Book description
Kubernetes is becoming the de-facto standard for container orchestration and distributed applications management across a microservices framework. With this practical cookbook, you’ll learn hands-on recipes for automating the deployment, scaling, and operations of application containers across clusters of hosts.
The book's easy-lookup problem-solution-discussion format helps you find the detailed answers you need—quickly. Kubernetes lets you deploy your applications quickly and predictably, so you can efficiently respond to customer demand. This cookbook, ideal for developers and system administers alike, provides the essential knowledge you need to get there.
You’ll find recipes for:
- Kubernetes installation
- Kubernetes API, API groups
- Application primitives
- Monitoring
- Troubleshooting
Publisher resources
Table of contents
- Preface
- Getting Started with Kubernetes
Creating a Kubernetes Cluster
- 2.1. Installing kubeadm to Create a Kubernetes Cluster
- 2.2. Bootstrapping a Kubernetes Cluster Using kubeadm
- 2.3. Downloading a Kubernetes Release from GitHub
- 2.4. Downloading Client and Server Binaries
- 2.5. Using a hyperkube Image to Run a Kubernetes Master Node with Docker
- 2.6. Writing a systemd Unit File to Run Kubernetes Components
- 2.7. Creating a Kubernetes Cluster on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
- 2.8. Creating a Kubernetes Cluster on Azure Container Service (ACS)
- Learning to Use the Kubernetes Client
- Creating and Modifying Fundamental Workloads
- Working with Services
Exploring the Kubernetes API and Key Metadata
- 6.1. Discovering API Endpoints of the Kubernetes API Server
- 6.2. Understanding the Structure of a Kubernetes Manifest
- 6.3. Creating Namespaces to Avoid Name Collisions
- 6.4. Setting Quotas Within a Namespace
- 6.5. Labeling an Object
- 6.6. Using Labels for Queries
- 6.7. Annotating a Resource with One Command
- Managing Specialized Workloads
Volumes and Configuration Data
- 8.1. Exchanging Data Between Containers via a Local Volume
- 8.2. Passing an API Access Key to a Pod Using a Secret
- 8.3. Providing Configuration Data to an Application
- 8.4. Using a Persistent Volume with Minikube
- 8.5. Understanding Data Persistency on Minikube
- 8.6. Dynamically Provisioning Persistent Storage on GKE
- Scaling
- Security
Monitoring and Logging
- 11.1. Accessing the Logs of a Container
- 11.2. Recover from a Broken State with a Liveness Probe
- 11.3. Controlling Traffic Flow to a Pod Using a Readiness Probe
- 11.4. Adding Liveness and Readiness Probes to Your Deployments
- 11.5. Enabling Heapster on Minikube to Monitor Resources
- 11.6. Using Prometheus on Minikube
- 11.7. Using Elasticsearch–Fluentd–Kibana (EFK) on Minikube
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
- 12.1. Enabling Autocomplete for kubectl
- 12.2. Removing a Pod from a Service
- 12.3. Accessing a ClusterIP Service Outside the Cluster
- 12.4. Understanding and Parsing Resource Statuses
- 12.5. Debugging Pods
- 12.6. Getting a Detailed Snapshot of the Cluster State
- 12.7. Adding Kubernetes Worker Nodes
- 12.8. Draining Kubernetes Nodes for Maintenance
- 12.9. Managing etcd
- Developing Kubernetes
The Ecosystem
- 14.1. Installing Helm, the Kubernetes Package Manager
- 14.2. Using Helm to Install Applications
- 14.3. Creating Your Own Chart to Package Your Application with Helm
- 14.4. Converting Your Docker Compose Files to Kubernetes Manifests
- 14.5. Creating a Kubernetes Cluster with kubicorn
- 14.6. Storing Encrypted Secrets in Version Control
- 14.7. Deploying Functions with kubeless
- Resources
- Index
Product information
- Title: Kubernetes Cookbook
- Author(s):
- Release date: February 2018
- Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
- ISBN: 9781491979631
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