Appendix . Performance Measures Database[*]

The key performance indicator (KPI) team will have gathered and recorded performance measures from information gained from discussions held with senior management, revisiting company archives, reviewing monthly reports, and external research. In addition, teams will, during brainstorming sessions, come up with performance measures they wish to use.

These performance measures identified need to be recorded, collated, and modified in a database that is available to all staff. This database will have a read-only facility to all employees. Amendment is permitted only by team coordinators (restricted to their area) and the KPI team (unlimited restriction).

The following table is a listing of performance measures to help start this process off. It will be a valuable resource when looking at performance measures during brainstorming sessions. You can acquire this table electronically from (for a small fee). Readers who contribute additional measures to will be rewarded with a discount on this fee. See for details.

It is advisable not to provide attendees with this list until they have performed some brainstorming and come up with measures themselves. To introduce this list too early will lead to a narrowing of the potential performance measures.

Some of the performance indicators (PIs) in this list may well be KPIs, others will be KRIs. It is up to the KPI project team to ascertain which ...

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