Chapter 9
The Intersection of Culture and Ethics
This chapter discusses how culture affects ethical and moral standards; this phenomenon, then, requires coaches to expand their personal approaches to coaching people of different cultures. We examine the interaction of cultural differences and ethics in coaching, and the effects of this interaction on coaching cross-culturally. We propose that no one ethic pervades all cultures, and that it is the coach’s responsibility to discern nonjudgmentally those situations, attitudes, and behaviors that reflect ethical dilemmas. We discuss frameworks for understanding cultural values, and how those values drive ethics, and we make distinctions between cultural and individual values in coaching. A key consideration is who will do how much adjusting (client/coach, host/visiting culture, etc.) when it comes to intercultural variances, including ethics.
Pre-Chapter Self-Assessment Test
Answer on a scale of one (1) to five (5), with one (1) being strongly disagree and five (5) being strongly agree:
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