TASK 5Execution
The word execute can be defined as to “put into effect,” a synonym for making change and taking action. Execution, the fifth manageable task in analytics, is the task that harvests value by ensuring that beneficial action is taken. Although there must be sustained action in the end for value to be realized, the process of ensuring that appropriate action is taken starts early and continues long after the project has concluded.
To succeed, executives responsible for putting analytics into effect must manage change, which includes making sure it is the right change for the organization and that it is accepted and implemented in the organization in a sustainable way and that it also can be built on in future initiatives. If this task is not done well, not only will this project fail but also it will very likely create distrust in analytics and doom future projects before they even start. Thus, proper execution may be the most important task in using analytics to add value to the firm. No matter how deep the insights, with no action, little is accomplished.
Executives must manage change by ensuring the right analytics actions are put into effect at the right time in the way that most benefits the organization. This means managing the analytics process, which means managing the people championing, creating, using, and affected by the analytics as well as addressing problems that arise along the way.
Yet, this chapter is centered on more than managing ...
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