B.7.9.2. Description
        3. B.7.9.3. Example
      10. B.7.10. Function.apply()
        1. B.7.10.1. Syntax
        2. B.7.10.2. Description
        3. B.7.10.3. Example
      11. B.7.11.
        1. B.7.11.1. Syntax
        2. B.7.11.2. Description
        3. B.7.11.3. Example
      12. B.7.12. Function.toSource()
        1. B.7.12.1. Syntax
        2. B.7.12.2. Description
        3. B.7.12.3. Example
      13. B.7.13. Function.toString()
        1. B.7.13.1. Syntax
        2. B.7.13.2. Description
        3. B.7.13.3. Example
      14. B.7.14. Function.valueOf()
        1. B.7.14.1. Syntax
        2. B.7.14.2. Description
        3. B.7.14.3. Example
    8. B.8. JSON
      1. B.8.1. Syntax
      2. B.8.2. Description
      3. B.8.3. Example
      4. B.8.4. JSON.parse(jsonString)
        1. B.8.4.1. Syntax
        2. B.8.4.2. Description
        3. B.8.4.3. Example
      5. B.8.5. JSON.stringify()
        1. B.8.5.1. Syntax
        2. B.8.5.2. Description
        3. B.8.5.3. Example
    9. B.9. Math
      1. B.9.1. Syntax
      2. B.9.2. Description
      3. B.9.3. Example
      4. B.9.4. Math.E
        1. B.9.4.1. Syntax
        2. B.9.4.2. Description
        3. B.9.4.3. Example
      5. B.9.5. Math.LN10
        1. B.9.5.1. Syntax
        2. B.9.5.2. Description
        3. B.9.5.3. Example
      6. B.9.6. Math.LN2
        1. B.9.6.1. Syntax
        2. B.9.6.2. Description
        3. B.9.6.3. Example
      7. B.9.7. Math.LOG10E
        1. B.9.7.1. Syntax
        2. B.9.7.2. Description
        3. B.9.7.3. Example
      8. B.9.8. Math.LOG2E
        1. B.9.8.1. Syntax
        2. B.9.8.2. Description
        3. B.9.8.3. Example
      9. B.9.9. Math.PI
        1. B.9.9.1. Syntax
        2. B.9.9.2. Description
        3. B.9.9.3. Example
      10. B.9.10. Math.SQRT1_2
        1. B.9.10.1. Syntax
        2. B.9.10.2. Description
        3. B.9.10.3. Example
      11. B.9.11. Math.SQRT2
        1. B.9.11.1. Syntax
        2. B.9.11.2. Description
        3. B.9.11.3. Example
      12. B.9.12. Math.abs(numVal)
        1. B.9.12.1. Syntax
        2. B.9.12.2. Description
        3. B.9.12.3. Example
      13. B.9.13. Math.acos(numVal)
        1. B.9.13.1. Syntax
        2. B.9.13.2. Description
        3. B.9.13.3. Example
      14. B.9.14. Math.asin(numVal)
        1. B.9.14.1. Syntax
        2. B.9.14.2. Description
        3. B.9.14.3. Example
      15. B.9.15. Math.atan(numVal)
        1. B.9.15.1. Syntax
        2. B.9.15.2. Description
        3. B.9.15.3. Example
      16. B.9.16. Math.atan2(numVal)
        1. B.9.16.1. Syntax
        2. B.9.16.2. Description
        3. B.9.16.3. Example
      17. B.9.17. Math.ceil(numVal)
        1. B.9.17.1. Syntax
        2. B.9.17.2. Description
        3. B.9.17.3. Example
      18. B.9.18. Math.cos()
        1. B.9.18.1. Syntax
        2. B.9.18.2. Description
        3. B.9.18.3. Example
      19. B.9.19. Math.exp(numVal)
        1. B.9.19.1. Syntax
        2. B.9.19.2. Description
        3. B.9.19.3. Example
      20. B.9.20. Math.floor()
        1. B.9.20.1. Syntax
        2. B.9.20.2. Description
        3. B.9.20.3. Example
      21. B.9.21. Math.log(numVal)
        1. B.9.21.1. Syntax
        2. B.9.21.2. Description
        3. B.9.21.3. Example
      22. B.9.22. Math.max(numVal1[, numVal2[, .., numValN]])
        1. B.9.22.1. Syntax
        2. B.9.22.2. Description
        3. B.9.22.3. Example
      23. B.9.23. Math.min(numVal1[, numVal2[, .., numValN]])
        1. B.9.23.1. Syntax
        2. B.9.23.2. Description
        3. B.9.23.3. Example
      24. B.9.24. Math.pow(baseVal, expVal)
        1. B.9.24.1. Syntax
        2. B.9.24.2. Description
        3. B.9.24.3. Example
      25. B.9.25. Math.random()
        1. B.9.25.1. Syntax
        2. B.9.25.2. Description
        3. B.9.25.3. Example
      26. B.9.26. Math.round(numVal)
        1. B.9.26.1. Syntax
        2. B.9.26.2. Description
        3. B.9.26.3. Example
      27. B.9.27. Math.sin(numVal)
        1. B.9.27.1. Syntax
        2. B.9.27.2. Description
        3. B.9.27.3. Example
      28. B.9.28. Math.sqrt(numVal)
        1. B.9.28.1. Syntax
        2. B.9.28.2. Description
        3. B.9.28.3. Example
      29. B.9.29. Math.tan(numVal)
        1. B.9.29.1. Syntax
        2. B.9.29.2. Description
        3. B.9.29.3. Example
      30. B.9.30. Math.toSource()
        1. B.9.30.1. Syntax
        2. B.9.30.2. Description
        3. B.9.30.3. Example
      31. B.9.31. Math.toString()
        1. B.9.31.1. Description
        2. B.9.31.2. Example
    10. B.10. Number
      1. B.10.1. Syntax
      2. B.10.2. Description
      3. B.10.3. Example
      4. B.10.4. Number.MAX_VALUE
        1. B.10.4.1. Syntax
        2. B.10.4.2. Description
        3. B.10.4.3. Example
      5. B.10.5. Number.MIN_VALUE
        1. B.10.5.1. Syntax
        2. B.10.5.2. Description
        3. B.10.5.3. Example
      6. B.10.6. Number.NaN
        1. B.10.6.1. Syntax
        2. B.10.6.2. Description
        3. B.10.6.3. Example
      7. B.10.7. Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY
        1. B.10.7.1. Syntax
        2. B.10.7.2. Description
        3. B.10.7.3. Example
      8. B.10.8. Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY
        1. B.10.8.1. Syntax
        2. B.10.8.2. Description
        3. B.10.8.3. Example
      9. B.10.9. Number.prototype
        1. B.10.9.1. Syntax
        2. B.10.9.2. Description
        3. B.10.9.3. Example
      10. B.10.10. Number.toExponential([fractionDigits])
        1. B.10.10.1. Syntax
        2. B.10.10.2. Description
        3. B.10.10.3. Example
      11. B.10.11. Number.toFixed([fractionDigits])
        1. B.10.11.1. Syntax
        2. B.10.11.2. Description
        3. B.10.11.3. Example
      12. B.10.12. Number.toJSON()
        1. B.10.12.1. Syntax
        2. B.10.12.2. Description
        3. B.10.12.3. Example
      13. B.10.13. Number.toLocaleString()
        1. B.10.13.1. Syntax
        2. B.10.13.2. Description
        3. B.10.13.3. Example
      14. B.10.14. Number.toPrecision([precision])
        1. B.10.14.1. Syntax
        2. B.10.14.2. Description
        3. B.10.14.3. Example
      15. B.10.15. Number.toString([radixbase])
        1. B.10.15.1. Syntax
        2. B.10.15.2. Description
        3. B.10.15.3. Example
      16. B.10.16. Number.valueOf()
        1. B.10.16.1. Syntax
        2. B.10.16.2. Description
        3. B.10.16.3. Example
    11. B.11. Object
      1. B.11.1. Syntax
      2. B.11.2. Description
      3. B.11.3. Example
      4. B.11.4. Object.constructor
        1. B.11.4.1. Syntax
        2. B.11.4.2. Description
        3. B.11.4.3. Example
      5. B.11.5. Object.prototype
        1. B.11.5.1. Syntax
        2. B.11.5.2. Description
        3. B.11.5.3. Example
      6. B.11.6. Object.__parent__
        1. B.11.6.1. Syntax
        2. B.11.6.2. Description
        3. B.11.6.3. Example
      7. B.11.7. Object.__proto__
        1. B.11.7.1. Syntax
        2. B.11.7.2. Description
        3. B.11.7.3. Example
      8. B.11.8. Object.eval(codetoeval)
        1. B.11.8.1. Syntax
        2. B.11.8.2. Description
        3. B.11.8.3. Example
      9. B.11.9. Object.hasOwnProperty(prop)
        1. B.11.9.1. Syntax
        2. B.11.9.2. Description
        3. B.11.9.3. Example
      10. B.11.10. Object.isPrototypeOf()
        1. B.11.10.1. Syntax
        2. B.11.10.2. Description
        3. B.11.10.3. Example
      11. B.11.11. Object.propertyIsEnumerable(prop)
        1. B.11.11.1. Syntax
        2. B.11.11.2. Description
        3. B.11.11.3. Example
      12. B.11.12. Object.toLocaleString()
        1. B.11.12.1. Syntax
        2. B.11.12.2. Description
        3. B.11.12.3. Example
      13. B.11.13. Object.toSource()
        1. B.11.13.1. Syntax
        2. B.11.13.2. Description
        3. B.11.13.3. Example
      14. B.11.14. Object.toString()
        1. B.11.14.1. Syntax
        2. B.11.14.2. Description
        3. B.11.14.3. Example
      15. B.11.15. Object.unwatch(property)
        1. B.11.15.1. Description
        2. B.11.15.2. Example
      16. B.11.16. Object.valueOf()
        1. B.11.16.1. Syntax
        2. B.11.16.2. Description
        3. B.11.16.3. Example
      17. B.11.17.
        1. B.11.17.1. Syntax
        2. B.11.17.2. Description
        3. B.11.17.3. Example
      18. B.11.18. Object.__defineGetter__(prop, funct)
        1. B.11.18.1. Syntax
        2. B.11.18.2. Description
        3. B.11.18.3. Example
      19. B.11.19. Object.__defineSetter__(prop, funct)
        1. B.11.19.1. Syntax
        2. B.11.19.2. Description
        3. B.11.19.3. Example
      20. B.11.20. Object.__lookupGetter__(sprop)
        1. B.11.20.1. Syntax
        2. B.11.20.2. Description
        3. B.11.20.3. Example
      21. B.11.21. Object.__lookupSetter__(sprop)
        1. B.11.21.1. Syntax
        2. B.11.21.2. Description
        3. B.11.21.3. Example
      22. B.11.22. Object.__noSuchMethod__()
        1. B.11.22.1. Syntax
        2. B.11.22.2. Description
        3. B.11.22.3. Example
    12. B.12. RegExp
      1. B.12.1. Syntax
      2. B.12.2. Description
      3. B.12.3. Example
      4. B.12.4. RegExp.$1..$9
        1. B.12.4.1. Syntax
        2. B.12.4.2. Description
        3. B.12.4.3. Example
      5. B.12.5.
        1. B.12.5.1. Syntax
        2. B.12.5.2. Description
        3. B.12.5.3. Example
      6. B.12.6. RegExp.ignoreCase
        1. B.12.6.1. Syntax
        2. B.12.6.2. Description
        3. B.12.6.3. Example
      7. B.12.7. RegExp.index
        1. B.12.7.1. Syntax
        2. B.12.7.2. Description
        3. B.12.7.3. Example
      8. B.12.8. RegExp.input
        1. B.12.8.1. Syntax
        2. B.12.8.2. Description
        3. B.12.8.3. Example
      9. B.12.9. RegExp.lastIndex
        1. B.12.9.1. Syntax
        2. B.12.9.2. Description
        3. B.12.9.3. Example
      10. B.12.10. RegExp.lastMatch
        1. B.12.10.1. Syntax
        2. B.12.10.2. Description
        3. B.12.10.3. Example
      11. B.12.11. RegExp.lastParen
        1. B.12.11.1. Syntax
        2. B.12.11.2. Description
        3. B.12.11.3. Example
      12. B.12.12. RegExp.leftContext
        1. B.12.12.1. Syntax
        2. B.12.12.2. Description
        3. B.12.12.3. Example
      13. B.12.13. RegExp.multiline
        1. B.12.13.1. Syntax
        2. B.12.13.2. Description
        3. B.12.13.3. Example
      14. B.12.14. RegExp.rightContext
        1. B.12.14.1. Syntax
        2. B.12.14.2. Description
        3. B.12.14.3. Example
      15. B.12.15. RegExp.source
        1. B.12.15.1. Syntax
        2. B.12.15.2. Description
        3. B.12.15.3. Example
      16. B.12.16. RegExp.exec(string)
        1. B.12.16.1. Syntax
        2. B.12.16.2. Description
        3. B.12.16.3. Example
      17. B.12.17. RegExp.test(string)
        1. B.12.17.1. Syntax
        2. B.12.17.2. Description
        3. B.12.17.3. Example
      18. B.12.18. RegExp.toSource()
        1. B.12.18.1. Syntax
        2. B.12.18.2. Description
        3. B.12.18.3. Example
      19. B.12.19. RegExp.toString()
        1. B.12.19.1. Description
        2. B.12.19.2. Example
    13. B.13. String
      1. B.13.1. Syntax
      2. B.13.2. Description
      3. B.13.3. Example
      4. B.13.4. String.length
        1. B.13.4.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.4.2. Description
        3. B.13.4.3. Example
      5. B.13.5. String.prototype
        1. B.13.5.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.5.2. Description
        3. B.13.5.3. Example
      6. B.13.6. String.anchor(anchorString)
        1. B.13.6.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.6.2. Description
        3. B.13.6.3. Example
      7. B.13.7. String.big()
        1. B.13.7.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.7.2. Description
        3. B.13.7.3. Example
      8. B.13.8. String.blink()
        1. B.13.8.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.8.2. Description
        3. B.13.8.3. Example
      9. B.13.9. String.bold()
        1. B.13.9.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.9.2. Description
        3. B.13.9.3. Example
      10. B.13.10. String.charAt(pos)
        1. B.13.10.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.10.2. Description
        3. B.13.10.3. Example
      11. B.13.11. String.charCodeAt(num)
        1. B.13.11.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.11.2. Description
        3. B.13.11.3. Example
      12. B.13.12. String.concat([string2[, string3[, ...]]])
        1. B.13.12.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.12.2. Description
        3. B.13.12.3. Example
      13. B.13.13. String.fixed()
        1. B.13.13.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.13.2. Description
        3. B.13.13.3. Example
      14. B.13.14. String.fontcolor(colorVal)
        1. B.13.14.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.14.2. Description
        3. B.13.14.3. Example
      15. B.13.15. String.fontsize(fSize)
        1. B.13.15.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.15.2. Description
        3. B.13.15.3. Example
      16. B.13.16. String.fromCharCode([code1[, code2[, ...]]])
        1. B.13.16.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.16.2. Description
        3. B.13.16.3. Example
      17. B.13.17. String.indexOf(string[, num])
        1. B.13.17.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.17.2. Description
        3. B.13.17.3. Example
      18. B.13.18. String.italics()
        1. B.13.18.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.18.2. Description
        3. B.13.18.3. Example
      19. B.13.19. String.lastIndexOf(substring[, startindex])
        1. B.13.19.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.19.2. Description
        3. B.13.19.3. Example
      20. B.13.20.
        1. B.13.20.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.20.2. Description
        3. B.13.20.3. Example
      21. B.13.21. String.localeCompare(strComp)
        1. B.13.21.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.21.2. Description
        3. B.13.21.3. Example
      22. B.13.22. String.match(regEx)
        1. B.13.22.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.22.2. Description
        3. B.13.22.3. Example
      23. B.13.23. String.quote()
        1. B.13.23.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.23.2. Description
        3. B.13.23.3. Example
      24. B.13.24. String.replace(regEx, replaceString)
        1. B.13.24.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.24.2. Description
        3. B.13.24.3. Example
      25. B.13.25.
        1. B.13.25.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.25.2. Description
        3. B.13.25.3. Example
      26. B.13.26. String.slice(start, [end])
        1. B.13.26.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.26.2. Description
        3. B.13.26.3. Example
      27. B.13.27. String.small()
        1. B.13.27.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.27.2. Description
        3. B.13.27.3. Example
      28. B.13.28. String.split([separatorStr [, limit]])
        1. B.13.28.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.28.2. Description
        3. B.13.28.3. Example
      29. B.13.29. String.strike()
        1. B.13.29.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.29.2. Description
        3. B.13.29.3. Example
      30. B.13.30. String.sub()
        1. B.13.30.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.30.2. Description
        3. B.13.30.3. Example
      31. B.13.31. String.substr(pos [, length])
        1. B.13.31.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.31.2. Description
        3. B.13.31.3. Example
      32. B.13.32. String.substring(start [, end])
        1. B.13.32.1. Description
        2. B.13.32.2. Example
      33. B.13.33. String.sup()
        1. B.13.33.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.33.2. Description
        3. B.13.33.3. Example
      34. B.13.34. String.toJSON()
        1. B.13.34.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.34.2. Description
        3. B.13.34.3. Example
      35. B.13.35. String.toLocaleLowerCase()
        1. B.13.35.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.35.2. Description
        3. B.13.35.3. Example
      36. B.13.36. String.toLocaleUpperCase()
        1. B.13.36.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.36.2. Description
        3. B.13.36.3. Example
      37. B.13.37. String.toLowerCase()
        1. B.13.37.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.37.2. Description
        3. B.13.37.3. Example
      38. B.13.38. String.toSource()
        1. B.13.38.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.38.2. Description
        3. B.13.38.3. Example
      39. B.13.39. String.toString()
        1. B.13.39.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.39.2. Description
        3. B.13.39.3. Example
      40. B.13.40. String.toUpperCase()
        1. B.13.40.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.40.2. Description
        3. B.13.40.3. Example
      41. B.13.41. String.valueOf()
        1. B.13.41.1. Syntax
        2. B.13.41.2. Description
        3. B.13.41.3. Example
    14. B.14. VBArray
      1. B.14.1. Syntax
      2. B.14.2. Description
      3. B.14.3. Example
      4. B.14.4. VBArray.dimensions()
        1. B.14.4.1. Syntax
        2. B.14.4.2. Description
        3. B.14.4.3. Example
      5. B.14.5. VBArray.getItem()
        1. B.14.5.1. Syntax
        2. B.14.5.2. Description
        3. B.14.5.3. Example
      6. B.14.6. VBArray.lbound()
        1. B.14.6.1. Syntax
        2. B.14.6.2. Description
        3. B.14.6.3. Example
      7. B.14.7. VBArray.toArray()
        1. B.14.7.1. Syntax
        2. B.14.7.2. Description
        3. B.14.7.3. Example
      8. B.14.8. VBArray.ubound()
        1. B.14.8.1. Syntax
        2. B.14.8.2. Description
        3. B.14.8.3. Example
    15. B.15. XMLHttpRequest
      1. B.15.1. Syntax
      2. B.15.2. Description
      3. B.15.3. Example
      4. B.15.4. XMLHttpRequest.onreadystatechange
        1. B.15.4.1. Syntax
        2. B.15.4.2. Description
        3. B.15.4.3. Example
      5. B.15.5. XMLHttpRequest.readyState
        1. B.15.5.1. Syntax
        2. B.15.5.2. Description
        3. B.15.5.3. Example
      6. B.15.6. XMLHttpRequest.responseBody
        1. B.15.6.1. Syntax
        2. B.15.6.2. Description
        3. B.15.6.3. Example
      7. B.15.7. XMLHttpRequest.responseText
        1. B.15.7.1. Syntax
        2. B.15.7.2. Description
        3. B.15.7.3. Example
      8. B.15.8. XMLHttpRequest.responseXML
        1. B.15.8.1. Syntax
        2. B.15.8.2. Description
        3. B.15.8.3. Example
      9. B.15.9. XMLHttpRequest.status
        1. B.15.9.1. Syntax
        2. B.15.9.2. Description
        3. B.15.9.3. Example
      10. B.15.10. XMLHttpRequest.statusText
        1. B.15.10.1. Syntax
        2. B.15.10.2. Description
        3. B.15.10.3. Example
      11. B.15.11. XMLHttpRequest.abort()
        1. B.15.11.1. Syntax
        2. B.15.11.2. Description
        3. B.15.11.3. Example
      12. B.15.12. XMLHttpRequest.getAllResponseHeaders()
        1. B.15.12.1. Syntax
        2. B.15.12.2. Description
        3. B.15.12.3. Example
      13. B.15.13. XMLHttpRequest.getResponseHeader(headerLabel)
        1. B.15.13.1. Syntax
        2. B.15.13.2. Description
        3. B.15.13.3. Example
      14. B.15.14., url [, asyncFlag [, userName [, password]]])
        1. B.15.14.1. Syntax
        2. B.15.14.2. Description
        3. B.15.14.3. Example
      15. B.15.15. XMLHttpRequest.send(content)
        1. B.15.15.1. Syntax
        2. B.15.15.2. Description
        3. B.15.15.3. Example
      16. B.15.16. XMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader(label, value)
        1. B.15.16.1. Syntax
        2. B.15.16.2. Description
        3. B.15.16.3. Example
  33. C. JavaScript Global Properties
    1. C.1. Infinity
      1. C.1.1. Syntax
      2. C.1.2. Description
      3. C.1.3. Example
    2. C.2. NaN
      1. C.2.1. Syntax
      2. C.2.2. Description
      3. C.2.3. Example
    3. C.3. undefined
      1. C.3.1. Syntax
      2. C.3.2. Description
      3. C.3.3. Example
  34. D. JavaScript Global Functions
    1. D.1. decodeURI(string)
      1. D.1.1. Syntax
      2. D.1.2. Description
      3. D.1.3. Example
    2. D.2. decodeURIComponent(string)
      1. D.2.1. Syntax
      2. D.2.2. Description
      3. D.2.3. Example
    3. D.3. encodeURI(string)
      1. D.3.1. Syntax
      2. D.3.2. Description
      3. D.3.3. Example
    4. D.4. encodeURIComponent(string)
      1. D.4.1. Syntax
      2. D.4.2. Description
      3. D.4.3. Example
    5. D.5. escape(string)
      1. D.5.1. Syntax
      2. D.5.2. Description
      3. D.5.3. Example
    6. D.6. eval(string)
      1. D.6.1. Syntax
      2. D.6.2. Description
      3. D.6.3. Example
    7. D.7. isFinite(numval)
      1. D.7.1. Syntax
      2. D.7.2. Description
      3. D.7.3. Example
    8. D.8. isNaN(numval)
      1. D.8.1. Syntax
      2. D.8.2. Description
      3. D.8.3. Example
    9. D.9. parseFloat(string)
      1. D.9.1. Syntax
      2. D.9.2. Description
      3. D.9.3. Example
    10. D.10. parseInt(string)
      1. D.10.1. Syntax
      2. D.10.2. Description
      3. D.10.3. Example
    11. D.11. unescape(string)
      1. D.11.1. Syntax
      2. D.11.2. Description
      3. D.11.3. Example
  35. E. Reserved and Special Words
  36. F. Document Object Reference
    1. F.1. Area Object Reference
      1. F.1.1. Properties
    2. F.2. Canvas Object Reference
      1. F.2.1. Properties
      2. F.2.2. Methods
    3. F.3. cssRule and rule Object Reference
      1. F.3.1. Properties
    4. F.4. document Object Reference
      1. F.4.1. Properties
      2. F.4.2. Methods
      3. F.4.3. Events
      4. F.4.4. body Object Reference
        1. F.4.4.1. Properties
        2. F.4.4.2. Methods
        3. F.4.4.3. Events
      5. F.4.5. TreeWalker Object
        1. F.4.5.1. Properties
        2. F.4.5.2. Methods
    5. F.5. Event Object Reference
      1. F.5.1. Properties
      2. F.5.2. Methods
    6. F.6. external Object Reference
      1. F.6.1. Properties
      2. F.6.2. Methods
    7. F.7. Generic Element Reference
      1. F.7.1. Properties
      2. F.7.2. Methods
      3. F.7.3. Events
    8. F.8. History Object Reference
      1. F.8.1. Properties
      2. F.8.2. Methods
    9. F.9. HTML Form Reference
      1. F.9.1. Properties
      2. F.9.2. Methods
      3. F.9.3. Events
      4. F.9.4. FIELDSET and LEGEND Objects
        1. F.9.4.1. Properties
      5. F.9.5. LABEL Object
        1. F.9.5.1. Properties
      6. F.9.6. General INPUT Objects
        1. F.9.6.1. Properties
      7. F.9.7. BUTTON, SUBMIT and RESET Objects
        1. F.9.7.1. Properties
        2. F.9.7.2. Methods
        3. F.9.7.3. Events
      8. F.9.8. CHECKBOX and RADIO Objects
        1. F.9.8.1. Properties
        2. F.9.8.2. Methods
        3. F.9.8.3. Events
      9. F.9.9. IMAGE Object
        1. F.9.9.1. Properties
      10. F.9.10. TEXT, PASSWORD and HIDDEN Objects
        1. F.9.10.1. Properties
        2. F.9.10.2. Methods
        3. F.9.10.3. Events
      11. F.9.11. TEXTAREA Object
        1. F.9.11.1. Properties
        2. F.9.11.2. Methods
        3. F.9.11.3. Events
      12. F.9.12. SELECT Object
        1. F.9.12.1. Properties
        2. F.9.12.2. Methods
        3. F.9.12.3. Events
      13. F.9.13. FILE Object
        1. F.9.13.1. Properties
        2. F.9.13.2. Methods
        3. F.9.13.3. Events
    10. F.10. HTML Table Reference
      1. F.10.1. Properties
      2. F.10.2. Methods
      3. F.10.3. tbody, tfoot, and thead Object Reference
        1. F.10.3.1. Properties
        2. F.10.3.2. Methods
      4. F.10.4. caption Object Reference
        1. F.10.4.1. Properties
      5. F.10.5. col and colgroup Object Reference
        1. F.10.5.1. Properties
      6. F.10.6. tr Object Reference
        1. F.10.6.1. Properties
        2. F.10.6.2. Methods
      7. F.10.7. td and th Object Reference
        1. F.10.7.1. Properties
    11. F.11. Image Object Reference
      1. F.11.1. Properties
      2. F.11.2. Events
    12. F.12. Link and Anchor Object Reference
      1. F.12.1. Properties
    13. F.13. Location Object Reference
      1. F.13.1. Properties
      2. F.13.2. Methods
    14. F.14. Range Object Reference
      1. F.14.1. Properties
      2. F.14.2. Methods
    15. F.15. Selection Object Reference
      1. F.15.1. Properties
      2. F.15.2. Methods
    16. F.16. Storage Object Reference
      1. F.16.1. Properties
      2. F.16.2. Methods
      3. F.16.3. Events
    17. F.17. Style Object Reference
      1. F.17.1. Properties
    18. F.18. styleSheet Object Reference
      1. F.18.1. Properties
      2. F.18.2. Methods
    19. F.19. TextRange Reference
      1. F.19.1. Properties
      2. F.19.2. Methods
    20. F.20. Window Object Reference
      1. F.20.1. Properties
      2. F.20.2. Methods
      3. F.20.3. Events
      4. F.20.4. navigator
        1. F.20.4.1. Properties
        2. F.20.4.2. Methods
      5. F.20.5. screen
        1. F.20.5.1. Properties
      6. F.20.6. FRAME object
        1. F.20.6.1. Properties
      7. F.20.7. FRAMESET object
        1. F.20.7.1. Properties
      8. F.20.8. IFRAME object
        1. F.20.8.1. Properties
      9. F.20.9. POPUP Object
        1. F.20.9.1. Properties
        2. F.20.9.2. Methods
  37. G. Resources on the Web
    1. G.1. Reference
    2. G.2. Tools
    3. G.3. Blogs and Articles

Product information

  • Title: JavaScript® Programmer's Reference
  • Author(s):
  • Release date: August 2009
  • Publisher(s): Wrox
  • ISBN: 9780470344729