9 Conversion and promotion
This chapter covers
- Conversion of one related type to another
- How promotion finds the least common denominator among related types in an expression
- Exploring the Julia standard library using the @edit macro
Julia and other mainstream programming languages handle arithmetic involving different number types so effortlessly that most of us likely don’t pay much attention to this fact:
julia> 3 + 4.2 ❶ 7.2 julia> UInt8(5) + Int128(3e6) ❷ 3000005 julia> 1//4 + 0.25 0.5
❶ Numbers in the expression converted to floating-point numbers
❷ All integers converted to Int128
In reality, doing this involves quite a lot of complexity. Under the hood, most programming languages have defined a set of promotion rules, which say what ...
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