2.2. LDAP Names

Entries in the IBM SecureWay Directory are identified by their names. The characteristics of these names include:

  • They have two forms: a string representation and a URL.

  • They have a uniform syntax.

  • Namespace boundaries are not apparent in them.

A component of a name is called a relative distinguished name (RDN). An RDN represents a point within the namespace hierarchy. RDNs are separated by and concatenated using the comma (“,”). Each RDN is typed. RDNs have the form <type>=<value> for single valued RDNs. The plus sign (“+”) is used to form multi-valued RDNs: <type>=<value>+<type>=<value>.

The <type> is case-insensitive and the <value> is defined to have a particular syntax. The order of RDNs in an LDAP name is the most specific ...

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