


This action represents an instance of the component type registered with the type ID javax.faces.HtmlDataTable (by default, an instance of the javax.faces.component.html.HtmlDataTable class), combined with a renderer registered with the renderer type ID javax.faces.Table.

The component is rendered as an HTML <table> element. UIColumn child components are responsible for rendering the table columns. The columns can hold any type of component, including input components and command components. The value attribute value can be of any type, but the primary model type is the javax.faces.model.DataModel class (see Appendix B). A value of type Object[] is wrapped automatically in an instance of ArrayDataModel, a java.util.List in a ListDataModel, a javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql.Result in a ResultDataModel, a java.sql.ResultSet in a ResultSetDataModel, and any other type in a ScalarDataModel.

Both the data table component and its column children may be equipped with header and footer facets. The table’s header facet is rendered as one <th> element (with a colspan attribute set to the number of children) within a <tr> element, and column header facets are rendered as <th> elements within a separate <tr> element. A <thead> element encloses both header <tr> elements. The footer facets, if any, are rendered in a similar manner, but with <td> elements instead of <th> and a <tfoot> element instead of the <thead> element. CSS style classes for the header and footer cells ...

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