Appendix BSQL Quick Reference

This appendix is a quick reference containing much of the basic syntax for accomplishing standard tasks with SQL. The following areas are covered:

  • Working with databases
  • Defining tables, columns, and rows
  • Performing table queries
    • Filtering and grouping selection results
    • Queries using multiple tables
  • Basic SQL data types


Creating a new database:

 CREATE DATABASE databaseName; 

Using an existing database:

 USE databaseName; 

Deleting a database:

 DROP DATABASE databaseName; 


Creating a new table:

 CREATE TABLE tableName 
    columnName1 dataType, 
    columnName2 dataType, 

Removing a table:


Option 1:

DROP TABLE tableName; 

Option 2:

DELETE FROM tableName 
WHERE columnName = value; 

Option 3:

DELETE * FROM tableName; 

Option 4:

DELETE FROM tableName; 

Renaming a table:


Option 1:

ALTER TABLE originalTableName RENAME TO newTableName; 

Option 2:

RENAME TABLE originalTableName TO newTableName; 

Adding a new column to a table:

 ALTER TABLE tableName 
 ADD [COLUMN] columnName datatype; 

Removing a column from a table:

 ALTER TABLE tableName 
 DROP [COLUMN] columnName; 

Adding a column to a table:

 ALTER TABLE tableName 
 ADD newColumnName datatype [columnConstraint(s)] [AFTER existingColumn]; 

Altering a column in a table:

 ALTER TABLE tableName 
 MODIFY columnName [columnDefinition] [columnConstraint(s)]; 

Adding a row of data into a table:

 INSERT INTO tableName [(columnName1 ...

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