For the fifth and very last part of our spec, we need to display information about the game and provide a way to navigate back to the previous articles. We'll define the following functions:
function objective(game) """ <h3> Go from <i>$(game.articles[1].title)</i> to <i>$(game.articles[end].title)</i> </h3> <h5> Progress: $(size(game.history, 1) - 1) out of maximum $(size(game.articles, 1) - 1) links in $(game.steps_taken) steps </h5> <h6> <a href="/$(">Solution?</a> | <a href="/">New game</a> </h6>""" end
The objective function informs the player about the start and end articles and about the current progress. It also provides a small menu so that you can view the solution ...