Lesson 26Using Modules

Modules are important because they allow you to organize related code files into the same package and organize the code in a way that promotes simplicity and reusability. In this lesson, you'll learn the steps needed to set up and use modules.


From a code perspective, a module is a collection of Go packages and files along with a file called go.mod. In the following steps, you'll learn how to create a module and then use it.


First, create a directory with the same name that will be used for your module. In our example, you use the module and directory name mymodule. Create this directory under $GOPATH/src. On our system, this is /opt/homebrew/Cellar/go/1.17.6/libexec/src/mymodule. You can create a directory on Linux by entering the following commands on the command line:

user src % mkdir mymodule
user src % cd mymodule
user mymodule % ls
user mymodule % 

On a Windows system, in a command window, you can create the new mymodule directory as follows:

C:\User\YourName\go\src> md mymodule
C:\User\YourName\go\src> cd mymodule
C:\User\YourName\go\src> dir
Directory of C:\Users\YourName\go\src\mymodule
04/20/2022  11:22 AM    <DIR>          .
04/20/2022  11:22 AM    <DIR>          ..

STEP 2: ...

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